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You Too Can Have Happily Ever After!


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This evening a friend and I were discussing the fact that many young women enter marriage starry-eyed and dreamy, unaware of the challenges and work that are part of a real relationship. (Cynical hags that we are, we, of course, know SO MUCH more about the rigors of marriage ... :mellow:)

Anyway, my friend told me about [url="http://www.disneybridal.com"]Disney Bridal[/url], where you can get bridal gowns modeled after Disney princess dresses. I'm not sure what to make of this ... but there you have it.

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Reminds me of the time I was in Disneyland and we saw Prince charming and Cinderella walking through the park.

We all started going towards them for pictures and stuff with them but Prince Charming kept pushing Cinderella and was rudely yelling at the crowd that they were late for the parade and couldn't stop for anyone. All the while Cinderella was waving and smiling at us and saying "Goodbye!"

And all I could think about was, "Hmph! Prince Charming isn't so charmin' after all! Are they all like this? and Do I really want one?"

Then my friend and I concluded that maybe thats probably why they never got any lines nor saw much of them in the Disney movies.

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what a rip off

there is NO snow white wedding dress that looks like Snow Whites dress........

and NO two piece for the Jasmine piece?

And Ariel had a FULL gown with puffed long sleeves.....come on people. Don't cha think that if we want a Disney gown, we want one that looks exactly LIKE it?

I'll have better luck during Halloween......


Edited by jmjtina
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LOL exactly my thoughts...they didn't resemble them at all. They're just trying to make money off the name.

And Snow White's dress couldn't be more off...anyone who had to live with 7 little men would not be wearing something that sexy--she might be the most covered up in fact!

I'm just shocked Cinderella doesn't have puffy sleeves!!

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I see nothing that looks like anything below. :annoyed:


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[quote name='jmjtina' post='1297199' date='Jun 17 2007, 03:47 AM']I'll have better luck during Halloween......


Although I agree because you do got great costumes for a really good price around Halloween....I *do* think the sizes would be the problem...I don't think I can fit into a little girl's size 5. :mellow:

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LOL According to the real snow white dress....the wedding dresses should have a very high collar! :lol: With a cape too!

Okay I know their not suppose to be exactly the same but at least resemble it in some shape or form would be great! lol

*sigh* I want to get married now......especially after attending a wedding today! Ya know all the brides I know say to start really early in planning the wedding....don't wait till the last minute, etc.

And I agree...I feel planning a wedding takes years of work.

Which is why I've been planning mine since I was 15. :mellow:

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Archaeology cat

Interesting. I personally like the one I had, with pretty flowers embroidered on it. :)

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[quote name='littleflower+JMJ' post='1297208' date='Jun 17 2007, 06:32 AM']And I agree...I feel planning a wedding takes years of work.
Which is why I've been planning mine since I was 15. :mellow:[/quote]

If you go with pizza, that will save you some bucks. Just saying. :mellow:

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My sister and I had our weddings all planned out by, oh, about age 14. We used to absolutely pour through those bridal magazines. Of course now she is in the religious life and I am discerning my vocation, so you see all the good all that planning's done ;)

Edited by Maggie
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i think this is just more proof that disney is not so slowly taking over the world :mellow:

that being said, i too am a little disappointed that these dresses don't REALLY resemble the characters. and as for finding adult size costumes, someone tell me WHERE!!! cuz i look EVERY year and only find kids sizes.

and it depresses me :mellow:

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