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Looking For A Convent Where The Tlm Is Celebrated


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[quote name='Saint_Gemma_Galgani' post='1301333' date='Jun 25 2007, 11:37 AM']Does anyone know of a convent where the Traditional Latin Mass is celebrated, which is in full communion with Rome?[/quote]
and a general FYI, non-exhasutive 2006 list
Orders using 1962/63 or earlier Missals/TRidentine Liturgies

'Traditional' Orders for Women

Abbaye Notre-Dame-de-Fidélité (Classic French tradtional founeded in 1967, and have kept the Traditional Liturgies of The Church since) with currently 67 Nuns.
Rev. Mother Gabrielle de Trudon, O.S.B., Abbess
Abbaye Notre-Dame-de-Fidélité
13490 Jouques
Tel.: +33 4 425 780 17; Fax.: +33 4 425 778 09

Benedictines ­ Le Barroux

Rev. Mother Placide, OSB., Abbess
Abbaye Notre-Dame de l'Annonciation
La Font de Pertus
84330 Le Barroux
Tel.: +33 490 652 929; Fax: +33 490 652 930

Benedictines ­ Rosans

Rev. Mother Prioress, OSB
Monastère Notre Dame de Miséricorde
05150 Rosans
Tel.: +33 4 926 670 00; Fax.: +33 4 926 670 02

Canonesses of the Mother of God


Rev. Mother Marie du Sacré-Coeur, Prioress
Soeurs Chanoinesses Régulières de la Mère de Dieu
Abbaye du Saint-Coeur-Notre-Dame
1 place Ladoucette
05000 Gap
Tel: +33 4 92 52 27 24; E-mail:

Sisters of the Precious Blood - Schellenberg

Rev. Mother Superioress
Schwestern vom Kostbaren Blut
Im Dorf 56
FL-9488 Schellenberg

Sisters of the Precious Blood ­ St. Pelagiberg
Rev. Mother Superioress
Schwestern vom Kostbaren Blut
Kurhaus Marienburg
CH-9225 St. Pelagiberg

Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles


Rev. Sr. Therese, Prioress,
Priory of Our Lady of Ephesus
Attn: Mother Therese
1400 NE 42nd Terrace
Kansas City, Missouri 64116

Fax: (816) 455-2063

Adoratrices du Coeur Royal de Jésus-Christ Souveraine Prêtre


Rev. Mother Superioress
Maison de Notre Dame de Bonne Déliverance
Via di Gricigliano, 51
50069 Sieci
Tel.: +39 055 836 31 80;

Discalced Carmelites - Valparaiso, Nebraska

Rev. Mother Teresa of Jesus, O.C.D., Prioress
Carmel of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
9300 W. Agnew Road,
Valparaiso, NE 68065,
Tel.: +1 402 784 0375

Dominicans of the Holy Ghost ­ Baffe

Rev. Mother Prioress
Institution Saint Dominique
184, rue du Clos Mariotte
88460 Baffe
Tel.: +33 3 29 33 24 67

Dominicans of the Holy Ghost ­ Draguignan

Rev. Mother Prioress
Institution Saint Joseph
269, rue Alphonse Daudet
83300 Draguignan
Tel. + 33 4 94 50 45 40

Dominicans of the Holy Ghost ­ Nantes

Rev. Mother Prioress
École Sainte Catherine de Sienne
32, rue de la Bastille
44000 Nantes
Tel: +33 2 40 20 22 01

Dominicans of the Holy Ghost ­ Pontcalec

Rev. Mother Marie-Geneviève, Prioress
Couvent Notre-Dame-de-Joie
56240 Berne
Tel: +33 2 97 36 62 03

Dominicans of the Holy Ghost ­ Saint Cloud

Rev. Mother Prioress
Institution Saint-Pie X
19, rue des Écoles
92210 Saint-Cloud
Tel.: +33 1 46 02 58 43
Religious Victims of the Sacred Heart of Jesus ­ Marseille
Rev. Mother Superior
Monastère des Religieuses Victimes du Sacré-Coeur de
52 rue Lavat
13003 Marseille
Tel.: + 33 4 91 50 29 21

Institute of Servants of the Queen of Apostles

Sr. Margarita, Superior
PO Box 3643,
Columbus, OH 43210
Tel.: +1 614 292-2744; E-mail:

and a new group in Italy i am trying to get info on.
[b]Orders for Men[/b] using exclusively the 1962/63 Missal or Earlier

Apostolic Adminstration of St. John Mary Vianney


His Excellency, Most Rev. Dom Fernando Arêas Rifan, Titular Bishop of Cedamusa and Personal Apostolic Administrator
Rua Miranda Pinto, 26
Parque Leopoldina
CEP: 28.051-245
Tel.: + 55 22 2732 2198; Fax: +55 22 2732 6851;
E-mail: domfernando@catolicosempre.org.br

Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter


Very Rev. Father John Berg FSSP
Superior General
Domus S. Petri Canisius
1700 Fribourg
Tel: +41-26-4880037; Fax: +41-26-4880038; E-mail:

Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest


Right Rev. Monsignor Gilles Wach ICRSS, S.T.D.,
Prior General
Seminary of St. Philip Neri
Via di Gricigliano, 52
50069 Sieci
Tel.: +39-055 830 96 22; Fax: +39 055 836 30 67;
E-mail: secretariat-mgr@icrsp.org

Fraternity of St. Vincent Ferrer


Very Rev. Father Louis-Marie de Blignières FSVF
Couvent Saint Thomas d'Aquin
53340 Chémeré-le-Roi
Tel.: +33 2 43 98 64; 25 Fax: +33 2 43 98 49 19;
E-mail fsvf@chemere.org

Institute of St. Philip Neri


Very Rev. Father Gerald Goesche, ISPN, S.T.D.
Graunstr. 31
13355 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 818 21 676

Benedictines ­ Clear Creek


Very Rev. Dom Philip Anderson, OSB Prior
Monastery of Our Lady of the Annunciation of Clear Creek
5804 West Monastery Road
Hulbert, OK 74441
Tel.: +1 918 772-2454; Fax: + 1 918 772-1044

Benedictines ­ Fontgombault


His Lordship, Right Rev. Dom Antoine Forgeot OSB Abbot
Abbaye Notre-Dame de Fontgombault
36220 Fontgombault
Tel: +33 254 37 12 03; Fax: +33 254 371 256

Benedictines ­ Gaussan


Right Rev. Dom Marc Doat OSB Abbot
Monastère Notre-Dame de Gaussan
11200 Lezignan Corbieres
Tel: +33 4 68 45 19 92; Fax: +33 4 68 45 19 93

Benedictines ­ Le Barroux

His Lordship, Right Rev. Dom Louis-Marie de Geyer d'Orth OSB Abbot
Abbaye Sainte-Madeleine
84330 Le Barroux
Tel: +33 490 62 56 31; Fax: +33 490 625 605; E-mail:

Benedictines ­ Randol


Right Rev. Dom Bertrand de Hedouville OSB Abbot
Abbaye Notre-Dame de Randol
63450 Cournols
Tel.: +33 4 73 39 31 00; Fax: +33 4 4 73 39 05 28

Benedictines ­ St. Pierre de Clairac

Rev. Father Marc, OSB Prior
Monastère Sainte-Marie de la Garde,
47270 Saint Pierre de Clairac.
Tel.: + 33 5 53 47 73 89

Benedictines - Triors

His Lordship, Right Reverend Dom Hervé Courau, OSB Abbot
Abbaye Notre-Dame de Triors
B.P. 1
26750 Chatillon Saint Jeans
Tel.: +33 4 75 71 43 39; Fax: +33 4 75 45 38 14

Religious Institute of the Holy Cross of Riaumont

Rev. Father Alain Hocquemiller, Prior
BP 28
62801 Liévin Cedex
Tel.: +33 3 21 28 32 09; Fax: + 33 3 21 70 72 47;

Canons Regular of the Mother of God

His Lordship, Right Rev. Monsignor Wladimir-Marie de Saint-Jean, Abbot
Abbaye Sainte-Marie
6, rive gauche
11220 Lagrasse
Tel. +33 4 68 58 11 58; Fax: +33 4 68 58 11 52;
E-mail: chanoines@chanoines-lagrasse.com

Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem

Very Rev. Dom Daniel Oppenheimer CRNJ, Prior
1635 Kehrs Mill Road,
Chesterfield, MO 63005-4310
Tel: +1 636.536.4082; E-mail:

Monks of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel

Very Rev. Father Daniel Mary Schneider, M.Carm., Prior
35 Road AFW
Powell, WY 82435
Tel.: +1 307 645-3310

Militia Templi; The Poor Knights of Christ


His Excellency Dom Marcello Alberto Cristofani della Magione, CPMO, Grand Master and Duke
Castello della Magione
I-53036 Poggibonsi
Tel: +39 0577 936009
AND the following use/follow the 1962 Latin Missal-Divine Office, but Celebrate the (Latin-vernacular) Novus Ordo, with occasional Extraordinary Rite.

St Michael's Abbey
GU14 7NQ.
Monastero di San Benedetto (regular Tridentine Low Mass within the Community, Conventual Novus Ordo)
Via Reguardati, 22
06046 Norcia (PG)
Pluscarden Abbey- (Divine Office-Liturgies in Latin revised 1963 Missal, Novus Ordo Mass very similar to [url="http://www.solesmes.com/GB/entree.php?js=1"]Solesmes[/url] )
Elgin, Morayshire,
IV30 8UA
United Kingdom

Edited by EJames2
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Here's an article from someone who visited three of the religious communities in France that use the Traditional Rite ... the Benedictine Nuns at Jouques & Barroux, and the Dominicans of the Holy Ghost .. [url="http://www.rc.net/australia/aprel/france.htm"]http://www.rc.net/australia/aprel/france.htm[/url]

(from the list above, there are more than three)

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From Spain highlighting this convent, was finally aproved in 2007, reports directly to the commission and Eclesia Dei and never really belonged to the SSPX. This is the community where died the sister Maria Sherry of the mother of God, widely known and venerated by traditionalists and supporters of the SSPX. Although I found that the community will never belong to the SSPX

In Spanish only:


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