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I Will Be A Postulant In One Week


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Thank you all very much for your kind words and prayers. For me, the fact that they didn't have a website or a very public way to know about them worked in my vocation. Because, although they live relatively close to me (1/2 hr on the hgwy), I always know deep down that I would never have known about them or even met them on my own had it not been for our Lord's providence. There life is sort of a hidden one even though they are not cloistered. Oh, and BTW, I would like you to keep my family (nuclear) in your prayers during this time. God bless you.


pax et bonum

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[quote]Oh, and BTW, I would like you to keep my family (nuclear) in your prayers during this time.[/quote]

Excellent! I have to have many intentions to fill up my rosary beads during these days of May. ;) Thank you.

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