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I'm Scared Of Holiness


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[quote name='Sixtina87' post='1283170' date='May 28 2007, 11:55 PM']So on my honest opinion, I think being holy is what you make of it and your own opinion of what it should be and also should be lived!

God Bless![/quote]
She is right. I would also like to add that it (at least for me) is "easy" :idontknow: to meet God in the people I meet everyday.

Six makes an excellent point, "and also should be lived." It matters to God how you live, the "little, boring, hum-drum" minutes make up your "holiness." It is the living and the doing of our everyday lives that brings forth our listening to what God would have us do. For however much we cooperate with our "state in life" that brings us that much closer to Him. And so we become, holier.

My husband and I have a "Marriage Mission Statement."
It is on the "back of the front door", so we see it whenever we go out.

Do all the good we can.
By all the means we can.
In all the ways we can.
In all the places we can.
At all the times we can.
To all the people we can.
As long as we ever can.

It is called the Rules of Conduct and it was written by John Wesley.
We paraphased it a bit. I don't think he minds.

Edited by ofpheritup
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I was once in your position...if Christ himself is calling to a certain vocation....he will find a way to let you know! trust me...I have been on that same boat several times in the past 3 or 4 yrs.....Have you ever considered doing a Novena to St. Therese the Little Flower? You ask her a question and ask for certain color of what ever you want to know and the prayer is always answered....however for me...when I did the novena every color I asked for came up, So i came to the conclusion I am not suppose to know the answer quiet yet!

God Bless!

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[quote name='Sixtina87' post='1284403' date='May 30 2007, 03:01 PM']I was once in your position...if Christ himself is calling to a certain vocation....he will find a way to let you know! trust me...I have been on that same boat several times in the past 3 or 4 yrs.....Have you ever considered doing a Novena to St. Therese the Little Flower? You ask her a question and ask for certain color of what ever you want to know and the prayer is always answered....however for me...when I did the novena every color I asked for came up, So i came to the conclusion I am not suppose to know the answer quiet yet!

God Bless![/quote]

Where can i find this novena?

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let me see if i can find it here online...i have it written down, however it is at school in my worship book! I'll check for ya!

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It took me about 5 websites to find it and here it is...I didn't realize there were more than one novena to St. Therese!!! One thing about this novena...its a 5 day Novena....on the 5th day say an extra 5 of each of the prayers. Just follow the directions at the bottom of this....if you have any questions please let me know!

Novena to Saint Therese of the Little Flower
Saint Therese, the Little
Flower, please pick me
a rose from the heavenly
garden and send it to
me with a message of love.
Ask God to grant me the
favor I thee implore and
tell Him I will love
Him each day more and more.

The above prayer, plus 5 Our Father's, 5 Hail Mary's and 5 Glory Be's must be said on 5 successive days, before 11 a.m. On the 5th day, the 5th set of prayers having been completed, offer one more set - 5 Our Father's, 5 Hail Mary's and 5 Glory Be's.)

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[quote name='Sixtina87' post='1284419' date='May 30 2007, 03:23 PM']It took me about 5 websites to find it and here it is...I didn't realize there were more than one novena to St. Therese!!! One thing about this novena...its a 5 day Novena....on the 5th day say an extra 5 of each of the prayers. Just follow the directions at the bottom of this....if you have any questions please let me know!
Novena to Saint Therese of the Little Flower
Saint Therese, the Little
Flower, please pick me
a rose from the heavenly
garden and send it to
me with a message of love.
Ask God to grant me the
favor I thee implore and
tell Him I will love
Him each day more and more.

The above prayer, plus 5 Our Father's, 5 Hail Mary's and 5 Glory Be's must be said on 5 successive days, before 11 a.m. On the 5th day, the 5th set of prayers having been completed, offer one more set - 5 Our Father's, 5 Hail Mary's and 5 Glory Be's.)[/quote]

then for the colors thing, you would say like, for the convent i choose pink, for marriage i choose blue? or something like that?

where do you see the colors?

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[quote name='chelsea' post='1284421' date='May 30 2007, 02:29 PM']then for the colors thing, you would say like, for the convent i choose pink, for marriage i choose blue? or something like that?

where do you see the colors?[/quote]

I think the colors are refering to the message you are asking St. Therese to send... many people have had their prayers answered in the form of flowers. I thik Sixtina is saying that you may say that you wish to have a white flower denote marriage and a pink one religious life. Does that make sense? Personally, I think it better to let the message come in whatever way it comes...

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for me I asked Therese to tell me what my vocation is in life...White rose for Religious Life, Yellow rose for Single Life and Pink rose for Marriage.....however for me, I received all the colors on the feast Of St. Joseph! So therefore I wasn't suppose to know yet.

The color of flower you ask for, you will receive!

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Chelsea, St Therese herself rarely if ever asked for signs of this sort, believing that it was better simply to trust Jesus to carry her where she needed to go. By asking for such a fixed sign you are trying to regiment your life to such an extent that the Holy Spirit has practically no room to breathe. Trust in God's providence, not in signs like these. Know that He will take care of you, abandon yourself to Him, and just let it go.

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