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Looking For A Convent Where The Tlm Is Celebrated


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Guest trfr415

The Carmelites in Manchester, MO have it once a month or once a week. The frequency escapes me at the moment. Manchester is a suburb of St. Louis, but St. Louis mailing.


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The Dominican Nuns at Buffalo, AFAIK, have the TLM at least sometimes--I don't know how often--w/Lauds & Vespers in Latin. (I think the ones at Marbury have Latin Office, but not the TLM?) Really the proper "Traditional Mass" for Dominicans is the Dominican Rite, though, but their chaplain is not a Dominican so he learnt the TLM instead.

The Franciscans of the Immaculate (Friars, Sisters, a few cloistered nuns) are a relatively new group and differ convent to convent, but are VERY orthodox and like Latin NO when they can get it--some groups have the TLM. (The Sister I know with them said at one of the convents that does, they have a class every day on the history and spirituality of it and the sisters at her convent are "all jealous"!)

So this is really one of those UNhelpful posts... but maybe it will help a little.

There is a website with a list of the US TLM communities in union with Rome... it should come up quickly on Google.

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The Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles is a traditional monastic community of women who desire to imitate the Blessed Virgin Mary in the giving of herself to God to fulfill His Will, especially in her role of assistance by prayer and work to the Apostles, first priests of the Catholic Church.
[b]Every day [/b]we continue the rich legacy of our predecessors with the [b]monastic office and Tridentine Mass in Gregorian Chant in Latin,[/b] the traditional liturgical language of the Roman Catholic Church.

Society in these latter days is in obvious dire need of re-evangelization and sanctification through the ministry in particular of the sacred priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church. Although times have changed, the divine mission committed to the first Apostles, as well as the needs of those to whom they were sent, have not.

Due to the monastic lifestyle we live, we would prefer letters in form of US mail or fax, rather than telephone or email.
Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles
Priory of Our Lady of Ephesus
Attn: Mother Therese
1400 NE 42nd Terrace
Kansas City, Missouri 64116

Fax: (816) 455-2063

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the lords sheep

[quote name='trfr415' post='1442829' date='Jan 6 2008, 10:44 PM']The Carmelites in Manchester, MO have it once a month or once a week. The frequency escapes me at the moment. Manchester is a suburb of St. Louis, but St. Louis mailing.


I don't believe they have it ever. I attend Mass there every once in a while (and am very close with one of the Sisters) and I've never heard anything mentioned about Latin mass.
Are you certain it's not the cloistered Carmelites in Clayton? that's very close...

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[quote name='trfr415' post='1442829' date='Jan 6 2008, 10:44 PM']The Carmelites in Manchester, MO have it once a month or once a week. The frequency escapes me at the moment. Manchester is a suburb of St. Louis, but St. Louis mailing.


It's the Carmelites in Dallas who have the TLM in their chapel. The nuns themselves don't participate.


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[quote name='Gemma' post='1442942' date='Jan 7 2008, 08:13 AM']It's the Carmelites in Dallas who have the TLM in their chapel. The nuns themselves don't participate.

Actually, the sisters are free to attend the TLM on Sundays. I know personally at least two of them do, if not all, though they only receive Holy Communion at their earlier English Mass at 7 AM.

Back when the [url="http://web2.airmail.net/carlsch/MaterDei/"]Mater Dei Latin Mass Community[/url] was looking for a place to have it on Sundays (I'm not sure when this was, maybe early/mid 90's .. ?), the Discalced Carmelite Nuns there offered their chapel and the former bishop of Dallas, Bishop Grahmann, approved -- only he said the sisters could not participate.

So thus is why they could not. They would still hear the Mass from their choir though, just not receive Holy Communion. However, now that the MP has happened, maybe that will change over time. They [i]are[/i] more accustomed to the Novus Ordo now, and chant the Office in English, though with a few prayers in Latin. However, they did tell me they are going to begin chanting the Office in Latin on Solemnities. And they are very close to the wonderful people of the Mater Dei Community. :j

They are a beautiful traditional Carmel under the older 1990 Constitutions, and doing well with vocations. Though for someone looking for, or rather feeling the Lord is calling them to, a strictly TLM community, they should look instead at the Carmel of Jesus, Mary and Joseph in Valparaiso, NE - which is overflowing with vocations but will likely have a foundation at some point in the future.

Then there's the Buffalo, Brooklyn and Alexandria, SD Carmels, which chant the revised Office in Latin - which are beautiful.

Edited by Margaret Clare
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Also the Discalced Carmelite Nuns in Des Plaines, IL have the Traditional Latin Mass every First Saturday in their chapel, and I'm pretty sure they've always been able to participate.

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Hey, it looks like the DCJs in St. Louis [i]are[/i] going to have it once a month - [url="http://www.latinmassnetwork.net/2007/12/carmelite-sisters-in-kirkwood.html"]http://www.latinmassnetwork.net/2007/12/ca...n-kirkwood.html[/url]

Also, I forgot to add about Dallas, they did have a TLM offered by the FSSP priest there for a clothing ceremony last November. It seems likely they'll have more in the future. I do know at least my friend there has a great love for the TLM.

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i assume that its only in America that this inquiry is focused on, but if interested, i can tell you of the 8 or so Communities in France (both Cloistered or Apostolic), who Celebrate exclusively the Traditional Rites of The Church.

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[quote name='EJames2' post='1443022' date='Jan 7 2008, 12:23 PM']i assume that its only in America that this inquiry is focused on, but if interested, i can tell you of the 8 or so Communities in France (both Cloistered or Apostolic), who Celebrate exclusively the Traditional Rites of The Church.
I am also interested in ones in France, especially if they are Passionists.

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Guest trfr415

[quote name='the lords sheep' post='1442909' date='Jan 7 2008, 02:08 AM']I don't believe they have it ever. I attend Mass there every once in a while (and am very close with one of the Sisters) and I've never heard anything mentioned about Latin mass.
Are you certain it's not the cloistered Carmelites in Clayton? that's very close...[/quote]

it's the ones in Kirkwood on Manchester Rd.

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[quote name='Sr. Mary Catharine' post='1301967' date='Jun 26 2007, 08:37 AM']All of the Slave of the Immaculate Heart of Mary communities are in communion with Rome. The community in NH has an "irregular status" as a religious community but not as Catholics! However, I think progress is being made.
The communities in Still River are approved by the diocese and have status as diocesan institutes. They are very well regarded by the Bishop.
I have no idea about MICM's in Virginia. I've known the communities for 33 years and have never heard of a community in Virginia!

There is a lot of confusion and false rumours that go around about the MICM but I can highly recommend the community in Still River. However, if one is looking for a community with a stress on the Office this wouldn't be the community for you. They are a more active community.[/quote]
Wow, do you know where in NH these sisters are? I might have to pay them a little visit :)

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the lords sheep

I stand corrected. TLM starts this Wednesday! Maybe I'll go check it out....
Carmelite Sisters in Kirkwood, MO to have monthly Traditional Latin Mass
Beginning January 9, 2008 the Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus will have the Traditional Latin Mass on the 2nd Wednesday of the Month at 7 AM at:

Chapel of St. Agnes
10341 Manchester Rd
Kirkwood, MO 63122

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[quote name='Saint_Gemma_Galgani' post='1443096' date='Jan 7 2008, 05:52 PM']I am also interested in ones in France, especially if they are Passionists.[/quote]
well in France their are roughly;y 20 houses/friaries/Convents/ Abbeys who exclusively utilize the Traditional Rites. the Womens Communities that Celebrate according to the Traditional Rites of The Church are Benedictines, or Apostolic/Contemplative Dominicans (and also SSPX Associated Franciscans),
the Passionist Nuns in France have shrunk in numbers considerably.
BUT, their is a Community that , as far as i can tell , are VERY similar in charism of identifying with the reparation of The Passion of Our Lord., AND are served Daily by the 'Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter' AND, (if i remember well, ) have a Sister from the U.K..
you could write and ask them about any connection with Saint Gemma
they are
[b]Religieuses Victimes du Sacré-Coeur de
Jésus/Victim Religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus [/b](previously mentioned in the Phorum)
[u]my rough translation from French below.[/u]
[i]"Founded in 1838 by madame
Julie-Adèle of Grin-Ricard,who become Prioress under the name of, Mother Mary -victim
of Jesus Crucified ((1793-1865), the Institute has for its particular end to unite with the Divine Saviour
in his Victimhood and Passion to imitate in religion and charity Our Lord who
incomparably immolating himself in sacrifice for the Glory of God
and the salvation of souls.
[u]Aim of the Community[/u]
Penance,Reparation, Salvation of
Souls, Console the Heart of Jesus, Sanctification of priests (hood), that all thoughts as a virgin victim to Gods merciful Love, the principal may be to Console,the Heart of Christ in His passion.

The Community is dedicated to
the perpetual adoration of most Holy Sacrament. « Una cum Christo Hostia, cor
Unum », it is their moto. The Sisters make vows of Poverty, Chastity,
Obedience and papal enclosure

It is by love that Jesus
Sacrifices himself, it is by love that it is necessary to follow Him in His Sacrifice, and the
treasure of this love is contained in His Heart.
It is this mark of the Sisters, indicated by their title 'Victims of the Sacred Heart', that indicates their vocation is totally founded upon Love.
This is the only Monastery of the Community and has, as of 2006, 13 Nuns and a 2 Novices."[/i]
and a bird told me they do the hairshirt thing and symbolic' dicsipline, in the same manner as the Contmplative Missionaries of Charity and FFIs.
( good references i think would be required from Spiritual persons/directors for this life)
[b]Rev. Mother Superior
Monastère des Religieuses Victimes du Sacré-Coeur de
52 rue Lavat
13003 Marseille [/b](south France)
please do not reproduce these pics anywhere, thanks.

if you need anymore info or anything, dont hesitate to PM me.
in communion of prayer

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[quote name='EJames2' post='1443538' date='Jan 8 2008, 08:29 PM']well in France their are roughly;y 20 houses/friaries/Convents/ Abbeys who exclusively utilize the Traditional Rites. the Womens Communities that Celebrate according to the Traditional Rites of The Church are Benedictines, or Apostolic/Contemplative Dominicans (and also SSPX Associated Franciscans),
the Passionist Nuns in France have shrunk in numbers considerably.
BUT, their is a Community that , as far as i can tell , are VERY similar in charism of identifying with the reparation of The Passion of Our Lord., AND are served Daily by the 'Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter' AND, (if i remember well, ) have a Sister from the U.K..
you could write and ask them about any connection with Saint Gemma
they are
[b]Religieuses Victimes du Sacré-Coeur de
Jésus/Victim Religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus [/b](previously mentioned in the Phorum)
[u]my rough translation from French below.[/u]
[i]"Founded in 1838 by madame
Julie-Adèle of Grin-Ricard,who become Prioress under the name of, Mother Mary -victim
of Jesus Crucified ((1793-1865), the Institute has for its particular end to unite with the Divine Saviour
in his Victimhood and Passion to imitate in religion and charity Our Lord who
incomparably immolating himself in sacrifice for the Glory of God
and the salvation of souls.
[u]Aim of the Community[/u]
Penance,Reparation, Salvation of
Souls, Console the Heart of Jesus, Sanctification of priests (hood), that all thoughts as a virgin victim to Gods merciful Love, the principal may be to Console,the Heart of Christ in His passion.

The Community is dedicated to
the perpetual adoration of most Holy Sacrament. « Una cum Christo Hostia, cor
Unum », it is their moto. The Sisters make vows of Poverty, Chastity,
Obedience and papal enclosure

It is by love that Jesus
Sacrifices himself, it is by love that it is necessary to follow Him in His Sacrifice, and the
treasure of this love is contained in His Heart.
It is this mark of the Sisters, indicated by their title 'Victims of the Sacred Heart', that indicates their vocation is totally founded upon Love.
This is the only Monastery of the Community and has, as of 2006, 13 Nuns and a 2 Novices."[/i]
and a bird told me they do the hairshirt thing and symbolic' dicsipline, in the same manner as the Contmplative Missionaries of Charity and FFIs.
( good references i think would be required from Spiritual persons/directors for this life)
[b]Rev. Mother Superior
Monastère des Religieuses Victimes du Sacré-Coeur de
52 rue Lavat
13003 Marseille [/b](south France)
please do not reproduce these pics anywhere, thanks.

if you need anymore info or anything, dont hesitate to PM me.
in communion of prayer[/quote]
Thank you!

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