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Vocations Delayed By Debt Poll

Totus Tuus

Are Debts Preventing You From Entering?  

48 members have voted

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Totus Tuus


Sismaria started a thread asking for advice. I thought a poll may be helpful. God reward you for voting!! ^_^


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I voted too -- I'm definitely delayed by debt. Unluckily mine isn't simply from college (which I've seen that there are a couple of organizations that will help in this case).

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As of yet, debts are not preventing me. However, I am pretty sure that I will end up going to college for at least a year or two, and, while I am trying to do everything I can to prevent it, I may aquire a bit of debt then.

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Totus Tuus

[quote name='onlygrace08' post='1285265' date='May 31 2007, 05:15 PM']As of yet, debts are not preventing me. However, I am pretty sure that I will end up going to college for at least a year or two, and, while I am trying to do everything I can to prevent it, I may aquire a bit of debt then.[/quote]

Humbly I would suggest not taking out a loan if you are looking at religious life. It's very difficult to shake the payments once you've graduated, and it makes discernment (according to my many friends who are going through it) a very rough process. Start looking for scholarships as early in advance as possible. And be aware that to have a FAFSA form (federal student aid) from the government, you [i]have[/i] to have the information from your parents' up-to-date tax-return if you are a dependent.

Best wishes!

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[quote name='Totus Tuus' post='1286054' date='Jun 1 2007, 04:04 PM']Humbly I would suggest not taking out a loan if you are looking at religious life. It's very difficult to shake the payments once you've graduated, and it makes discernment (according to my many friends who are going through it) a very rough process. Start looking for scholarships as early in advance as possible. And be aware that to have a FAFSA form (federal student aid) from the government, you [i]have[/i] to have the information from your parents' up-to-date tax-return if you are a dependent.

Best wishes![/quote]

Also, if you must take out a loan try to get a federal subsidized loan (the government pays your interest.) Unfortunately I have had to take out a little in loans, but I don't regret it since I have grown so much being able to go to an amazing Catholic school (Franciscan U. of Steubenville.) However I am considering going to a community college if I can't get enough in scholarships & aid this year just because I don't want too be in too much debt that I would be prevented from entering religious life. (If, God willing, I were to enter.)

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Dust's Sister

my debt is preventing me to even discern if I want to become a none. It's going to take years to pay off.

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Dust's Sister

my debt is preventing me to even discern if I want to become a nun. It's going to take years to pay off.

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[quote name='Dust' post='1287874' date='Jun 4 2007, 04:56 AM']my debt is preventing me to even discern if I want to become a nun. It's going to take years to pay off.[/quote]

You can still discern. And then trust! :)

Thank you for the advice TotusTuus and beata_virgo_maria! I'm really trying to find a place that will give me enough money to go to school so that I won't have to take out any loans. :) I think that my grades and such are good enough that [i]someplace[/i] will do that.

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Totus Tuus

[quote name='onlygrace08' post='1287887' date='Jun 4 2007, 09:09 AM']You can still discern. And then trust! :)

Thank you for the advice TotusTuus and beata_virgo_maria! I'm really trying to find a place that will give me enough money to go to school so that I won't have to take out any loans. :) I think that my grades and such are good enough that [i]someplace[/i] will do that.[/quote]

Extracurricular activities and activism-type things can also be very beneficial for getting grants and scholarships.

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[quote name='Totus Tuus' post='1287967' date='Jun 4 2007, 11:42 AM']Extracurricular activities and activism-type things can also be very beneficial for getting grants and scholarships.[/quote]

yep yep! It's great because my whole group of friends is trying so hard to get into college. We will say things like, "Do you want to join this club with me? It would look great on a college application." :lol_roll:

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Extracurriculars alone are not enough. It is more important to be outstanding at something, such as a sport or a musical instrument. An admissions committee can see through a list of extracurriculars very quickly. Concentrate on something you're good at and concentrate of that activity.

Also, I agree with the 'masser who suggested not getting into debt in the first place, by going to a cheaper school, living at home, or going to a school which offers you the largest scholarship. This may not be a Catholic school.

The huge US News & World Report Ultimate College Book, to which I've referred, but which I don't have handy now, has a list of schools which are the best buy and/or offer the most aid--this might prove useful.

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Christendom College, and some others, I've heard, relieve the educational debt (pay for it all) for their graduates, who enter religious life. That is where I would go and what I would do! Solid formation and the ability to enter right away.

Pax et Bonum.

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