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Out Of Your Comfort Zone Into Something Radical...


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Howdy folks....been lurking about the past few months and I wanted to ask you guys how do you get out of your comfort zone. Seriously if you had to do something life changing and leave your current life behind and follow Christ into the unknown would you have the strength to do it? Like if something you desired for so long finally happened and now you have to leave everything you know would you do it even though you haven't the foggiest clue about where you would be in 6 months? Just wondering what you guys thought about this....


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Totus Tuus

Well, I will give you an example from my experience with this topic. When I entered OLAM, I had to really step out of my comfort zone. It was the first time I lived away from home, left my family "for good", and changed my entire life, from my schedule to my clothing to the people I was in obedience to. Although I wanted it more than anything in the world, it was not a comfortable step to take. I LOVED my family, our homestead, all my memories in Texas, my freedom to do many things which I would have to give up, etc. But there was a yearning in my heart which those things had not fulfilled. I had to go a step further. I had a lot of doubts, I knew in my heart that it was God's will for me to [i]try it out[/i].

Leaving your comfort zone for a good reason is not a bad thing. We might be going against [i]ourselves[/i], but that is something St. Paul found great benefit from: "No longer I who live, but Christ Who lives in me." Jesus said: "You must [i]deny yourself[/i], take up your cross, and follow Me." The only thing we need to worry about in this life is offending Our Lord, and leaving our comfort zone to follow Him is not offending Him. Therefore, it is not something to worry about!

He may be inviting you to go on an adventure with Him. To leave the humdrum behind and discover new avenues in which you will find happiness and the joy of living in Him, relying totally on Him. I don't know about you, but I cannot make myself happy. I have to rely on God for that. I didn't make myself, I didn't raise myself, and I can't provide myself with happiness. It is only in Him that you will find what you're looking for, and He knows what that is better than you do!

We all recoil at the thought of leaving our comfort zone, because that means we have to go into a [b]dis[/b]comfort zone. But I would go so far as to say that the discomfort lies in not trusting Him, and that it doesn't lie in doing the new thing He is calling you to do. It might be the most wonderful thing you ever experience, once you have left the discomfort of riding the fence and being indecisive behind. The day I entered, I knew it was right. I was no longer uncomfortable, and never felt for a moment that I had made the wrong choice. Even though it wasn't a permanent state of life for me at OLAM, I don't regret it; I don't feel like it was wasted time. I am a renewed person because of that experience, and I know I will take it with me wherever He leads me next.

Prayers for your discernment and all that is in your heart. We love you Marieteresa!


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Leaving your comfort zone is a part of growing up and growing out. It is a necessary progression to adulthood. It is not only about entering religious life, but with any new major endeavor in your life.
10 years ago I chose to leave NJ, what family was left there, my dear friends, my family home and move to Virginia where I knew NO ONE! I did it precisely because I had become too comfortable, needed a challenge, and wanted to think outside my small box. Now I actively seek out new challenges, new goals to accomplish.
You, in time, will also welcome this change. Not that it is easy! When I was considering relgioius life, back when I was in my teens, I was faced with how do I give up my parents? How do I leave behind my dog?(ha, like there is a connection between parents and dogs, but both were important to me.!!!) I even was worried because I could not watch a certain tv show. You will find the strength, in time! What you want to accomplish will soon be more important then your comfortable life.
The first step is the hardest. I know I may never climb Mount Everest, but you know what, standing in front of several hundred people and giving the graduation speech was my mountain to climb, as is teaching. I now welcome these challenges, and you will too!! Best of luck to you!!

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AliceMary and Lauren -- good posts!

At this point in my life it seems as though I'm constantly out of my comfort zone. For example -- I recently moved out of my wonderful 2 bedroom apartment into a one bedroom apt. in bad condition. Then I decided to move out of that apt (even though it was mine alone) into a room in a house (where I now have roommates to deal with). So I went from one apartment that stretched me to a room that still does (even though at least now I have heat and no bugs :-) ).

I'm also out of my comfort zone when dealing with money ... I'm now watching my spending much more closer than before.

I'm also out of my comfort zone with respect to my work commute ... I'm now an hr. and 20 minutes away. I used to be (at most) 20 minutes away. And the last move moved me that much farther ... although its now 5 minutes from perpetual adoration (yes!).

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I think the Lord starts putting you into situations that will stretch you. You have to be willing to let Him do it.

Finally -- I have to admit that I am struggling with the idea of leaving the US. About a week ago I realized that I'm actually closer to resolving my debt situation than I thought ... and that can be a bit frightening. But I'm taking it one day at a time -- and once I see that I'm debt free (and ready to buy a plane ticket) then I'll just go ahead and do so (regardless of fear). I just have to make sure that I don't do anything to try to delay the payment of the debts (that is anything on purpose as a pretext to not entering).

Not sure if that helps, but oh well! God bless you and help you with your discernment.

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[quote name='cmariadiaz' post='1278763' date='May 22 2007, 08:23 AM']Finally -- I have to admit that I am struggling with the idea of leaving the US. About a week ago I realized that I'm actually closer to resolving my debt situation than I thought ... and that can be a bit frightening. But I'm taking it one day at a time -- and once I see that I'm debt free (and ready to buy a plane ticket) then I'll just go ahead and do so (regardless of fear). I just have to make sure that I don't do anything to try to delay the payment of the debts (that is anything on purpose as a pretext to not entering).

Not sure if that helps, but oh well! God bless you and help you with your discernment.[/quote]

First, I will address you, marieteresa in a minute. I just had to reply to cmariadiaz about her situation! Yes! Nearly there! Yes! :clap: I am so happy for you. Yes, of course it will be scary and feel hard to do, but oh how wonderful that you are that much closer to surrender! Yayyyy. I will be praying for you very hard now :rolleyes: :pray: You go, girl!

Whew - ok, got that out of my system, now marieteresa. Yes! Of course we have to go out of our comfort system - our whole life we have to do that! But sometimes it is because of things that we can't help, and other times it is because we are responding to God - and how much sweeter is that step, I ask you? Sometimes I get overwhelmed with fear about all kinds of silly little, tiny little, things, and I have to pray for help from the Holy Spirit just to take the next step. But the joy at the other end is well worth any amount of discomfort in the beginning.

So, be brave - say yes. Ask for help from one of the really courageous saints - I know I do all the time. I ask one of them to "loan" me just a little of the courage they had when they were here doing His will. Then step out with faith and let Him carry you the rest of the way. And God bless you, whatever it is you need to do! :love:

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Totus Tuus

[quote name='Ora et Labora' post='1278809' date='May 21 2007, 09:39 PM']go for it. ;)[/quote]

Yup. I guess that's the bottom line ^_^

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Totus Tuus

[quote name='Ora et Labora' post='1278809' date='May 21 2007, 09:39 PM']go for it. ;)[/quote]

Yup. I guess that's the bottom line ^_^

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[quote name='Totus Tuus' post='1278739' date='May 21 2007, 08:17 PM']We all recoil at the thought of leaving our comfort zone, because that means we have to go into a [b]dis[/b]comfort zone. But I would go so far as to say that the discomfort lies in not trusting Him, and that it doesn't lie in doing the new thing He is calling you to do. It might be the most wonderful thing you ever experience, once you have left the discomfort of riding the fence and being indecisive behind.[/quote]

I completely agree. Going out of our comfort zone is certainly a scary, breath taking, huge step, but not trusting Him is even riskier. Sometimes we need to take a leap of faith, even though we are hesitant. You never know the possibilities until we venture out of and away from what we have always known.

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i know, and sorry this sounds simplistic,non-psychological, but--- intense MEDITATION/Refelection on Gethsemane, and THE CROSS, of Our Lord...alone,....and remember that you are going to die.....life is short..
Pax et Bonum

Edited by EJames
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[quote name='EJames' post='1278903' date='May 22 2007, 11:41 AM']i know, and sorry this sounds simplistic,non-psychological, but--- intense MEDITATION/Refelection on Gethsemane, and THE CROSS, of Our Lord...alone,....and remember that you are going to die.....life is short..
Pax et Bonum

Oh that was so beautiful :love:

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I was hauled out of my comfort zone properly when I left Saudi Arabia to complete my education in Britain. I had to make a lot of cultural adjustments and that really hurt, especially as I have never viewed myself as fully English. On my first night at the new school a member of staff invited me to stand up and introduce myself. I got up, I faced the crowd of English students, I opened my mouth...and the words that came out were Arabic. Settling in was like acquiring a different brain. It is only over the past two years that I have come to feel that I really belong in England. Before that it was just a place for holidays. I would get so homesick that I couldn't even cry. I just used to lie awake at night with this horrible ache inside me.

But it had to be done. God blessed me with an opportunity to go deeper into my Catholic faith and I thank Him for that. Maybe I will return to the Middle East and maybe I won't, but I will always have a home in God.

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Ora et Labora

[quote name='EJames' post='1278903' date='May 21 2007, 11:41 PM']i know, and sorry this sounds simplistic,non-psychological, but--- intense MEDITATION/Refelection on Gethsemane, and THE CROSS, of Our Lord...alone,....and remember that you are going to die.....life is short..
Pax et Bonum


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