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Aliens Are Demons


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What Are UFO's

By: David Ben Yakov

Why I Am Convinced That Aliens And UFO's Are Satanic?

Most of the "abductees" and "contactees" had their hand in the occult before their experiences with so called extraterrestrials. People who claim to be in contact with aliens use the same bunch of occultic tricks, such as clairvoyance, automatic writing, E.S.P., remote viewing, trance states, Ouija boards, channeling, and meditation. Some of them even try to take spiritual references in the Bible and explain them away as ancient UFO encounters. It is interesting that most of these things have been used for thousands of years to fool people into believing a lie.

There are just too many correlations between the activities of aliens and the activities of the demons and lying angels of old. If it looks evil and it acts evil then it has to be from the evil realm.

What Fruit Do They Bear?

If aliens are indeed demonic, then they should bear fruits of demonic activity. Just look at a list of what happens to abductees after they have had contact with these so called aliens:

- Aliens can alter our perceptions of our surroundings.

- Aliens can control what we think we see. They can appear to us any number of guises and shapes.

- Aliens can be present with us in an invisible state and can make themselves only partially visible.

- Abductees receive marks on their bodies other than the well-known scoops and straight-line scars. These other marks include single punctures, multiple punctures, large bruises, three-and four fingered claw marks, and triangles of every possible sort.

- Female abductees often suffer serious gynecological problems after their alien encounters, and sometimes these problems lead to cysts, tumors, cancer of the breast and uterus, and to hysterectomies.

- A surprising number of abductees suffer from serious illnesses they didn't have before their encounters. These have led to surgery, debilitation, and even death from causes the doctors can't identify.

- Abductees often encounter more than one sort of alien during an experience, not just the grays. Every possible combination of grey, reptoid, insectoid, blond, and widow's peak have been seen during single abductions, aboard the same craft or in the same facility.

- Abductees report being scoffed at, jeered at, and threatened by their alien captors. Painful genital and anal probes are performed... Unknown fluids are injected into some abductees.

- Abductees-"virgin" cases- report being taken to underground facilities where they see grotesque hybrid creatures, nurseries of hybrid humanoid fetuses, and vats of colored liquid filled with parts of human bodies.

- Abductees report seeing other humans in these facilities being drained of blood, being mutilated, flayed, and dismembered, and stacked, lifeless like cords of wood. Some abductees have been threatened that they, too, will end up in this condition if they don't co-operate with their alien captors.

- Aliens come into homes and temporarily remove young children, leaving their distraught parents paralyzed and helpless. In cases where a parent has been able to protest, the aliens insist that "The children belong to us."

- Aliens have forced their human abductees to have sexual intercourse with aliens and even with other abductees while groups of aliens observe these performances. In such encounters, the aliens have sometimes disguised themselves in order to gain the cooperation of the abductee, appearing in such forms as Jesus, the Pope, certain celebrities, and even the dead spouses of the abductees.

- Aliens perform extremely painful experiments or procedures on abductees, saying that these acts are necessary but give no explanation why.....Painful genital and anal probes are performed, on children as well as adults.

- Aliens make predictions of an imminent period of global chaos and destruction. They say that a certain number of humans...will be "rescued" from the planet in order to continue the species, either on another planet or back on earth after the destruction is over.

- Many abductees report they don't believe their alien captors and foresee instead a much more sinister use of the "rescued" humans.

None of the things mentioned above are the result of a benevolent race. They are all forms of torture or terror. The so called extraterrestrials are the ultimate terrorist force; just ask their victims. And it should come as no surprise that the people on earth who perform terror are so versed at it, seeing that their masters (the demonic hordes) are really in control of their actions.

Does the Bible Mention UFO's?

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:37 am Post subject: Aliens Are Demons
What Are UFO's

By: David Ben Yakov

Why I Am Convinced That Aliens And UFO's Are Satanic?

Most of the "abductees" and "contactees" had their hand in the occult before their experiences with so called extraterrestrials. People who claim to be in contact with aliens use the same bunch of occultic tricks, such as clairvoyance, automatic writing, E.S.P., remote viewing, trance states, Ouija boards, channeling, and meditation. Some of them even try to take spiritual references in the Bible and explain them away as ancient UFO encounters. It is interesting that most of these things have been used for thousands of years to fool people into believing a lie.

There are just too many correlations between the activities of aliens and the activities of the demons and lying angels of old. If it looks evil and it acts evil then it has to be from the evil realm.

What Fruit Do They Bear?

If aliens are indeed demonic, then they should bear fruits of demonic activity. Just look at a list of what happens to abductees after they have had contact with these so called aliens:

- Aliens can alter our perceptions of our surroundings.

- Aliens can control what we think we see. They can appear to us any number of guises and shapes.

- Aliens can be present with us in an invisible state and can make themselves only partially visible.

- Abductees receive marks on their bodies other than the well-known scoops and straight-line scars. These other marks include single punctures, multiple punctures, large bruises, three-and four fingered claw marks, and triangles of every possible sort.

- Female abductees often suffer serious gynecological problems after their alien encounters, and sometimes these problems lead to cysts, tumors, cancer of the breast and uterus, and to hysterectomies.

- A surprising number of abductees suffer from serious illnesses they didn't have before their encounters. These have led to surgery, debilitation, and even death from causes the doctors can't identify.

- Abductees often encounter more than one sort of alien during an experience, not just the grays. Every possible combination of grey, reptoid, insectoid, blond, and widow's peak have been seen during single abductions, aboard the same craft or in the same facility.

- Abductees report being scoffed at, jeered at, and threatened by their alien captors. Painful genital and anal probes are performed... Unknown fluids are injected into some abductees.

- Abductees-"virgin" cases- report being taken to underground facilities where they see grotesque hybrid creatures, nurseries of hybrid humanoid fetuses, and vats of colored liquid filled with parts of human bodies.

- Abductees report seeing other humans in these facilities being drained of blood, being mutilated, flayed, and dismembered, and stacked, lifeless like cords of wood. Some abductees have been threatened that they, too, will end up in this condition if they don't co-operate with their alien captors.

- Aliens come into homes and temporarily remove young children, leaving their distraught parents paralyzed and helpless. In cases where a parent has been able to protest, the aliens insist that "The children belong to us."

- Aliens have forced their human abductees to have sexual intercourse with aliens and even with other abductees while groups of aliens observe these performances. In such encounters, the aliens have sometimes disguised themselves in order to gain the cooperation of the abductee, appearing in such forms as Jesus, the Pope, certain celebrities, and even the dead spouses of the abductees.

- Aliens perform extremely painful experiments or procedures on abductees, saying that these acts are necessary but give no explanation why.....Painful genital and anal probes are performed, on children as well as adults.

- Aliens make predictions of an imminent period of global chaos and destruction. They say that a certain number of humans...will be "rescued" from the planet in order to continue the species, either on another planet or back on earth after the destruction is over.

- Many abductees report they don't believe their alien captors and foresee instead a much more sinister use of the "rescued" humans.

None of the things mentioned above are the result of a benevolent race. They are all forms of torture or terror. The so called extraterrestrials are the ultimate terrorist force; just ask their victims. And it should come as no surprise that the people on earth who perform terror are so versed at it, seeing that their masters (the demonic hordes) are really in control of their actions.

Does the Bible Mention UFO's?

Yes, but not in the way most people think. Some people will point to Ezekiel's vision (Ezekiel 1:4- 2 as an example of an Old Testament UFO sighting. But the Being in the vision identified Himself as "the Lord God" (Ezekiel 2: 4). But there are entities described in Scripture who:

Come from the sky:

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 6:12) KJV

Will perform powerful signs and fake miracles:

Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)

Will appear to be something they are not, by means of disguises:

And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. (II Corinthians 11:14-15)

Are going to try to deceive mankind in the latter days:

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; (I Timothy 4:1)

Will try and convince people that Christianity is untrue:

see above (I Timothy 4:1)

Will fool a lot of people:

And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christ's, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For wheresoever the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together. (Matthew 24:4 and 23-25)

These are descriptions of Satan and his demons, and they are also accurate descriptions of today's UFO entities. In these latter days, demons are manifesting themselves as occupants of UFO's for the purpose of deceiving mankind into believing in a false religion. The "abductions" never really happened in the physical sense. They are false memories inserted in the minds of people who have opened themselves up to this kind of thing by occult practices. There are many doors that people can open to expose themselves to the spiritual realm. Some doors are obvious but many are so vague that they cannot be seen except by the trained eye. The "contactees" who claim to be receiving information from aliens by psychic means are spirit mediums, no different than the Witch of Endor mentioned in the 28th chapter of I Samuel.

The Purpose Behind Sexual Experiments:

Many of those who have abducted by these beings have had procedures of a sexual nature performed on them. According to the abductees, sperm is taken from the men, eggs from the women and some women claim to have been impregnated by the creatures. One cannot fully understand the ramifications or reasoning's behind these acts without doing a little study of a time in the past when these practices were common.

In the sixth chapter of Genesis, we find a short blurb on an event that occurred that often gets overlooked, probably because it is confusing. The passage says:

And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. Genesis 6:1-4

Now, the scripture sounds sort of innocuous until you do a word study and find out what the words mean in Hebrew. First, the words, "sons of God," would probably make the reader think of the men on Earth who followed His ways and didn't stray from the truth. In actuality, that phrase, which in the Hebrew is pronounced B'nai Elohim, is always used to denote angels.

Now, the passage goes on to say that these B'nai Elohim took any of the daughters of men that they chose. Again, the English translation does the scripture an injustice. In the Hebrew, the connotation is that they were forcefully taken from their families and had sex forcefully thrust upon them. In modern terms, they were abducted and raped.

The offspring of these unions were called Nephilim. Our English Bibles were translated from the Greek, and the Greek word that is used is translated "giants," in the English. That word, in the Greek, means "Earth dwellers," which is strange because all men were earth dwellers. So why the special distinction? It is because they were half human and half angel, offspring of angels, who because they were half human, were bound to the Earth. The Hebrew word, "Nephilim," which comes from the root word, "nephal," means, "the fallen ones." Hence, they were children of fallen angels and women, who had some supernatural powers but who were bound to Earth. It all comes together when you look at the root words.

At the end of the passage, we read that these creatures were heroes and men of renown. Now, that sounds like they were pretty nice people. But, if you do a word study, the Hebrew shows a different picture. The word "hero," can be translated to mean "tyrant" in Hebrew. The word "renown" takes on a whole different flavor, meaning men in authority and men who were infamous. Looking at a Webster's dictionary, we come to find that the word infamous means, "notoriously vile and detestable." So, to put it all together, they ware tyrannical men in authority who were notoriously vile and detestable. Not the sort of guys you want dating your daughter.

Now, we are sort of at a disadvantage because the Bible sort of just leave the subject after only a couple of verses. There are other ancient Hebrew writings that go onto more detail about the subject. One, the Book of Enoch, goes into much more depth about this. You can read this account by clicking here. There's just too much content to include in this text.

The Nephilim were a bad breed. According to Enoch, they exhausted all of the resources of mankind and corrupted nearly the whole gene pool. Enoch even suggests that when they were at their worse, they even cannibalized men. God had enough of this and caused the Nephilim to fight against each other until they all slew each other. The fallen angels were forced to watch this and then they were denied access to heaven and furthermore, they were chained in a dark abode where they could not taint mankind anymore.

Enoch quotes God where the souls of the Nephilim are concerned:

And now, the giants, who are produced from the spirits and flesh, shall be called evil spirits upon the earth, and on the earth shall be their dwelling. Evil spirits have proceeded from their bodies; because they are born from men and from the holy Watchers is their beginning and primal origin; they shall be evil spirits on earth, and evil spirits shall they be called. [As for the spirits of heaven, in heaven shall be their dwelling, but as for the spirits of the earth which were born upon the earth, on the earth shall be their dwelling.] And the spirits of the giants afflict, oppress, destroy, attack, do battle, and work destruction on the earth, and cause trouble: they take no food, but nevertheless hunger and thirst, and cause offences. And these spirits shall rise up against the children of men and against the women, because they have proceeded from them. Enoch 15: 8-12

For those who have always wondered about where demons come from, you now have the answer. This also accounts for ghosts, poltergeists, goblins, ogres, fairies, and the voices behind channelers, fortune tellers and other types of mediums.

Now, it is the goal of every demon to possess a human being. They'll possess any animal, but they prize possessing humans. By possessing a human, they know that they have a chance to ruin the plans that God has for His creation and the beings that He loves, humankind. When they possess a human, they have the ability to deceive mankind with doctrines of demons and all sorts of lies.

So, why all the sexual experiments and such that are performed on abductees? Well, the world is sort of sophisticated these days, and the Holy Spirit roams the Earth too. He holds back a lot of trouble that would ensue if He weren't here. Also, mankind has been endowed over the years with a knowledge that the unknown is usually dangerous, especially where demonic activity is concerned. The fallen angels who corrupted the seed of mankind before the flood are locked up tight and can't mingle with women anymore either. Point is, the demons need a place to live, and if they can't get that place with much ease, they will create a place.

I am convinced, that all of the sexual things that are done to abductees are done so with the express idea of creating spiritless beings that the demons will be able to inhabit. These mock humans will look like us and for the most part act like us, but they will be the vehicle that will be used to deceive mankind.

You see, Satan no longer has to worry about corrupting the physical seed of God, because he failed at that when Jesus was born; so he is set on corrupting any spiritual advance for the Kingdom of God. When God calls the Church out of this world, taking the Holy Spirit with it, then the powers of darkness will be free to reign. The demonic possessed beings will then be free to deceive the rest of mankind.

I also have a notion that in the days to come, these beings will mingle with the daughters of men once more, with the express idea of creating a corrupt race in total rebellion toward God. Many demons tend to have a sexual allure, but lack the body to commit acts. If they inhabit these mock bodies, they will be able to corrupt mankind. Jesus said something very interesting about the last days of human rule here on Earth:

But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, Matthew 24:36-38

A question to ask is does the marrying and giving in marriage spoken of by our Lord Jesus denote that the women in that future day (or perhaps today) will be accosted like they were back in Noah's day, or did He just mean that people would be getting married like usual.


Perhaps this document has caused you to think seriously about the nature of UFO's. You may agree with me or you might think that I am just another one of those religious fanatics who is trying to force religion on you, but I didn't make you turn to this page. You might even think me a great fool. If I am a fool with weird ideas then I will be embarrassed someday and have to live with the consequences of what I have compiled here. If however I am right (and history will prove that I am) you might have to start thinking about the ramifications that the UFO debacle might have on your life, and in the afterlife.

If you still have doubts about what I have said then I challenge you to read more about the subject. There are many places on the web where you can research what I have written. I also challenge you to ask God to reveal truth to you. If you in fact are interested in bringing an end to these experiences there is a tried and true way of doing it. I refer you to a website that deals with this subject.

The men who run the site have had their own experiences with alien abduction and have been freed from this ordeal. They would love to help you to rid yourself of your visitations and abductions. Click here to go to their page.

David Ben Yakov

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The only way you can conclusively prove this hypothesis is to capture an alien and either talk to it or dissect it.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1304103' date='Jun 28 2007, 08:09 AM']The only way you can conclusively prove this hypothesis is to capture an alien and either talk to it or dissect it.[/quote]
I hear they are keeping some underground near Roswell ... you might start there.

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I think aliens are demons. They are not from this planet, and they are here to deceive the majority of people.

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Truthseeker, since most Catholics here have no problem embracing chimeras, sadly I think most will embrace aliens with no exceptions--well actually they already have.

The demons {in a form they can deceive moderns in} will show up and there will be plenty of suckers to match down the pathway to perdition.

By the way there is overlap between UFO demonic "apparitions" and Marian apparitions.

Get this book and read it.


[quote]An Instant Classic, July 24, 2005
Reviewer: Dante Rosati (Mannahatta) - See all my reviews
First published in 1982(!) in Portuguese (which has kept it
virtually invisible to most of UFOlogical community), this book
is now published in translation, complete with an imprimatur in
the form of a forward by Jacques Vallee.

What do you get if you take away the Christian interpretation
from the Fatima apparitions? Only the largest and most dramatic
mass UFO sighting in history, witnessed by ~50,000 people!

In this meticulous phenomenological presentation, the authors
have dug deep into the historical record as only Portuguese
speaking researchers could, tracking down accounts from the time
in the form of newspapers, meteorological reports, letters
written by witnesses to their relatives, and even a couple of
eye witnesses still alive when they were doing their research.

What is crucial here was going back to the original testimonies
and stories. Lucia, the primary "seer" ("experiencer"?), later
entered a convent, and her story became progressively more and
more attuned to the Catholic paradigm, her writings made
subject to approval by Church authorities. The authors have put
less emphasis on these later "official" versions, and relied
more on the first reports. Lucia originally never said it was
the Virgin Mary she saw, it was the adults around her that
jumped to that conclusion. Based on the time and culture they
lived in, how else could they have interpreted it?

What emerges is something far stranger and less easy to
interpret than a "simple" Marian apparition. Through careful
analysis and comparison with other UFO cases, they show that
most if not all elements present in the Fatima apparitions are
found throughout the UFO literature as well.

Of course the unique element of this case is the mass sighting
on October 13, 1917, when a large crowd of approximately 50,000
people including all social classes from farmers to professors
and journalists witnessed a whole host of dramatic phenomena
involving the sun (or possibly a craft or energy phenomena
appearing similar to the sun), strange atmospheric effects, as
well as objects traveling through the sky, some apparently with
occupants. There is a chapter of statistical analysis of witness
testimonies, correlation of descriptions of the event from four
towns using trigonometry, as well as discussion of chromatic,
thermal and atmospheric effects, mechanical breakdowns,
simultaneous cures, and much more.

While others have raised the issue of Fatima in relation to the
UFO phenomena, this book is the first to my knowledge to present
in-depth original research on anything like this scale. I
believe it is indeed an instant (20 years later!) classic
describing one of the most important cases on record.[/quote]

Marian apparitions and UFOS are the same signs and wonders from Satan.

Mary and the aliens always show up with a bright light...

[angels of light]

Mary and the aliens always show up in rural areas to the poor and uneducated types.

Bright lights in the sky always accompany both of them.

Mary and the aliens "heal" illnesses.

Often the people are put into trance like states.

[mod]Sacrilegious image of Our Lady = whack - L_D[/mod]

[quote]"I feel incapable of describing what I saw, I looked fixedly at the sun, which seemed pale and did not hurt my eyes [maybe it did not look like the sun because it wasn't the sun... it was a UFO - ww]. Looking like a ball of snow, revolving on itself, it suddenly seemed to come down in a zig-zag, menacing the earth. Terrified, I ran and hid myself among the people, who were weeping and expecting the end of the world at any moment."[/quote]

Most folks have NOT BEEN TOLD, that the Fatima "seers" had encounted a UFO ... BEFORE the Marian apparitions started appearing...

Note that ALL the appearances happened on the 13th of the month { a key occultic day, each month }
[quote]:Before their meetings with the lady, the three children also had encounters with an angel.

At the time of the first encounter they were tending their sheep at a rocky knoll not far from their home.[b] They saw across the valley a dazzling globe of light like a miniature sun, gliding slowly towards them. { UFO vehicle } As it approached, the ball of light gradually resolved itself into a brilliantly shining young man, who seemed to be about fourteen years old. {[/b] Alien encounter } He identified himself as the "Angel of Peace" and enjoined them to recite the following prayer:

"My God, I believe, I adore, I hope, I love Thee. I ask pardon for those who do not believe, nor adore, nor hope, nor love Thee." Then he disappeared by fading away.[/quote]


So, there you have it!

FIRST a UFO "spaceship" comes to them, they encounter an alien posing as "AN ANGEL OF LIGHT" { sound familiar? } and only LATER...

Do they start seeing "Mary appear!"
Totally authentic as to what I am driving at here to get you to see, that the UFO's and MARIAN APPARITIONS are one and the same thing.[/b]


Edited by Laudate_Dominum
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[quote name='Terra Firma' post='1304159' date='Jun 28 2007, 09:55 AM']I hear they are keeping some underground near Roswell ... you might start there.[/quote]
Well according to one of these guys (don't remember whether it was Truthseeker or one of his buddies), they also like to hang out at this shopping mall in SLC, if I remember correctly.

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[quote name='Winchester' post='1304158' date='Jun 28 2007, 10:54 AM']Have you ever thought of pursuing a career with the Enquirer?[/quote]

haha....my sentiment exactly...

[quote name='Budge' post='1304420' date='Jun 28 2007, 02:57 PM']Truthseeker, since most Catholics here have no problem embracing chimeras, sadly I think most will embrace aliens with no exceptions--well actually they already have.

The demons {in a form they can deceive moderns in} will show up and there will be plenty of suckers to match down the pathway to perdition.

By the way there is overlap between UFO demonic "apparitions" and Marian apparitions.

Get this book and read it.

Marian apparitions and UFOS are the same signs and wonders from Satan.

Mary and the aliens always show up with a bright light...

[angels of light]

Mary and the aliens always show up in rural areas to the poor and uneducated types.

Bright lights in the sky always accompany both of them.

Mary and the aliens "heal" illnesses.

Often the people are put into trance like states.

[i]"Naht gunnah do it." - George Bush Sr.[/i]


Most folks have NOT BEEN TOLD, that the Fatima "seers" had encounted a UFO ... BEFORE the Marian apparitions started appearing...

Note that ALL the appearances happened on the 13th of the month { a key occultic day, each month }
So, there you have it!

FIRST a UFO "spaceship" comes to them, they encounter an alien posing as "AN ANGEL OF LIGHT" { sound familiar? } and only LATER...

Do they start seeing "Mary appear!"
Totally authentic as to what I am driving at here to get you to see, that the UFO's and MARIAN APPARITIONS are one and the same thing.[/b]


for a bible thumping christian you sure have issues believe God can do what he wants. why shouldnt he send his own mother to warn us of impending doom shoudl we not repent? our lady of fatima warned us to pray for the conversion of russia....yes that sounds extremely demonic, especially since stalin was most likely possessed by a demon....Jesus said that a house pitted against itself cannot stand when he was accused of exorcising demons with the power of the devil. This is exactly the same thing. use your brain. a demon wouldn't tell us to pray against another demon. duh.

oh by the way. i'm ok when you attack priests. i'm ok when you attack bishops. i dont care what you say because most of what you say is so ridiculous that anyone with common sense will laugh at you. but this is different. don't say things like that about my mom. i'm sure most people here are with me when they say that i take your mary bashing personal.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1304420' date='Jun 28 2007, 01:57 PM']Truthseeker, since most Catholics here have no problem embracing chimeras, sadly I think most will embrace aliens with no exceptions--well actually they already have.

The demons {in a form they can deceive moderns in} will show up and there will be plenty of suckers to match down the pathway to perdition.

By the way there is overlap between UFO demonic "apparitions" and Marian apparitions.

Get this book and read it.

Marian apparitions and UFOS are the same signs and wonders from Satan.

Mary and the aliens always show up with a bright light...

[angels of light]

Mary and the aliens always show up in rural areas to the poor and uneducated types.

Bright lights in the sky always accompany both of them.

Mary and the aliens "heal" illnesses.

Often the people are put into trance like states.

[img]http://www.alienshift.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/effthat.jpg[/img] busted :-P


Most folks have NOT BEEN TOLD, that the Fatima "seers" had encounted a UFO ... BEFORE the Marian apparitions started appearing...

Note that ALL the appearances happened on the 13th of the month { a key occultic day, each month }
So, there you have it!

FIRST a UFO "spaceship" comes to them, they encounter an alien posing as "AN ANGEL OF LIGHT" { sound familiar? } and only LATER...

Do they start seeing "Mary appear!"
Totally authentic as to what I am driving at here to get you to see, that the UFO's and MARIAN APPARITIONS are one and the same thing.[/b]

Absolutely ridiculous. :rolleyes:

Those quotes get so many things wrong about the events at Fatima, its not even funny. (They go through quite a stretch trying to turn it into a "space alien" story.)

I'd recommend reading Dr. Warren Carroll's [i]1917: Red Banners, White Mantle[/i] instead (Or you might try reading some of the actual words of Sr. Lucia on the subject.)

Those lunatics you quote are just out to make a buck from the gullible New Age UFO space cadet crowd.
Many of these same folks claim that the Lord God in the Old Testament was really some sort of horrific space monster, and a few even claim that Christ Himself may be an alien or human/alien hybrid, among other blasphemous lunacies.

It seems you'll uncritically swallow absolutely everything and anything you think you might be able to use to bash the Catholic Church with.
Truly pathetic.

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[quote name='desertwoman' post='1304250' date='Jun 28 2007, 11:42 AM']I think aliens are demons. They are not from this planet, and they are here to deceive the majority of people.[/quote]
I'm in agreement with desertwoman on this one. Aliens = Demons = Attacks on Christainity.

Many 'aliens' openly say you shouldn't believe on Jesus Christ, you shouldn't read the Bible and many other things.

On Budge's crusade, I hate to say this, but that is going overboard. I would like to just tell you what you tell me so many times, many people aren't going to recognize the warning signs when it is happening. I agree with you, too many times people will accept something spiritual is of God, but really allowing the seductive doctrines of devils into their lives. But you can't hit them over the head with stuff like that.

Budge, a Christian should know when they are following the Lord or not. When they are following, people will do two things, one group of people will go, wow that's right, and they will defend you when you make statements. The other group try to go against you.

What you experience in your posts is a kind rebuke from me, saying - test the spirits, and see if they are of God when you post up here on this forum. And the second responses are similar to this one - New low, el Budge-o...

Edited by GodChaser
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