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Possible Rosary Situation

Pontifite 7 of 10

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Pontifite 7 of 10

Okay, Jimmy has really bad ADHD, but wants to be a better Catholic and pray the Rosary more. He is 12 years old and can't drive to church to prey the Rosary in public. But he can't do it alone because he gets too sidetracked because of his ADHD. Also his family won't pray with him. The only solution he sees is to pray the Rosary while its on EWTN, but he can't keep his mind on it, because they go really fast and it feels like he's plating beat the clock and cannot concentrate on what intention he's praying for. He remembers his religion teacher thought him "That if you ever fall asleep while praying the Rosary, your Guardian Angle will come down from heaven and finish it for you. So he has this idea, [i]try[/i] to fall asleep during the Rosary so he doesn’t disgrace God.
Is this morally okay? Is he sinning by this idea? Please Debate.

Edited by Pontifite 7 of 10
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First of all, it is "pray", not "prey". The latter is the victim of a predator. Anywho, I don't know what the child should do. Just keep trying. Ask God for help.

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I would suggest just keep praying the rosary. If he's serious in his intentions then God will know. And the more he does it, the easier it may become. I do believe that praying the rosary is more than just repeating the words, but at the same time if he's really trying then that is what counts. Happens to me all the time.

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Just like all of us, the more he prays it, the better he'll get. Try to remember that the Rosary is a discipline, its not set in stone. You don't want to pray the rosary with the intention of falling asleep.

The reality is that the rosary might be a beneficial weapon against his ADHD.

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Non-Catholic with a question:

What is the Rosary? I know it is a prayer, but other than that I know nothing about it...

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[quote name='heshmafluff' post='1315700' date='Jul 6 2007, 06:45 PM']Non-Catholic with a question:

What is the Rosary? I know it is a prayer, but other than that I know nothing about it...[/quote]

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Click on "How to Pray the Rosary"

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The rosary is a prayer about Jesus. On the surface, you may see Mary, but we're really looking at Christ through her perspective. We can break down the Hail Mary if you like.

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Ora et Labora

It sounds like your friend, Matt, isn't trying hard enough. My own cousin has strong ADHD, and I have met others with it too. They don't have that much of a problem with sitting for 15 minutes. Does he take medication? That might help. :idontknow:

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[quote name='Ora et Labora' post='1315993' date='Jul 6 2007, 09:12 PM']It sounds like your friend, Matt, isn't trying hard enough. My own cousin has strong ADHD, and I have met others with it too. They don't have that much of a problem with sitting for 15 minutes. Does he take medication? That might help. :idontknow:[/quote]

I don't know...I have a hard time paying attention to the rosary at times.

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Ora et Labora

Don't we all Travis? I do too! All the time! I think most Catholics have a hard time concentrating during every minute of the rosary...

I just need to try harder. I think for some that is the bottom line. Maybe not for you. I don't know.

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Pontifite 7 of 10

[quote name='Ora et Labora' post='1315993' date='Jul 6 2007, 11:12 PM']It sounds like your friend, Matt, isn't trying hard enough. My own cousin has strong ADHD, and I have met others with it too. They don't have that much of a problem with sitting for 15 minutes. Does he take medication? That might help. :idontknow:[/quote]
Umm, I made up Jimmy...sorry if that threw anyone off.

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