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[quote]To insult the mother of Jesus is not going to please Him. You certainly cannot make it into heaven with that attitude. I would recommend you learn how to be a Christian before you actually claim to be one. Frankly, at this point I find it quite difficult to believe you are a Christian. In fact, if I met you in person and you spouted off this kind of hatred and nonsense, I would think you were the Anti-Christ. Not to quote Sacred Scripture or anything because we all know you have never cracked the Bible in a day in your messed up so called Christian life: "Get behind me Satan." Your effort are fruitless here. But let me tell you one thing, the next time you you be dissin' my mother, you better be able to defend yourself, because you will go down. Tell your master Satan nice try for me, but you guys lose.[/quote]

The real Mary is in heaven with God, and was a humble lady who loved her son and early member of the church. The apostles did not bow to her in the upper room. The apparitions is not Mary so I am not insulting Mary--the mother of Jesus in the Bible.

The apparitions are NOT mary, and you are deceived in thinking they are.

The personality of the apparitions matches in no way the personality of Mary who loved God in the Bible.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1305801' date='Jun 29 2007, 04:33 PM']The real Mary is in heaven with God, and was a humble lady who loved her son and early member of the church. The apostles did not bow to her in the upper room. The apparitions is not Mary so I am not insulting Mary--the mother of Jesus in the Bible.

The apparitions are NOT mary, and you are deceived in thinking they are.

The personality of the apparitions matches in no way the personality of Mary who loved God in the Bible.[/quote]
Of course she is in heaven with God, but that doesn't preclude her visiting us. Again, you have no proof other than your own opinion.
The Church says its is worthy of belief if we so choose, but is not part of Sacred Tradition, its not required.

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I knew a Catholic who rejected all Marian apparitions.

He believed the Popes were being totally snookered by Fatima and being fooled by a demon.

Are you telling me under official Catholic teaching that this Catholic is still in good standing?

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[quote name='Budge' post='1305831' date='Jun 29 2007, 03:51 PM']I knew a Catholic who rejected all Marian apparitions.[/quote]

You also know Catholics that reject purgatory, the communion of the saints, etc. etc. etc. You seem to trot out all these mysterious "Catholics" with no names, addresses, identity, or existence at your convenience. I'd find it funny, if it wasn't so sad.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1305831' date='Jun 29 2007, 04:51 PM']I knew a Catholic who rejected all Marian apparitions.

He believed the Popes were being totally snookered by Fatima and being fooled by a demon.

Are you telling me under official Catholic teaching that this Catholic is still in good standing?[/quote]

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The flocked to her, then they flocked to Jesus. I think that counts for something... oh wait, Budge is here, maybe I'm on the wrong thread... mental note... Catholics don't believe in Jesus when Budge is around...

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[quote name='Sacred Music Man' post='1305355' date='Jun 29 2007, 04:32 PM']Wow, mee tooo! How's things, TruthSeeker? I was actually recalling all the times Budge was chirping you because she saw the same handle on another forum... Then I thought how much of a hole there has been in the last while cause you haven't been 'round. Welcome back.
I'm with Aalpha1989. I'm taking the Mary bashing personal as well. Respect the Commandments![/quote]

Thanks Sacred,
You're nice:)

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Does anyone know why an important spiritual manifestation would appear before three small children for many months and then present and impart an important message to these three small children to deliver to the proper authorities instead of showing itself to everyone and delivering this important message to the leading authorities personally?

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[quote name='carrdero' post='1309150' date='Jul 2 2007, 06:31 AM']Does anyone know why an important spiritual manifestation would appear before three small children for many months and then present and impart an important message to these three small children to deliver to the proper authorities instead of showing itself to everyone and delivering this important message to the leading authorities personally?[/quote]
Couldn't you ask the same about many appearances of God in the Bible? Couldn't you ask the same about Jesus? Why one man to deliver his message? Why not a big booming voice from the sky that all could hear? Three seems to exceed the Biblical average.

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[quote name='kamiller42' post='1309407' date='Jul 2 2007, 01:21 PM']Couldn't you ask the same about many appearances of God in the Bible? Couldn't you ask the same about Jesus? Why one man to deliver his message? Why not a big booming voice from the sky that all could hear?[/quote]
Yes, yes we could.
[quote]kamiller42 writes: Three seems to exceed the Biblical average.[/quote]
While defying the average Biblical age.

Edited by carrdero
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Catholics are not required to believe the apparitions.

Budge, how do you manage to know everything and not know anything? To your credit, you do know that Mary was very humble and loved God very much. And that she's in the Bible.

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Budge, while the mindless protestantism is absolutely delightful trouncing out anonymous witnesses on teh intraweb is kind of thick skulled even for a lutherite. This is the intraweb my man, I could tell people I'm a 3 foot talking ape at a government facility, or a woman, or you. Just saying it means zippo. Remember the basic rules of rhetoric, you must support with appeals that will expand your argument and shut down debate. For instance, this smiley :smokey: both expands my argument and shuts down debate with his awesomeness. Also, don't talk about my mom dude, uncool.

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