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[url="http://insightscoop.typepad.com/2004/2007/06/schismatic-nuns.html"]Here is the article[/url]
About 15 of these schismatic sisters have left their congregation and now hope to found a new one in full communion with the Holy See. They will need lots of prayers as they try to do this. :sign:

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[quote name='philosobrat' post='1303127' date='Jun 27 2007, 10:41 AM']That is great! :)[/quote]


PHANTASTIC! Thanks for the post!

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[quote name='HeavenlyCalling' post='1303048' date='Jun 27 2007, 06:23 AM'][url="http://insightscoop.typepad.com/2004/2007/06/schismatic-nuns.html"]Here is the article[/url]
About 15 of these schismatic sisters have left their congregation and now hope to found a new one in [u]full [/u]communion with the Holy See. They will need lots of prayers as they try to do this. :sign:[/quote]
Praised be Jesus Christ!

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the lords sheep

I am so glad to hear that they are returning to Rome. May the Lord bless them for their courage and their conviction!

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Sr Mary Catharine OP

Yes, I 've known about this for a few weeks. They need our prayers because I'm sure it's a very painful situation.

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[quote name='Sr. Mary Catharine' post='1303536' date='Jun 27 2007, 04:25 PM']Yes, I 've known about this for a few weeks. They need our prayers because I'm sure it's a very painful situation.[/quote]
I'm sure it is very painful.

Thank God they have had the grace to make the choice they made.

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:D: Wow,that's great! I'm sure it was a hard decision for them to make and wish them well.I'm at work and can't check this out,it won't let me. Will have to go to the library to do so.
However,I thought that they had already gone back to Rome,but i guess I was wrong.
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Wow, this is truly amazing.... I admit there were sometimes where I looked at their site and thought, if only they were in communion with Rome. I know this transition is hard for everyone involved, but I think loads of grace are headed for these sisters.

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[quote name='ThyHolyLove' post='1304392' date='Jun 28 2007, 02:12 PM']Wow, this is truly amazing.... I admit there were sometimes where I looked at their site and thought, if only they were in communion with Rome. I know this transition is hard for everyone involved, but I think loads of grace are headed for these sisters.[/quote]

I agree. I often thought that myself. A seminarian friend of mine from WA knew them and said that they were the nicest sisters and always loved going to visit them, even though they were not in union with Rome. Evidentially the rumblings of reconciliation had begun a while back.

I cannot imagine leaving the community you were professed in and going to start a new one like they are --- that must be SO VERY difficult and heart breaking. They are definitely in my prayers. it is very courageous.

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[quote name='philosobrat' post='1304723' date='Jun 28 2007, 07:34 PM']I agree. I often thought that myself. A seminarian friend of mine from WA knew them and said that they were the nicest sisters and always loved going to visit them, even though they were not in union with Rome. Evidentially the rumblings of reconciliation had begun a while back.

I cannot imagine leaving the community you were professed in and going to start a new one like they are --- that must be SO VERY difficult and heart breaking. They are definitely in my prayers. it is very courageous.[/quote]


I think they are probably pumped with the Holy Spirit! My guess is that they are also experiencing great joy and peace because they are coming into the truth and coming home. The Lord offers such good consolation to his faithful!

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Good to read. I don't mind the SSPX but I am not a fan of the CMRI because of their sede-vecantist stance. What is the name of their new order?

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