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Smme Retreat


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Sorry one more question, did you know if Sister Mary Joseph, and Sister Mary David were there?

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I dont know, sorry. I lot of the sisters came over for rec and night prayers, but I am not sure if they were among them.

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[quote]Two girls came from Australia for it and one girl came from Hawaii, so there were some people who had come a long way for this.[/quote]


And here I am fussing about going to Holland. :blush:

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Yeah, these girls had come a [b]long [/b] way. The two from Australia had been staying at the Shack for a few days, but the onbe from Hawaii came in the same time I did, we drove to the Motherhouse from the airport in the same van. It was so cool to hear how far people had come just for a 24 hour reteat!! It was really cool.

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Yeah we had a girl from Austraila come to the Feb retreat, for all I know one of the two could of been the same person. :D: I cant wait to go back, I'm going back to the Motherhouse or well Christ the King Parish at least for the upcoming Perpetual Profession in 27 days.

I'm hanging out at my hosts house for a few, leaving the 28th [the day before the profession] and coming back like July 2nd or something, I might stay til Independence day, but I dont think so. Haha. I've never been out of state for a Holiday.

I've met Sister John Mary sort of, when I was at the Motherhouse in November for their retreat, it was one of those introductions, I was left to stand by myself the most nervous person in the Universe by my luggage 15 minutes before Athletic Recreation, feeling humilitated that I might be invading the Sisters schedule and Sister John Mary strolls over, "Hi...whats your name?" I respond, ask for hers, she responds, she asks where I'm from, I respond she says, "Well...let me go see what I can do about you."

And I think you mean Sister John Mary instead of Sister Mary John, Sister Mary John is a novice and I highly doubt novices are able to pick up retreaters or people for that matter even being escorted with a professed Sister.

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Lioness For Christ

Wowee... Am I glad the Lord let me to this site!

Anyone else have anythign to say of the retreat? I wasn't able to go... BUT SO WANT TO!

Details details details! I'd love to hear of them all! :drool:

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