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Countdown To Carmel


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Because the_lords_sheep posted her countdown, it inspired me to post mine as well. My ticket back to the USA from Singapore is booked and paid for - I leave in 25 days! :rolleyes:

I will spend two weeks in California to get new glasses, visit the dentist, shop for any "postulant things" I need and then I head off to London on the 11th. I will be entering Wolverhampton Carmel on July 16th the feast of Our Lady of Mt Carmel.

I am nearly insane with anticipation. Pray for me. If anyone wants me to say a prayer for them when I am taken to Our Lord in the chapel after entrance, please PM me before June 27th - after that I will be offline for good.

Thanks to everyone here at phatmass :love: and prayers for all your vocations.

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That sounds like an excellent time for an entrance to a carmelite convent :)
Definite congratulations and prayers are in order

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As always, you are in my prayers! I have an honorary aunt who is going to be a Carmelite nun. I am so happy. :cloud9:

How are you getting from Heathrow to Wolverhampton, and what are you doing in the intervening five days? (Hint: Vicky likes visitors.)

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[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1286521' date='Jun 2 2007, 10:34 PM']As always, you are in my prayers! I have an honorary aunt who is going to be a Carmelite nun. I am so happy. :cloud9:

How are you getting from Heathrow to Wolverhampton, and what are you doing in the intervening five days? (Hint: Vicky likes visitors.)[/quote]

Vicky - I would LOVE to meet up with you while I am there! I don't even want that many days in London before I enter, but I always worry about things like missed flights, lost luggage etc, so decided to go at least a few days early to get from Heathrow to the Midlands. I will arrive in London the day after I leave i.e. arrive on the 12th -- and then I don't have to be in Wolverhampton until the 16th (thought I might go up the night before and spend the night locally).

Email me and we can make plans to meet! :rolleyes:

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If you like you may come and stay in my house!! Excitement abounds. Oh, this is terrific. I will e-mail you immediately.

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I am so HAPPY for you that my goosebumps have goosebumps. :lol_roll:

I am not sure I have the info right about your time in London.
If you have time you might want to visit the Tyburn Benedictines.
Just a thought.

Please know that our love and prayers go with you.

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[quote name='ofpheritup' post='1287053' date='Jun 3 2007, 11:42 AM']I am so HAPPY for you that my goosebumps have goosebumps. :lol_roll:

I am not sure I have the info right about your time in London.
If you have time you might want to visit the Tyburn Benedictines.
Just a thought.

Please know that our love and prayers go with you.[/quote]

opheritup - it is funny you should say that. I applied to the Tyburn Nuns before I applied to Wolverhampton and was nearly up for chapter vote when I decided that I was called to Carmel instead of the Benedictine life. I love them though and think their chanting is divine! they are a wonderful community - full of love and care.

Edited by nunsense
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[quote name='nunsense' post='1287108' date='Jun 3 2007, 02:34 AM']I love them though and think their chanting is divine! they are a wonderful community - full of love and care.[/quote]

So, ho ho, that explains it. :santa:

Whenever I go to their web site I always feel like I am on a "mini-retreat."
There is just a little "something" going on that I feel peaceful.
It is wonderful how the love and the prayers actually come thru.

If you get a chance to see them tell them what I said and that I said thank you.
I have them listed under my favorites.

Do they have CD's of their chants available?

We know that you are going to be offline....well offline with us but definitely on-line with Jesus.
Are we allowed to write to you? I for one would love to keep up with how you are doing.

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[quote name='ofpheritup' post='1287119' date='Jun 3 2007, 07:20 PM']So, ho ho, that explains it. :santa:

Whenever I go to their web site I always feel like I am on a "mini-retreat."
There is just a little "something" going on that I feel peaceful.
It is wonderful how the love and the prayers actually come thru.

If you get a chance to see them tell them what I said and that I said thank you.
I have them listed under my favorites.

Do they have CD's of their chants available?

We know that you are going to be offline....well offline with us but definitely on-line with Jesus.
Are we allowed to write to you? I for one would love to keep up with how you are doing.[/quote]

If I get around to it - I might visit them - Tyburn is a tourist attraction as well, so I wouldn't mind going there for that. I don't want to bother them at their prayers. I don't know if they have CDs - you might email them to check.

As for writing to me, the address is...

Annie Clare Macleod
(to be known as Sister Teresa of Jesus once I get to the Novitiate)
Carmelite Monastery of the Magnificat
Poplar Road, Penn Fields
Wolverhampton WV3 7DP
England UK

I doubt that I will be allowed to do a lot of replies at first - but when permission is given, I will certainly answer any letters that I receive, and will be happy to respond to any prayer requests. All mail is opened incoming and outgoing - just to let you know! :rolleyes:

If I am allowed, after my clothing, I will post here to say hi, but that will depend on permission.

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Annie, one of the Tyburn sisters gives a tour of the crypt and the little shrine to the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales on most days at three p.m. You will be able to have a look round then. Whereabouts in London will you be staying? I can give you directions for the Tube train.

I will be going home for the summer holidays within the next three weeks. I live in Preston, in the north of England (just under two hours away from Wolverhampton by the ordinary train and only three hours away from London by the express). Would you like to explore London for a day or two and then travel north to visit, before taking the train from Preston to Wolverhampton? Or would you prefer me to come down to London and see you there?

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[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1287128' date='Jun 3 2007, 08:42 PM']Annie, one of the Tyburn sisters gives a tour of the crypt and the little shrine to the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales on most days at three p.m. You will be able to have a look round then. Whereabouts in London will you be staying? I can give you directions for the Tube train.

I will be going home for the summer holidays within the next three weeks. I live in Preston, in the north of England (just under two hours away from Wolverhampton by the ordinary train and only three hours away from London by the express). Would you like to explore London for a day or two and then travel north to visit, before taking the train from Preston to Wolverhampton? Or would you prefer me to come down to London and see you there?[/quote]

Why don't you [email=anniemac@calequus.com]email me [/email]at before I leave here (on the 27th) and we can talk about it. I might like a day or two in London and then I could come up on the train to see you before I enter! That would be nice.

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Can I meet you too? (I am Vicky's friend IRL, so it would be nice for us all to meet if possible.)


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Guest phatdaddy

I am happy for you that circumstances are coming together for you to enter. Be assured of my prayers. Please dear sister, pray for my son who will be taking virst vows to the Fathers of Mercy on Aug 14th. He will be entering the Seminary in Sept. and will certainly need a prayer angel to sustain his ministry. God bless you.
Mr. Ray

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