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How Do You Say "no" To An Archbishop?


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The archbishop of my diocese has approached me several times over the past year about a vocation to the priesthood. He has invited me over for dinner and given me his home phone number in case I ever have questions about recognizing God's call.

While I'm honored by his confidence and concern for me, I just don't feel called to the priesthood in the current climate in the US. My bishop, however, seems to have other thoughts on the matter.

How do you say "no" to an archbishop?

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[quote name='VaticanIILiturgist' post='1297801' date='Jun 18 2007, 02:09 PM']The archbishop of my diocese has approached me several times over the past year about a vocation to the priesthood. He has invited me over for dinner and given me his home phone number in case I ever have questions about recognizing God's call.

While I'm honored by his confidence and concern for me, I just don't feel called to the priesthood in the current climate in the US. My bishop, however, seems to have other thoughts on the matter.

How do you say "no" to an archbishop?[/quote]


He has asked gently enough. Keep discerning. You don't need to tell him anything else. Just don't call and don't go, if you're not interested right now and/or tell him just what you told us.

Edited by Veritas
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Is your only concern the current climate in the US? If that is the main thing holding you back, you might start by making a list of pro's and con's you have concerning the vocation. You might be surprised that your bishop has an insight into yourself that you have not recognized yet! However, if you really feel Our Lord calling you to something else [i]specifically[/i] (like marriage or something), maybe you could simply tell your bishop that. If he knew what you were earnestly feeling called to, maybe he would have some super advice to get you on that path as well. But if your only concern is the climate, I would be open... like I said, your bishop might see something in you that you don't see in yourself yet ^_^

In any case, prayers from the Pham :D:

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[quote name='Totus Tuus' post='1297843' date='Jun 18 2007, 03:02 PM']Is your only concern the current climate in the US? If that is the main thing holding you back, you might start by making a list of pro's and con's you have concerning the vocation. You might be surprised that your bishop has an insight into yourself that you have not recognized yet! However, if you really feel Our Lord calling you to something else [i]specifically[/i] (like marriage or something), maybe you could simply tell your bishop that. If he knew what you were earnestly feeling called to, maybe he would have some super advice to get you on that path as well. But if your only concern is the climate, I would be open... like I said, your bishop might see something in you that you don't see in yourself yet ^_^

In any case, prayers from the Pham :D:[/quote]

Thanks for the prayers. My concern is that the priestly formation in the US is sorrily lacking in many areas and I don't feel called to incorporate myself into that deficiency and then pastor God's people with weaknesses that can affect their practice and recpetion of the faith.

Dating advice from an archbishop....like getting dancing lessons from an architect! ;)

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[quote name='VaticanIILiturgist' post='1297871' date='Jun 18 2007, 04:45 PM']Dating advice from an archbishop....like getting dancing lessons from an architect! ;)[/quote]

Sure beats the advice you'll get from most people.

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[quote name='LouisvilleFan' post='1297877' date='Jun 18 2007, 03:52 PM']Sure beats the advice you'll get from most people.[/quote]

None of it's worked so far.... :topsy:

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[quote name='VaticanIILiturgist' post='1297801' date='Jun 18 2007, 03:09 PM']While I'm honored by his confidence and concern for me, I just don't feel called to the priesthood in the current climate in the US. My bishop, however, seems to have other thoughts on the matter.[/quote]

Its not a career, its a call.
Very simple.

If you are called by the God, you simply say yes.
If you are not called by God, you say no.

Equivocating that you don't like the current climate is a poor excuse of an answer to the Archbishop AND to God.
God doesn't ask our opinion of the climate or condition of the Church, He just expects us to wade in and start fixing it.

read my little blurb below.

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[quote name='VaticanIILiturgist' post='1297871' date='Jun 18 2007, 04:45 PM']Thanks for the prayers. My concern is that the priestly formation in the US is sorrily lacking in many areas and I don't feel called to incorporate myself into that deficiency and then pastor God's people with weaknesses that can affect their practice and recpetion of the faith.

Dating advice from an archbishop....like getting dancing lessons from an architect! ;)[/quote]

Who says you have to study in the US? One of my parish priests studied at the NAC in Rome, which is like (from what i hear) a very good seminary.

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yep yep! I think everyone here has given some great advice! Maybe you shouldn't work so much on saying no... *nudge nudge* think about it anyway.... with God all things are possible. There must be a seminary out there that is just right for you if that is where God is calling you. :)

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the lords sheep

While there is some bad seminary formation in the US, there are also some really good, really orthodox seminaries. There's also the possibility of going abroad to a seminary, as someone said.

While it may seem a significant obstacle, it is definetely something that can be worked around. Express your concerns to your archbishop (if you feel you can), and see what he has to say. Who knows, maybe God is calling you to help reform the seminaries. The world and the Church need priests who are willing, above all else, to love the Lord and to lead others into His love. While their formation programs are crucial, there have been and always will be GOOD priests that come out of BAD seminaries. Something to consider...

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[quote name='the lords sheep' post='1298066' date='Jun 18 2007, 08:14 PM']While there is some bad seminary formation in the US, there are also some really good, really orthodox seminaries.[/quote]

Can anyone say: SJV?


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Fr. Antony Maria OSB

One thing that I have to say is simply this. If the Call to the Priesthood was based on the positives of the culture and the seminaries that are around, then I don't think there would be any newly ordained priests in America. I'm not saying there are no good seminaries, but let's face it, the moral status of America right now is not very good, and from what I've heard from different media sources America, in the world, is known as a moral place, so that does not bode well. God does not look at the culture we are in when He gives different men the Call: He looks into their hearts and in their hearts He places that Calling. If the Archbishop keeps asking you if you're interested in the priesthood, I would say look into it more. If you don't feel comfortable being a parish priest, perhaps that's not where God is calling you, but that doesn't mean that you don't have a vocation to the priesthood. There are many other options available. Be open, and one of the biggest factors about being open is being able to find inner silence. Place yourself in silence, and listen: the Holy Spirit will let you know where you are to go when He deems it the right time.

May God bless and protect you always in all of your endeavors, especially your discernment!

Your Brother in Christ,


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If you have issues with priestly formation in the US and don't want to deal with the diocesan stuff you could consider an order? just pray about it and check out different charisms....if i remember rightly you like music? you could consider the benedictines who still chant and everything....you could be the organ player for a monastery! that'd be fun! anyway just because you don't feel called to follow your bishop's call doesnt mean you arent called. dont just dismiss the vocation to priesthood/religious life so quickly...

i know i'm preaching to the choir but there it is. :D:

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Lioness For Christ

I agree with the others--if you are only fearful about learning wrong stuff, that isn't a reason God isn't calling you! :D Be not afraid! God knows your fears and yes, I am happy you are concerned about that... Shows how much you care and could be another pointer that you are supposed to be a priest maybe! But He'll also not just leave you in the dirt--He'll lead you where He wants you to go! All you need to do is say YES!

Your Archbiship could help you find a very orthodox seminary...

Veritas has a link--I believe I've heard it's good... And we had a pastor who once said that the St. Paul Seminary in Minnesota (I believe that was the one not Vienny) was once one of the WORST but is now taking a full turn-around and is now one of the BEST in the country! :D I'll be praying for you!

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