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Obsession Or Discernment

Piccoli Fiori JMJ

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Excellent point (above) a vocation isn't a nine to five 20-65- then you retire type of thing, it is something you do your whole life, no matter where you are.

Edited by HeavenlyCalling
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[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1317118' date='Jul 7 2007, 05:51 PM']Sometimes telling everybody about your discernment can harm you. It isn't easy to listen for God if your ears are ringing with other people's opinions, criticisms, or exclamations. There is a reason why it was customary for the prophets to retreat into the desert silence when they needed to pray particularly hard about something. Jesus Himself was frequently to be found praying in 'a lonely place'.[/quote]
Hey, well said CA! :j Yeah, I mean I don't mind telling a lot people I'm discerning religious life - letting your light shine before men. I'm happy all my extended family knows of it, approving or not, and then my friends and people from college, and my parish community. Also, when I used to work at this little Irish shop - if people would ask me what I'm doing, I would be more than happy to share with them about my discernment.

But what CA is saying here about your ears ringing with so many other people's opinions, etc can be so true. But also, what I was saying regarding being hidden is more, like when I am at the point of entering the particular order where, God willing and with His grace, I will remain until my death, I personally feel I would rather just let a limited number of people know this, ie my physical address and everything .

But yeah, that's a great point, that your vocation is now ..

[i]My life is an instant,
An hour which passes by;
My life is a moment
Which I have no power to stay.
You know, O my God,
That to love You here on earth -
I have only today.[/i] ~ St. Therese

Edited by Margaret Clare
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It's funny how socially unacceptable it is to ask an aquaintance the details of his or her courtship with another person and how acceptable it IS to ask someone about their courtship with the LORD.

It is important, I think, that we be prudent in the information we share with others about our discernment. The more we speak with others about the intimacies of our relationship with Christ, the less and less intimate they become.

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[quote name='hugheyforlife' post='1318120' date='Jul 8 2007, 02:07 AM']It's funny how socially unacceptable it is to ask an aquaintance the details of his or her courtship with another person and how acceptable it IS to ask someone about their courtship with the LORD.

It is important, I think, that we be prudent in the information we share with others about our discernment. The more we speak with others about the intimacies of our relationship with Christ, the less and less intimate they become.[/quote]

So true, especially the second part of this post. It's like someone with a spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend blabbing all the details of their relationship. Neither spiritual exhibitionism or spiritual voyerism are very pretty.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah, Maria raised a valid point. I don't tell everyone, mostly just the people in my family and those at school or specific times that I think it will witness. Also, it's not 'this is what I will be', but rather what I believe God is calling me to.
I've had people tell me that it's totally ridiculous, and then I've had weird experiences such as this one: My sisters and I were volunteering at a Catholic family camp/retreat centre. About the middle of the week, we were chatting with a mom and she asked us what we wanted to 'be'. Soo... first she asked my oldest sister, then the next one, then she came to me. She started to ask me in my turn, but suddenly interrupted herself and said, 'Oh, but I know what you're going to be - a nun.' I was flabbergasted. I mean, I hadn't even said [i]anything[/i] about it.
With regards to opinions influencing discernment, I have been graced with an independent temperament and also the ability to spend [b]lots[/b] of time in silent prayer (particularly ADORATION!). I believe that it is part of what I am called to do to witness. I do agree that it is something to beware of.
I also agree that there should not be too much emphasis on future rather than present (you seem to be full of wisdom!) We are called to be Saints NOW, not just when we are 'old and wise and about to die'. We are called to welcome God's grace and live it to the full now: "Behold, now is a very acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation."

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