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Possible Rosary Situation

Pontifite 7 of 10

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"Jimmy" can also use the Virtual Rosary:
[url="http://www.virtualrosary.org/"]Virtual Rosary[/url]

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While God is always interested in results, He also is happy with our efforts. Tell him to keep trying, God understands the effort, and the kid probably recieves more graces than most because it IS such an effort.

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[quote name='heshmafluff' post='1315700' date='Jul 6 2007, 07:45 PM']Non-Catholic with a question:

What is the Rosary? I know it is a prayer, but other than that I know nothing about it...[/quote]

[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2U-wzZdV-jQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2U-wzZdV-jQ[/url] <<<it explains the rosary

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[quote name='Pontifite 7 of 10' post='1315453' date='Jul 6 2007, 05:00 PM']Okay, Jimmy has really bad ADHD, but wants to be a better Catholic and pray the Rosary more. He is 12 years old and can't drive to church to prey the Rosary in public. But he can't do it alone because he gets too sidetracked because of his ADHD. Also his family won't pray with him. The only solution he sees is to pray the Rosary while its on EWTN, but he can't keep his mind on it, because they go really fast and it feels like he's plating beat the clock and cannot concentrate on what intention he's praying for. He remembers his religion teacher thought him "That if you ever fall asleep while praying the Rosary, your Guardian Angle will come down from heaven and finish it for you. So he has this idea, [i]try[/i] to fall asleep during the Rosary so he doesn’t disgrace God.
Is this morally okay? Is he sinning by this idea? Please Debate.[/quote]

So if he can't get it right the first time, he shouldn't bother trying? Sounds good.

Seriously, don't take the Rosary so seriously. :) That thing about your guardian angel finishing your Rosary is more of a nice thought than any kind of doctrine and I highly doubt there's any truth to it at all because the point isn't that you prayed the Rosary or that you finished it, but that your heart is changed by reflecting on the mysteries in the lives of Jesus and Mary. The temptation is to get caught up in "doing" the Rosary because Satan would like it to become another chore like washing dishes. If that's all it is, then the hell with it. Think of the Rosary in a sacramental sense, where the verbal prayers and movement along the beads are only the tangible part of a much deeper meditation in your mind and heart. I really think that praying in that way would even keep an ADHD mind focused, at least for a little while.

Sometimes I pray it while falling asleep, which is kinda fun because you find yourself stumbling over words and forgetting what to say. As long as your desire is to please God and grow closer to Him, you won't disgrace Him.

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