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Unbelieveable: Catholic Bishops Defend Human-animal Hybrids


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[quote name='Budge' post='1305333' date='Jun 29 2007, 10:00 AM']You know what is creepy, here you are DEFENDING this stuff, and the Catholics who all have pretended they are against these experiments have not said one word against them since you came on.[/quote]

Please point out where I have defended experimentation on Human embryos?

Failing that, I'll accept your apology.

Since [b]everyone else[/b] has already agreed that they are ethically and morally wrong, the discussion turned to correcting your hysteria-spawning errors of fact. You are spreading information that has been empirically proven to be false, due to your desire to hold forth on a subject you have no education in (nor the desire to attain such).

Edited by MichaelF
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[quote]So when Jesus said, ""Do not think that I have come to bring peace upon the earth. I have come to bring not peace but the sword", do you believe he literally brought with him a steel sword to wave around? Do you think Jesus may have been speaking metaphorically? Are we supposed to accept the literal translation of this statement? Please do tell.[/quote]

A person who believes in the inerrancy of Gods Word can still accept "figurative language"

GIven you are in a church that believes world peace is best brought about by the UN and in a Vatican that wants to build God's kingdom for him, dont contradict yourself so much, you really do not believe the above in either sense.

[quote]I'm far from liberal.[/quote]

So why play the race card here with your friends like your name is Al Sharpton?

[quote]Hate to break it to you Budge, we have the same instinct. All of these animal instincts reside within our collective unconscious.[/quote]

"collective unconscious"?

I think that makes you more a Jungian then a Christian.

[quote]On the other hand, Man was given a soul, and the wisdom and knowledge to "choose" (therefore freewill), and to abide by the moral absolute. We "kill to eat" just like other animals. We just do it more efficiently and with more cruelty[/quote]

So humans are more cruel when they kill to eat, we go chasing our cows and chickens through the fields ready to rip them apart with our teeth?

There again the ramfications of what human-animal hybrids would really mean goes WOOSHING over your head.

As I said go join Peta, they are against "cruel" human beings and really do think the world should be given back to the animals. Im sure if they are in the future theyll fight for chimera "rights" along with your bishops. Hopefully by then God would have put an end to this world.

[quote]. Pointing out that there are differences between the survival instincts between animals and men shows your exceptional lack of education. Knowledge is key to gaining God's intimacy. As long as you make yourself ignorant to knowledge, you will hold God at arm's length.[/quote]

For all the blathering about my lack of education, I am seeing a lot of doh! moments coming from posters here. "collective unconscious" isnt a Christian concept, and neither is "cruel" human beings because they have dominion over animals.

You are a liberal and just dont realize it. A future Jungian PETA member.

May as well admit it and go join with this guy...


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[quote name='MichaelF' post='1305341' date='Jun 29 2007, 10:16 AM']Please point out where I have defended experimentation on Human embryos?

Failing that, I'll accept your apology.[/quote]
Good luck on that one.

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[quote]Please point out where I have defended experimentation on Human embryos?

Failing that, I'll accept your apology.[/quote]

Forget it.

1. You have disagreed with me throught this thread, at the very least INDIRECTLY defending these actions of science.

2. This was your only understated "outrage" {a weak doubleminded response}

[quote]" I (like the Bishops) do not support experimentation on those who cannot provide Informed Consent."[/quote]
{but gee you support experimentation on those who say Sure!"

Mengele couldnt have said it better.

[quote]Since everyone else has already agreed that they are ethically and morally wrong,[/quote]

Wow for people who think its wrong its interesting how youve defended it so much.

[quote]the discussion turned to correcting your hysteria-spawning errors of fact. You are spreading information that has been empirically proven to be false, due to your desire to hold forth on a subject you have no education in (nor the desire to attain such).[/quote]

I made ONE error, and that was about human DNA being taken out before the animal DNA was added, you made it clear they do not take any out before they add.

And for your claims I am "hysterical" this is more seared conscience stuff, you cant even get bothered about these things enough to disagree beyond that lame weak "informed consent" comment.

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Archaeology cat


One can disagree with a practice and still be irritated when it is either misrepresented or misunderstood. All MichaelF was doing was explaining what was really going on, while also expressing his personal disagreement with the practice of creating the hybrids. I personally appreciated his explanation, as I have learned more about the process for this.

Anyway, I agree that scientists should not be creating these "hybrids", but I won't call for their destruction, either. I don't believe it is our place to call for their destruction once they have already been created (asking for the research to stop is perfectly acceptable, and something we should do, IMO).

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[quote name='Budge' post='1305304' date='Jun 29 2007, 09:30 AM']{I have noticed any outrage against this stuff even being done has been extremely muted here}[/quote]

These are some comments from the first page... I'm too lazy to reread the whole thread. I don't see anyone in favor of experimenting with these creation...

[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1302037' date='Jun 26 2007, 10:12 AM']sigh
You are missing the point. The Bishops are against them being made at all.[/quote]

[quote name='SJP' post='1302091' date='Jun 26 2007, 11:38 AM'][url="http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/pontifical_academies/acdlife/documents/rc_pont-acd_life_doc_20040316_x-gen-assembly-final_en.html"]http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/pontific...y-final_en.html[/url]






[quote name='Era Might' post='1302094' date='Jun 26 2007, 11:43 AM']This kind of scientific manipulation is absolutely immoral,[/quote]

[quote name='SJP' post='1302099' date='Jun 26 2007, 11:51 AM']Agreed, it's an abomination[/quote]

[quote name='Archaeology cat' post='1302212' date='Jun 26 2007, 12:43 PM']As for the topic, I agree that chimeras should not be made,[/quote]

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[quote name='Budge' post='1304407' date='Jun 28 2007, 02:36 PM']You dont have a reason to be so rude. You sure seem pretty proud of yourself and smug as well.[/quote]
Hello, Irony Patrol? I have a pot and kettle incident at Phatmass...

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[quote name='Budge' post='1305317' date='Jun 29 2007, 09:38 AM']Seared consciences, that is all I can say.[/quote]
I think it matches quite nicely with your charred intellect.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1305354' date='Jun 29 2007, 10:31 AM']1. You have disagreed with me throught this thread, at the very least INDIRECTLY defending these actions of science.[/quote]

That about says it all.

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[quote]A person who believes in the inerrancy of Gods Word can still accept "figurative language"[/quote]

That's about the smartest thing I've heard you say. Tell me, what is the "literal" meaning of Genesis? And what is the pure definition of "inerrancy" as related to the Bible? You just contradicted yourself with this statement. Accepting "figurative language and literary devices used to project the Word of God and believing in the inerrancy of it" is the epitome of the Catholic Church.

[quote]GIven you are in a church that believes world peace is best brought about by the UN and in a Vatican that wants to build God's kingdom for him, dont contradict yourself so much, you really do not believe the above in either sense.[/quote]

no....not [i]in[/i] a church.....but [i]the[/i] church. don't forget that.
[quote]So why play the race card here with your friends like your name is Al Sharpton?[/quote]

I wasn't even in that conversation. But that doesn't matter to you does it? BTW-the whole "race card" argument like...doesn't even relate to Michael's original statement. Your logic is confusing. My nephew is more logical...and he's three.
[quote]I think that makes you more a Jungian then a Christian.[/quote]

No, I think that makes me a Christian who has studied Jung's concept of the "collective unconscious", which is genius by the way, especially when it explains the archetypes we find in Christian mythological stories like LOTR and Narnia.

[quote]So humans are more cruel when they kill to eat, we go chasing our cows and chickens through the fields ready to rip them apart with our teeth?

There again the ramfications of what human-animal hybrids would really mean goes WOOSHING over your head.[/quote]

WOW! What did humans do to catch chickens 2000 years ago? Why did they have to use sharp wooden objects instead of their teeth?

[quote]For all the blathering about my lack of education, I am seeing a lot of doh! moments coming from posters here. "collective unconscious" isnt a Christian concept, and neither is "cruel" human beings because they have dominion over animals.[/quote]

Well DUH! (yeah, Budge, it's Duh, not Doh-yeah you know that education you're talking about?). Okay, Budge, with your wonderful education, please explain how the "collective unconscious" is not a Christian concept? And be sure to first explain what a "Christian concept" really is and what characteristics must be fulfilled to become a Christian concept.

[quote]A future Jungian PETA member.[/quote]

I mention "collective unconscious" and now I'm a future Jungian PETA member. Your logic is borderline sacrilegious.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1305354' date='Jun 29 2007, 10:31 AM']Forget it.

1. You have disagreed with me throught this thread, at the very least INDIRECTLY defending these actions of science.

2. This was your only understated "outrage" {a weak doubleminded response}[/quote]
You didn't rate on the Budge Meter O' Outrage, so she's sending you straight to Hell.

As soon as she backs her wide load trailer out of the Box Canyon of Stupidity.

Nazi card pulled and placed back into deck.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1305354' date='Jun 29 2007, 10:31 AM']{but gee you support experimentation on those who say Sure!"

Mengele couldnt have said it better.[/quote]
Attention morons!

Most every drug we have went through an experimental stage. Every procedure we use required experimentation.

Mengele didn't ask for permission, Einstein. Bad analogy, no treat!

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Budge.... what is the debate? That the bishops support creating hybrids? Because that has been argued against and you have shown no such support for your claim.

Please read this carefully for future reference. [url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=67979"]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=67979[/url]

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I know it's closed, but it's such a wonderful example of outright deception that I feel it belongs in my thread mining.

This is an interesting tactic: A cross thread bump to demonstrate a pattern of "hit" and run tactics.

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