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Kindergartners To Be Taught Homosexuality, Bisexuality, And Transsexu


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California State Senate passes sex ed. bill that promotes gender confusion

California Senate Chambers

Sacramento, May 25, 2007 / 10:53 am (CNA).- Radical legislation, mandating that schoolchildren as young as kindergarten learn about transsexuality, bisexuality and homosexuality, has passed the California State Senate.

SB 777 requires textbooks, instructional materials, and school-sponsored activities to positively portray cross-dressing, sex-change operations, same-sex marriages, all aspects of homosexuality and bisexuality, and so-called "gay history." Silence on these sexual lifestyles will not be allowed.

Yesterday's vote, 23 to 13, was on a party line -- Democrats for, Republicans against. No Republican senator rose to speak against the bill.

SB 777 would teach these sexual subjects without parental permission. The new mandate would be enforced by the attorneys of the California Department of Education, which would sue school districts that do not comply.

"The notion of forcing children to support controversial sexual lifestyles is shocking and appalling to millions of fathers and mothers," said Randy Thomasson, president of Campaign for Children and Families (CCF). The group is calling on the governor to pledge to veto the bill.

"Parents don't want their children taught to become homosexual or bisexual or to wonder whether they need a sex-change operation,” said Thomasson. “SB 777 will shatter the academic purpose of education by turning every government school into a sexual indoctrination center."

The bill would also replace the definition of sex in the Education Code, which currently reads: “Sex means the biological condition or quality of being a male or female human being.”

It would be replaced with “Gender means sex, and includes a person's gender identity and gender related appearance and behavior whether or not stereotypically associated with the person's assigned sex at birth.”

The definition was authored by lesbian Senator Sheila Kuehl.



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sometimes, rules about language have to be broken for dramatic effect; like when the headlines after 911 read with a cussword.

:maddest: [mod]inappropriate language --hugheyforlife[/mod] :maddest:

This is sexual abuse of minors, pure and simple, and all of the people passing this legislation deserve to be hung for it.

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Archaeology cat

Glad I'm not in CA, but it's horrible! I'm going to second what Al just said, really. Gar, that would be enough incentive to not use public schools in CA.

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[color="blue"] I thought what they were currently teaching and supporting in public schools was, this is worse![/color]

[quote name='Archaeology cat' post='1282101' date='May 27 2007, 11:08 AM']Glad I'm not in CA, but it's horrible! I'm going to second what Al just said, really. Gar, that would be enough incentive to not use public schools in CA.[/quote]
[color="blue"] I seriously hate this...but, luckly, my school is too poor to beable to buy any new text books for another 5 years. :D:

but this is still pretty stupid... :maddest: [/color]

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Holy [mod]inappropriate language --hugheyforlife[/mod] carp.

I'm telling ya, these beaver dam idiots should not be in office. It's also the fault of the Californians that voted for these people. Of course it's impossible to predict what a politician would do in every situation, so the blame lies more on the politicans, not the people. Sometimes I wish (though not in reality) the military just took over the government and put many of these lazy, stuck-up, prissy bastards into shape and learn how it is in the real world, not in some L.A. McMansion fairyland.

[b]Note:[/b] This isn't a bash on California as a state, but just the far left-wing nuts who have no common sense that reside there.

Edited by hugheyforlife
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Archaeology cat

[quote name='Christie_M' post='1282106' date='May 27 2007, 06:18 PM'][color="blue"] I thought what they were currently teaching and supporting in public schools was, this is worse![/color]
[color="blue"] I seriously hate this...but, luckly, my school is too poor to beable to buy any new text books for another 5 years. :D:

but this is still pretty stupid... :maddest: [/color][/quote]

I know! I taught at a public school in FL, and thankfully wasn't required to teach things like that. Can't say I've always liked Jeb, but at least he kept things like that out.

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This should help to increase the enrollment at the private school I teach at.

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[quote name='Apotheoun' post='1282192' date='May 27 2007, 02:34 PM']This should help to increase the enrollment at the private school I teach at.[/quote]

Just wondering... what do you teach?

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[quote name='Apotheoun' post='1282198' date='May 27 2007, 02:46 PM']Theology, Philosophy, and History (usually Medieval History).[/quote]

Sweet. Is it Byzantine or Roman theology?

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Normally Roman, but it depends upon what particular primary texts are the assigned reading.

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[quote name='Apotheoun' post='1282202' date='May 27 2007, 02:50 PM']Normally Roman, but it depends upon what particular primary texts are the assigned reading.[/quote]

What primary texts do you often teach that you would recommend?

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It varies depending on the focus of the course and the age of the students.

The primary texts used in theology come mainly from the Fathers (e.g., St. Athanasios, the Cappadocians, St. Augustine, St. Maximos, St. John Damascene, et al.) and from the medieval theologians and philosophers (e.g., St. Bonaventure, St. Bernard, St. Thomas, St. Gregory Palamas, et al.).

The texts used in medieval history include both Christian and non-Christian sources (e.g., Boethius' [i]Contemplation of Philosophy[/i]; Procopius' [i]The Secret History[/i]; Einhard's history, [i]The Life of Charlemagne[/i]; the [i]Qu'ran[/i] and [i]Hadith[/i]; Maimonides [i]The Eight Chapters on Ethics[/i]; the [i]Magna Carta[/i]; and [i]The Creed of Ahmad ibn Hanbal[/i]; etc.).

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Isn't it nice when are schools are doing such a great job that they can add thing to the regular curriculum? Ignore the giant pool of sarcasm.

The truth of the matter is that US schools are falling further and further behind the rest of the world and no one knows why. Could it be that instead of reading, writing, math and science we are teaching this garbage?

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Knowledge is not abusive and the schools are not teaching kids how to become these things they are only informing. They are making them aware of life as we know it now. If children do not learn about these different sexual preferences in school, where would you want them to learn it? How long do you want children to be ignorant of these truths?

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