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My New Name In Religion


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Every time I think I have things planned out according to my own understanding, God lets me know that He is in charge. I was all prepared to keep my baptismal name of Annie Clare when I entered religion because Mother Prioress had said that this is sometimes easier for legal documents and formalities. So I thought, "Why not? I like my name. It is in honor of St Anne and St Clare - and my grandmother was named Annie (a good Irish Catholic girl). I will be Sister Annie Clare of Jesus". I had considered Sister Michael Mary since the Archangel has protected me from so much, but I was happy with doing things the easy way, if that seemed best.

I hadn't told Mother that I was going to keep my baptismal name yet, but today I received an email from her saying that I will be entering on the 16th July and another postulant on the 20th. The other postulant will be named Sister Mary Agnes of the Eucharist.

Then Mother said that she wanted me to be called in religion, Sister Teresa of Jesus. Wow! I don't know what to say. Teresa of Jesus (St Teresa of Avila) is my spiritual mother and I just feel so honored and grateful to be given her name.

For some reason, this has just made me feel that God really wants me, and has a place for me - I needed to feel that right now since things have been a little tough for me spiritually.

Please pray for me, and give thanks to God for His mercy. :pray:

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Ora et Labora

That's awesome Annie!!! So, where are you entering?? Sorry! I've probably read it somewhere, but there are so many entrances this year! ^_^

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[quote name='Ora et Labora' post='1273635' date='May 15 2007, 10:02 AM']That's awesome Annie!!! So, where are you entering?? Sorry! I've probably read it somewhere, but there are so many entrances this year! ^_^[/quote]

God willing, I will enter Carmel at the Wolverhampton Monastery of the Magnificat in England on July 16th (feast of Our Lady of Mt Carmel) :sign:

Edited by nunsense
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Ora et Labora

Yes!! That's the date when the Sister Servants enter. And it's also my moms birthday. ;) I have visited they're site, and the place is beautiful! You are very blessed. :)

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what a beautiful,simple name! Is is simply the tradition of that Carmel to give the name at postulancy? just wondering.... It'll be nice to have an awsome Carmelite patron looking out for you!

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[quote name='ThyHolyLove' post='1273728' date='May 15 2007, 10:56 AM']what a beautiful,simple name! Is is simply the tradition of that Carmel to give the name at postulancy? just wondering.... It'll be nice to have an awsome Carmelite patron looking out for you![/quote]

As far as I know, the religious name isn't used by a postulant, so I will still be Annie for awhile - that's why I was very surprised when Mother wrote to tell me what she wanted me to use. She said that the other postulant had chosen her own religious name (and Mother was happy with her choice) but she just felt that I should use Teresa's. I have been feeling a little abandoned lately (Mother's Day was hard since my daughter has rejected me completely now), so getting that email from her just made me feel wanted - sort of a present from Jesus.

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[quote name='nunsense' post='1273633' date='May 14 2007, 10:00 PM']Every time I think I have things planned out according to my own understanding, God lets me know that He is in charge. I was all prepared to keep my baptismal name of Annie Clare when I entered religion because Mother Prioress had said that this is sometimes easier for legal documents and formalities. So I thought, "Why not? I like my name. It is in honor of St Anne and St Clare - and my grandmother was named Annie (a good Irish Catholic girl). I will be Sister Annie Clare of Jesus". I had considered Sister Michael Mary since the Archangel has protected me from so much, but I was happy with doing things the easy way, if that seemed best.

I hadn't told Mother that I was going to keep my baptismal name yet, but today I received an email from her saying that I will be entering on the 16th July and another postulant on the 20th. The other postulant will be named Sister Mary Agnes of the Eucharist.

Then Mother said that she wanted me to be called in religion, Sister Teresa of Jesus. Wow! I don't know what to say. Teresa of Jesus (St Teresa of Avila) is my spiritual mother and I just feel so honored and grateful to be given her name.

For some reason, this has just made me feel that God really wants me, and has a place for me - I needed to feel that right now since things have been a little tough for me spiritually.

Please pray for me, and give thanks to God for His mercy. :pray:[/quote]

Hahaha, thats great, also another relation is that Saint Therese's sister, Sister Pauline became "Mother" Agnes and of course Saint Therese kept her Sister Therese [ little flower]

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What a great present from St Teresa herself! :) I will keep you in my prayers, Annie. I am going to say the rosary with a friend in half an hour's time and we shall name you in our intentions - and your daughter.

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Teresa of Jesus certianly fits with monastic simplicity :)

Edited by Staretz
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[quote name='nunsense' post='1273633' date='May 14 2007, 11:00 PM']Then Mother said that she wanted me to be called in religion, Sister Teresa of Jesus. Wow! I don't know what to say. Teresa of Jesus (St Teresa of Avila) is my spiritual mother and I just feel so honored and grateful to be given her name.[/quote]

(somewhat off the direct topic)

Thought you'd enjoy this!

So ... I'm on another work/computer programming forum. Someone, who doesn't know me at all, jokingly calls me "Carmencita del Nino Jesus". (He picked up on my spanish name, from my login name and decided to add to it).

And to boot -- I've been asked to pray a novena to the Divine Child.

How cool is that! I call that a nice confirmation.

Finally -- I do like your new name in religion!. I like St. Teresa a lot.

-- Carmen

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Annie, anyone who knows a little of the life of St. Teresa of Avila will recall that she didn't really hit her stride until she was well into middle age--I think her name is perfect for a later vocation type person like you!! God bless! ;)

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Thank you everyone - my heart is so filled with love that I can't believe it! :love: :rolleyes:

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