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Traditional Franciscan Community Founding


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Br. Alexis Bugnolo,(former F.F.I) the editor of the website, [url="http://www.franciscan-archive.org/noframes.html"]The Franciscan Archive [/url]is currently striving to found a traditional (Classic Liturgy)Franciscan Monastery, where
i) the Rule of St. Francis of 1223 A. D., is to be observed

ii) according to the [u]definitive[/u] decrees of Popes Nicholas III, Clement V and Bl. Innocent XI,

iii) that is, in the traditional manner of the Order of Friars Minor,

iv) taking the General Constitutions of the Order of Friars Minor of 1913 a.d. as the prospective constitutions of the community,

v) which is to be founded in consecration to the Immaculate Virgin according to the doctrine of St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe.
If you are a catholic man interested in traditional Franciscan life as a religious brother or priest, and would like to have more information about this proposed monastery/community, please contact:

Br. Alexis Bugnolo
POB 123
Mansfield, MA 02048
[quote]I humbly ask for your help. I am a traditional, Franciscan brother, who observes the Rule of St. Francis in the ancient manner, that is, without mitigations, according to the doctrine of the Roman Pontiffs, especially the great, St. Innocent XI (c. 1670 A.D.), who solemnly declared the ancient observance, « forever valid ».

Some, of these observances were the non-use of money, the non-ownership of property or of means of transportation, the exclusive use of the Ancient Roman Rite, an apostolate among the people, devotion to the Immaculate Virgin Mary, etc..

Today, as you may know, the Franciscan communities no longer observe the Rule in this way. If a friar wants to do this, there is no place for him to go: indeed, after the Second Vatican Council more than 10,000 friars left the Order.

During this time, I have come to know of many men who want to observe this traditional form of Franciscan life and to live according to the Rule of St. Francis without mitigations.

For this reason, I have begun to search for benefactors can help me founding a Monastery of the traditional Observance, where the Rule of St. Francis can be observed according to the Pontifical Decrees, and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Divine Office can be celebrated according to the Traditional Roman Rite.

I propose to found a new monastery, where they can live the Rule of St. Francis in a holy and catholic manner.

Vocations and benefactors who would like to contact me directly ...write me a letter by surface mail. As I observe the Rule strictly, I ask that you do not send me checks or money, nor consign the ownership of anything to me:
Br. Alexis Bugnolo
POB 123
Mansfield, MA 02048

Edited by EJames
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Here's a direct link to the page about him with a downloadable flyer - [url="http://www.franciscan-archive.org/help.html"]http://www.franciscan-archive.org/help.html[/url]

I wonder if he has the intention of being completely in communion with Rome, like the Traditional Carmelite Monks in Wyoming? Pretty soon with the Motu Proprio, it will be much easier to have the Traditional Latin Mass.

Sounds like a very worthy intention he has though! There seems to be many new Franciscan communities that want to go back to the orginal rule, and actual poverty - like the couple mentioned by EJames in Italy - [url="http://ejvideo-place.blogspot.com/2007/02/frati-minori-rinnovati-at-naplesnapoli.html"]Frati Minori Rinnovati[/url] & [url="http://nuke.fratipoveri.net/HomeEnglish/tabid/73/Default.aspx"]Piccoli Frati e Sorelle di Gesu e Maria[/url]

Also the [url="http://www.penitents.org/capuchinsisters.html"]Capuchin Sisters of Nazareth[/url] who don't even sleep on beds, as SrAli was saying - and so many more Franciscan Renewals like the [url="http://www.franciscanfriars.com/"]CFRs[/url], and the [url="http://www.immacolata.com/"]Franciscans of the Immaculate[/url], which he was a member of before. Sometimes members leave even great orders though, in order to found new ones - one example, the SMME coming from the Nashville Domincans

Edited by Margaret Clare
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Brother's profile on Wikipedia, although I am not sure whether or not it has been edited by someone else ... [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Br_Alexis_Bugnolo"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Br_Alexis_Bugnolo[/url]

Here is a blog of his: [url="http://www.scholasticum.blogspot.com/"]http://www.scholasticum.blogspot.com/[/url]

He has several other blogs under his profile. I am wary of his blog in defense of Limbo, acting as if the International Theological Commission that recently put forth the document - Hope of Salvation for Infants that Die without Baptism - is contrary to the true Catholic faith ...

I do not mean to discredit this brother personally, but just to defend orthodoxy ...

Edited by Margaret Clare
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[quote name='Margaret Clare' post='1298915' date='Jun 20 2007, 09:04 AM']Brother's profile on Wikipedia, although I am not sure whether or not it has been edited by someone else ... [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Br_Alexis_Bugnolo"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Br_Alexis_Bugnolo[/url]

Here is a blog of his: [url="http://www.scholasticum.blogspot.com/"]http://www.scholasticum.blogspot.com/[/url]

He has several other blogs under his profile. I am wary of his blog in defense of Limbo, acting as if the International Theological Commission that recently put forth the document - Hope of Salvation for Infants that Die without Baptism - is contrary to the true Catholic faith ...

I do not mean to discredit this brother personally, but just to defend orthodoxy ...[/quote]
Lets remember Brother is a hyper-Scholastic, as i like to say, so his understanding of theology and Logic wont be accessible to everyone.
The International Theological Commission , is just that, a commission, of the Roman Dicastria, of 30 theologians, from around the world, appointed for 5 year terms, to study and advise the C.D.F, and can, by others with theology , be challenged,questioned and their non-infallible proclamations,can be discussed... though which should be taken, [u]read[/u], very seriously,
"a commission does not rise to the level of "Church teaching." Even with the Pope's approval, we are still a long way from an official act of the Magisterium, and so it would be stretching the truth just slightly for the media to say that "the Catholic Church has abandoned Limbo," or that "the Catholic Church has reversed its teaching on Limbo."thus its open to honest discussion and rebuttal..and some traditional folks see it as an attack on basic Dogmas...
Brother Bugnolo, i found, is very smart, orthodox ,well educated in the Faith, and well experinced, and yes a 'traditionalist', if you will, in Communion with his, and approval of his Bishop.He does at times come across as 'uncharitable' but that is really tough love and love for the Truth...he definitely does not worry about 'worldy' feelings . so much as Truth.His former Community F.F.I s would have some theological things that would take people aback as well, in there Mariology, and other traditional teachings and practices, of The Church, that aren't popular today.
also..i understand he has abandoned all Blogs at the begging of this year, and only up keeps the highly acclaimed FranciscanArchive.
Thank you Margaret Clare for the info.

regarding Wikipedia, i wouldn't bother with 80% of what i read on there,especially the profile link. Brother actually used to edit for Wiki, but then quit stopped, after issuing a big statement.The Profile has been hijacked , due to the NOTE about WIKI , in the profile.
as anyone can see, the person who changed the last paragraph has a bone to pick, and makes Brother look like a proud idiot. ....he may? have written it sarcastically, because he is taunted in the past of what the last paragraph states..i shall ask him.

Edited by EJames
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[quote name='Margaret Clare' post='1298915' date='Jun 20 2007, 09:04 AM']Brother's profile on Wikipedia, although I am not sure whether or not it has been edited by someone else ... [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Br_Alexis_Bugnolo"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Br_Alexis_Bugnolo[/url][/quote]
I have just heard from Br. Bugnolo, he tells me his Wiki profile was vandalized (should be ignored) he has contacted the Wiki Admin.
the bottom NOTE about Wiki, is from him..

Edited by EJames
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[quote name='EJames' post='1299022' date='Jun 20 2007, 04:24 PM']I have just heard from Br. Bugnolo, he tells me his Wiki profile was vandalized (should be ignored) he has contacted the Wiki Admin.
the bottom NOTE about Wiki, is from him..

Wikipedia also had a 24 year old masquerading as tenured religion professor and Canon lawyer. [url="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/03/06/wwiki106.xml"]http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml...06/wwiki106.xml[/url]

So after they made that huge of a blunder, I don't give credibility to anything Wiki puts out.

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[quote name='EJames' post='1299022' date='Jun 20 2007, 01:24 PM']I have just heard from Br. Bugnolo, he tells me his Wiki profile was vandalized (should be ignored) he has contacted the Wiki Admin.
the bottom NOTE about Wiki, is from him..

Hey, EJames, that's great! Yeah, I was sure it could not have come from him. It looks a whole lot better now. Yeah, anyone can go to wikipedia and edit! I am very sorry actually that I posted it. I don't mean to say anything negative about Br. Bugnolo. It's great it's cleared up now though. It's a good idea to keep an eye out on Wikipedia to be sure it's not vandalized again, although the best thing is to not trust it for information altogether, as Mary Kathryn is saying.

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[quote name='EJames' post='1298977' date='Jun 20 2007, 11:07 AM']The International Theological Commission , is just that, a commission, of the Roman Dicastria, of 30 theologians, from around the world, appointed for 5 year terms, to study and advise the C.D.F, and can, by others with theology , be challenged,questioned and their non-infallible proclamations,can be discussed... though which should be taken, [u]read[/u], very seriously,
"a commission does not rise to the level of "Church teaching." Even with the Pope's approval, we are still a long way from an official act of the Magisterium, and so it would be stretching the truth just slightly for the media to say that "the Catholic Church has abandoned Limbo," or that "the Catholic Church has reversed its teaching on Limbo."thus its open to honest discussion and rebuttal..and some traditional folks see it as an attack on basic Dogmas...[/quote]

Yes, I understand this debate. My only concern was that it seemed to be written as if the ITC were altogether wrong, and not acting according to the true Catholic faith, which is not true.

But again I don't mean to question the orthodoxy of Brother, because the notion of Limbo was not dropped altogether as a result of the commission, which as you said, is only a commission. Their document simply says there are great theological grounds for hope that infants who die without baptism will be saved, and be admitted into the Beatific Vision of Heaven, rather than enter into a state of Limbo without the Beatific Vision.

[quote]Brother Bugnolo, i found, is very smart, orthodox ,well educated in the Faith, and well experinced, and yes a 'traditionalist', if you will, in Communion with his, and approval of his Bishop.He does at times come across as 'uncharitable' but that is really tough love and love for the Truth...he definitely does not worry about 'worldy' feelings . so much as Truth.His former Community F.F.I s would have some theological things that would take people aback as well, in there Mariology, and other traditional teachings and practices, of The Church, that aren't popular today.[/quote]

Hey, that's the most important thing to be informed of here, that all is in communion with the Church and the local bishop in the founding of this new Traditional Franciscan Monastery - that's great to know!! Thanks!

Yes, the Mariology of the FIs is questionable to some, like promoting the Fifth Marian Dogma that includes Mary as Co-Redemptrix. I find nothing questionable about it at all though, and love their great devotion to Mary, despite what others may see as off. They're probably my favorite Franciscan community. :j

I have heard recently though of some Traditionalists looking down on the Friars of the Immaculate for promoting Marian apparitions like Our Lady of America (which is approved). I find no problem with that either!

But reading more of Br. Bugnolo's information at the Franciscan archive, I see that he has kept this special consecrated to Our Lady in the spirit of St. Maximilian Kolbe, which is great!!

Again, I apologize to all if I have at all written anything negative here. Again, it's great to know he is in communion with the Church and his local bishop in this great new project!

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[quote name='Margaret Clare' post='1299095' date='Jun 20 2007, 07:50 PM']!!

Again, I apologize to all if I have at all written anything negative here. Again, it's great to know he is in communion with the Church and his local bishop in this great new project![/quote]

Margaret Clare,

I find your caution and questioning to be very mature. You do not dive in blind [like I used to do at times when I was a youth :blush: ] and this will serve you very well in your life.

Edited by Mary-Kathryn
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[quote name='Mary-Kathryn' post='1299116' date='Jun 20 2007, 06:34 PM']Margaret Clare,

I find your caution and questioning to be very mature. You do not dive in blind [like I used to do at times when I was a youth :blush: ] and this will serve you very well in your life.[/quote]
Yes, i always find Margaret-Clare to be wise, balanced and just generally,humble and awesome...

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[quote name='EJames' post='1299133' date='Jun 20 2007, 07:27 PM']Yes, i always find Margaret-Clare to be wise, balanced and just generally,humble and awesome...
lol, thanks guys! :hehe: But actually I do tend to extremes at times, and have acted a bit like a known-it-all :pinch: in some of my posts ... :gradtalk: lol (which I do not! :teach:) lol

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