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I'm Curious My Dear Protestants...


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New Reformation,

You actually know what I'm talking about! Sweet, I thought I'd be a big loser for posting that. I had several crowns with "jewels" in them before I dropped out. Ha, haven't thought about that in years.


We have festivals, fish fries, etc, but my parish has never had a pot-luck or a fellowship dinner. Maybe its a Yankee thing? Eating together and having an expectation of fellowship with other church members is the biggest thing I miss about the protestant church. No regrets for me, but I was really lonely for several months after I converted.


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New Reformation,

You actually know what I'm talking about! Sweet, I thought I'd be a big loser for posting that. I had several crowns with "jewels" in them before I dropped out. Ha, haven't thought about that in years.


We have festivals, fish fries, etc, but my parish has never had a pot-luck or a fellowship dinner. Maybe its a Yankee thing? Eating together and having an expectation of fellowship with other church members is the biggest thing I miss about the protestant church. No regrets for me, but I was really lonely for several months after I converted.


Dude, I got both the Excellence Award, and the Timothy Award. I got so many crowns with jewels that I lost them all. And in Pals and Pioneers, I got multiple bars and pins. I rocked!

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Kilroy the Ninja

Let's see... last year my parish had a fish fry during Lent, Family Day during the summer (which was mostly water games and stuff), the annual Craft Show, the annual Bazaar, a few various dinners and our Parish Christmas dinner this last December was pot-luck - the church provided the meat and tamales and the parishoners provided everything else.

As far as fellowship goes, we usually have doughnuts or tacos, so very tasty and good for you, after the morning masses on Sunday to encourage eveyone to visit with each other. Also I know the youth groups usually meet (I'm not sure how often) and have pizza parties and that sort of thing.

So, maybe you should get your church to do more of these sorts of things... they're fun and affordable and a great way to get to know the people of your parish!

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That your united

That you have liturgical worship

That you have Gregorian chants (sp?)

That you are all united in your faith and don't have to fight each other

That your united

I think you have cool cathedrals. They are big and mysterious. I want to get lost in one one day.

That you can trace your roots to 33AD and have a divine founder.

That you keep it real and admit your humans and make mistakes, but so what, you still believe that your the One True Church.

That your united on all doctrinal fronts.

That Catholics like those on PM exist and I can be honored to call them my friends.

That you have unity (did I mention that yet?)

I can read your posts all day Brother Adam. :D

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Thank you so much Brother Adam for that!! I don't know any Protestant who would even admit to ONE thing that they like about the Catholic Church. (I love how everyone is so nice and open-minded here!!)

Anyway, I definately think that Protestants all know so much about the Bible and I really think that's cool. I hope that one day all Catholics will start to know the Bible better. The Protestant parishes are really good at making a family, but I think that my parish is getting better about that, but there still needs to be lots of improvement!!

You are so right. If you read Scott Hahn's "Rome sweet Home" he challenges every Catholic to memorize Scripture like the Protestants. He said they are not born with a gene imbeded with that info, they have to read and memorize it. I am trying to do just that right now.

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AWANA!! I remember the tape lines, and the vests, and Sparky! Ha, great times


I did AWANA, too. I was a Chum... them's were fun times :)

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You are so right. If you read Scott Hahn's "Rome sweet Home" he challenges every Catholic to memorize Scripture like the Protestants. He said they are not born with a gene imbeded with that info, they have to read and memorize it. I am trying to do just that right now.

I love Scott Hann's books!!! Rome Sweet Home was the first one I read!!! I think that line is one of the most memorable thing about the book.

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i donno what AWANA is.... but if they're willin to teach Catholic doctrine (or at least make sure not to contradict it) y not?

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Eating together and having an expectation of fellowship with other church members is the biggest thing I miss about the protestant church. No regrets for me, but I was really lonely for several months after I converted.

This makes me sad. It's not like that everywhere, some parishes have great community. I'll bet part of it is that the average Catholic parish is many, many times larger than the average prostant congregation. Not the same tight knit kind of thing. You often have to seek out community and groups to join rather than being in stuff by default just by being at the parish. Although there are some pretty amesome parishes out there I must say.

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i donno what AWANA is.... but if they're willin to teach Catholic doctrine (or at least make sure not to contradict it) y not?

AWANA doesn't teach doctrine. It teaches children scripture, Bible stories, they have snacks, scripture memorization, play games, and that type of stuff. You can win trophies and prizes. Its vaguely similiar to boyscouts/girlscouts

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I like this thread. Why can't we have more "nice" threads like this? :D

When I saw the title of this I thought "Oh dear, now those threads that start out politely and desolve into bickering have come to haunt the Open Mic too!"

lol :rolleyes: :D :P

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Bible Quizing is an official organization for Jr. High/ HS students where students take part in intense Bible study and memorization and compete in tournaments between churches and at regional matches.

My wife is an official. She also teaches AWANA.

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