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Why Catholics Leave


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This is an article by a fallen away Catholic who returned to the Church. I think it is really food for thought for a lot of people on the forum. He is now a Catholic author too. Please read the whole story, but here are a couple of specific quotes to think about:

    To reiterate something I said earlier: Catholics cause Catholics to leave. But Catholics also help Catholics to stay. It all depends on how we are instructed. Because the better we understand the concepts of the Catholic faith the better we can defend our own belief. And the better we understand our own beliefs, the more we can help others understand their beliefs as well.

I believe this one is especially important and really should be thought out:

  The sad part is that many “righteous” Catholics have very ungracious attitudes toward people in the Church. They treat “non-righteous” people as being less than Catholic and subsequently alienate them from the Church. These “non-righteous” Catholics, however, are not necessarily bad people. If anything, a great many of them are saints waiting to be instructed. But the problem is they are very hurt spiritually and, because other Catholics drive them away, they fall into the clutches of the devil.


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The sad part is that many “righteous” Catholics have very ungracious attitudes toward people in the Church.

I think this is if not the biggest, one of the biggest reasons why catholics leave. I havent had a chance to read the article (got much hw to do) but i tottally agree with your little quotes!

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I find it much easier to discuss general Christianity with non-Catholics because they tend to not nit-pick everything you say to death. Not that I'm willing to comprimise the truth, but lay Catholics often get caught focusing on the details of the trees and lose sight of the forest. But that is natural to a Catholic, because or our confidence in the correctness of the details and the big perspective when the Church is graced with the Fullness of the Truth. We need to remember to be patient with each other, we aren't all on the exact same place in our journey of faith.

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Kilroy the Ninja

  dUSt said:
Hmmm... Sounds like the same reasons any person of any denomination might leave.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking.

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the protector

I'd have to agree, even though it's a terrible reason to abandon your religion. However, I really wouldn't consider those people to have really left the Church. In my case, I left because their were things that I couldn't convince myself to believe in.

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  dUSt said:
Hmmm... Sounds like the same reasons any person of any denomination might leave.

I think the point he is trying to make is that the Catholic Church isn't just any other denomination. It was a significant blow to his faith and conscience for people in the Church to act that way.

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  M.SIGGA said:
I think the point he is trying to make is that the Catholic Church isn't just any other denomination. It was a significant blow to his faith and conscience for people in the Church to act that way.

I hate to say it, but even so, if a person leaves the Church on account of what one person, or even more than one, did, then that would seem to indicate a very immature faith on their part. Praise God that that guy's faith matured enough for him to look past the people in the Church to see the Church itself!

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  Dave said:
I hate to say it, but even so, if a person leaves the Church on account of what one person, or even more than one, did, then that would seem to indicate a very immature faith on their part. Praise God that that guy's faith matured enough for him to look past the people in the Church to see the Church itself!

well it's also the fact that this guy is still a human. I consider myself a faithful catholic and it's tough sometimes to keep the faith when you are surrounded by a bunch of hypocrites. I can really relate to this guy in a lot of ways.

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