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Praying For Purgatory?


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[quote name='reyb' post='1348899' date='Aug 3 2007, 09:47 PM'][indent]This 'suffering' (in the above verse) is what you called 'suffering in purgatory'?[/indent][/quote]

No. It is not. It was to show that Christ's sacrifice doesn't prevent one from going thru suffering. Once that is out of the way, purgatory can be addressed.

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Hmmm. Budge may have me blocked me thinks. Either that or she can't figure out any response to my biblical proofs for her.

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White Knight

[quote name='kujo' post='1303317' date='Jun 27 2007, 02:21 PM']Hey ya'll. I was thinking the other day...would it be okay for a Catholic to [b]pray for purgatory[/b]? I mean, if purgatory is a place where we go to prepare our souls for heaven, is it something we can strive for? I don't really know very much about the Church's teachings on purgatory, so anything you have to say on the matter is greatly appreciated.[/quote]

All though while its good for individual Catholics to pray for souls in the state or condition of Purgatory for them to be brought into the Presence of Most Blessed Holy Trinity in Heaven, the best prayer for this is to didicate a Mass to them, which is often said anyway, however you sould still do it even after the Mass is finished, praying on a individual basis for souls in purgatory outside of Mass is not a bad thing at all. :)

[b]Also to clear up any confusion yes I did say "State" or "Condition" of the soul for Purgatory, incase you haven't heard before Purgatory is not a place but rather a state of the soul a state of purification for the final preparation for the soul to enter eternal presence of God in Heaven.[/b]

Also Mass is often said for those souls in Purgatory often at the intercessory prayer service right after the Homily and Profession of Faith (The Creed). however the prayer is usually last.

Edited by White Knight
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For prose:

[i]Proverbs 17
3 As silver is tried by fire, and gold in the furnace: so the Lord trieth the hearts.[/i]
Has nothing to do with Purgatory but the process of sanctification in this life!

3 Malachi 3
2 And who shall be able to think of the day of his coming? And who shall stand to see him? For he is like a refining fire, and like the fuller's herb: 3 And he shall sit refining and cleansing the silver, and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and shall refine them as gold, and as silver, and they shall offer sacrifices to the Lord in justice[/i].

If Jesus's blood PURIFIES, as I said why a need for purgatory?
4 Malachi 7
8 Rejoice not, thou, my enemy, over me, because I am fallen: I shall arise, when I sit in darkness, the Lord is my light. 9 I will bear the wrath of the Lord, because I have sinned against him; until he judge my cause and execute judgment for me: he will bring me forth into the light, I shall behold his justice.

OT, are we still under the law?

yes or no.

5 Zacharias 9
11Thou also by the blood of thy testament hast sent forth thy prisoners out of the pit, wherein is no water.[/i]

The blood of Christ cleanses us.

[i]6 2 Machabees 12
43 And making a gathering, he sent twelve thousand drachms of silver to Jerusalem for sacrifice to be offered for the sins of the dead, thinking well and religiously concerning the resurrection, 44 (For if he had not hoped that they that were slain should rise again, it would have seemed superfluous and vain to pray for the dead,) 45 And because he considered that they who had fallen asleep with godliness, had great grace laid up for them. 46 It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins.[/i]

False book.

[i]7 Matthew 5
25 Be at agreement with thy adversary betimes, whilst thou art in the way with him: lest perhaps the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison. 26 Amen I say to thee, thou shalt not go out from thence till thou repay the last farthing.[/i]

Misuse of this verse. Hey if you do not accept the free gift of salvation in Jesus Christ, you will be responsible for the last farthing.
8 Matthew 12
32 And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but he that shall speak against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, nor in the world to come.[/i]

When you reject the Holy Spirit, putting faith in a false religious system, instead of in Christ, this is a the sin against the Holy Spirit.

Even this thread shows this, as you tell me there is no such thing as a free gift of salvation, that you MUST PAY FOR EVERY SIN ever committed.
Rom 6:14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace[/b]

9 Matthew 18
34 And his lord being angry, delivered him to the torturers until he paid all the debt. 35 So also shall my heavenly Father do to you, if you forgive not every one his brother from your hearts.

You expect God to deliever you to torturers?

if your own HUMAN father even the meanest and gruffest would do that, why would a Loving God?

This is for those who never are born again, forgiveness is possible via the Holy Spirt.

[i]10 Luke 12
47 And that servant who knew the will of his lord, and prepared not himself, and did not according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. 48 But he that knew not, and did things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. And unto whomsoever much is given, of him much shall be required: and to whom they have committed much, of him they will demand the more.

Chastisement during ones life.

God is not going to beat you when you get home if you are saved Christian.

Did the father who welcomed the Prodigal Son get out his belt for a beat down on him?

[i]11 1 Corinthians 3
15 If any man's work burn, he shall suffer loss; but he himself shall be saved, yet so as by fire.[/i]

Savlatioin is not based on works. Ie many of our "works" life achievements can liberally be burned up, salvation is what is important, this doesnt mean youre going to get BURNED into salvation.

[i]12 1 Corinthians 15
29 Otherwise what shall they do that are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not again at all? why are they then baptized for them?[/i]

Numbering here is confusing

Youre not going to tell me this means baptized the dead are you? like mormons or something.

[i]13 Philippians 2
10 That in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those that are in heaven, on earth, and under the earth:[/i]

Sure but doesnt mean theres a purgatory.

14 1 Peter 3
19 In which also coming he preached to those spirits that were in prison:
[quote]15 Revelation 21
27 There shall not enter into it any thing defiled, or that worketh abomination or maketh a lie, but they that are written in the book of life of the Lamb.[/quote]

we are made righteous and pure through Christ and cleansed in His Blood.
Hbr 10:19 Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus,[/b]

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