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Is Smoking Evil?


Is smoking bad for the soul?  

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I was chatting with a baptist friend on the golf course, while he is approaching the tee I grab a cigar from my travel humidor, he hits an amazing shot and after turning to tell me about he almost goes crazy nuts seeing me with my stoagie. He lectures me for 18 holes about how my cigar smoking will not only kill me but send me straight to hell. So what does everyone else think?

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I do not see a problem with smoking. I have maybe 2 cigars a week. I even have seen priests smoking cigars and cigarettes. I think it may be a cutural thing with the baptists. I enjoy the cigars, and I hope theres nothing in the Catechism that says other wise about it. I can see a problem if it becomes an addiction, as it would inhibit one's abilites to complete certain obligations they have with monies or time for their family.

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The catechism says if you drink or use tobacco, to do it in moderation. If they were to suddenly say you can't drink or smoke, then it'd be a matter of whether they contradicted. The absolutist nature of most people would say that they weren't saying essentially "if you sin, sin moderately" as the absolutist would not allow to say that. Then, there's the debate of whether the catechism is even infallible to begin with. You always have to go back and read the actual words of a pope, as he has to have taught it in an official way. You need to study the criteria for infalliblity. Then, you are suppose to submit your intellect and will when something is being taught even non infallibly if it is taught, so you could probably just take what it says as truth even if it's not. (but some would say you don't have to, but if catechism is backed by writing of pope ya do even if the writing isn't complelye official)It is a lot just to figure out this one issue, but that's just the way it goes.

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"Kyrie eleison"

[quote name='gamesfanatic04' post='1311244' date='Jul 3 2007, 03:14 PM']I was chatting with a baptist friend on the golf course, while he is approaching the tee I grab a cigar from my travel humidor, he hits an amazing shot and after turning to tell me about he almost goes crazy nuts seeing me with my stoagie. He lectures me for 18 holes about how my cigar smoking will not only kill me but send me straight to hell. So what does everyone else think?[/quote]

I'm curious, did you let him go on and on or did you share your thoughts on it from a Catholic's point of view.
I have heard fundamentalists who won't even turn on main stream music for fear of the the "devil's music."

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Bad for you, yes. That's not really debatable. Evil, I wouldn't say so. Some fundies get riled about strange things, like using pianos during worship services.

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[quote name='gamesfanatic04' post='1311244' date='Jul 3 2007, 02:14 PM']I was chatting with a baptist friend on the golf course, while he is approaching the tee I grab a cigar from my travel humidor, he hits an amazing shot and after turning to tell me about he almost goes crazy nuts seeing me with my stoagie. He lectures me for 18 holes about how my cigar smoking will not only kill me but send me straight to hell. So what does everyone else think?[/quote]
Sinful in and of itself? No. I tend to think that any addiction is sinful to some extent though. Is cigar smoking and smoking that isn't addictive sinful, probably not.

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Groo the Wanderer

Muslims do not recognize Jews as the chosen people of God,
Jews do not recognize Christ as the Son of God,
Prots do not recognize the Pope as the head of Christ's Church,
and Baptists do not recognize each other at Hooters or the liquor store.


Nuttin scriptural (or Sola Scriptural either) about stogies being a sin. Harming one's body is, however. For some peeps, smoking can be a sin if it is damaging their body and they refuse to stop. For some others, smoking causes no harm or permamnent damage to the body, so definitely not a sin for them.

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[quote name='gamesfanatic04' post='1311244' date='Jul 3 2007, 04:14 PM']I was chatting with a baptist friend on the golf course, while he is approaching the tee I grab a cigar from my travel humidor, he hits an amazing shot and after turning to tell me about he almost goes crazy nuts seeing me with my stoagie. He lectures me for 18 holes about how my cigar smoking will not only kill me but send me straight to hell. So what does everyone else think?[/quote]
I think your first problem was having a Baptist as a friend. :smokey:

I'm just kidding, but he's still wrong.

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[quote name='saint_wannabe' post='1311737' date='Jul 3 2007, 11:11 PM']it is wrong because your destroying the temple of the holy spirit[/quote]
So we should stop burning incense and lighting candles in Church, by that logic. Smoke damage. All those Black Madonnas...

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[quote name='saint_wannabe' post='1311737' date='Jul 3 2007, 10:11 PM']it is wrong because your destroying the temple of the holy spirit[/quote]
Your line of thinking is correct, but you need to prove an occasional cigar [b]destroys[/b] the body. You might say it doesn't do the body any physical good, but then many things fall into that category.

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Inconsiderate Smokers make life very very hard for asthmatics.

Edited by Budge
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I let my game do the talking, so that means I looked like a total goon. I calmly explained that while an incurable addiction to my cigars would be abjectly sinful if it kept me from say going to mass or something of that nature the occasional smoke (maybe once or twice a month, unless it's finals) will only serve to lighten my spirits and ensure I treat the rest of the human race with the dignity they deserve.

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