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I Will Be A Postulant In One Week


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I just wanted to say that I will soon be leaving the phorum. I was accepted to enter the Franciscan Sisters Minor as a postulant on 17 May 2007. That's roughly one week away. I know I haven't been on here too much in the recent past- at least activiely contributing. However, it has been an edifying experience to read the posts and follow the conversations on the phorum especially here at VS. I pray that our loving God will continue to avail His grace on all who trully seek to do His will. I will come on and off periodically but right now I'm trying to tie up all my biz- acquiring what I need before I enter etc. one week and a half is hardly time at all.

Anyway, please graciously keep me in your prayers. [size=2][i] [color="#FF8C00"]Laudatur Jesus Christus![/color][/i][/size]


pax et bonum

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Are they in MA? I think I met one of their postulents last year, Jackie. But it could be a different order. Prayers for you!!!

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The Franciscan Sisters Minor seem really awesome!! I found a little reference to them here, with their way of life and everything: [url="http://www.haloscan.com/comments/geraldaugustinus/115415313775847141/#226313"]http://www.haloscan.com/comments/geraldaug...5847141/#226313[/url]

I think it's great how they have no phones and are very poor. I think for some orders it's not God's will that they have a site online. I know several other ones like this too. The Monastic Family of Bethlehem also chooses to not have a website. God sends the vocations in His own way!

God bless you, Anne! Pace e Bene!! ^_^

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Ora et Labora

i think that's very true also. i just meant...so i could learn more about them.

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[quote name='Ora et Labora' post='1269616' date='May 9 2007, 06:21 PM']i think that's very true also. i just meant...so i could learn more about them.[/quote]

Oh yeah, I getcha though! ^_^ It's great being able to learn about the different orders, and particular communities.

On this site, there's a picture of a postulant (or novice maybe) : [url="http://www.therockgroup.org/ROCKPICS.HTM"]http://www.therockgroup.org/ROCKPICS.HTM[/url] :)

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May Our Lord bless you for accepting His blessing: "Sell all you have, give the money to the poor, and come, follow me."

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Ora et Labora

[quote name='Margaret Clare' post='1269628' date='May 9 2007, 08:34 PM']Oh yeah, I getcha though! ^_^ It's great being able to learn about the different orders, and particular communities.

On this site, there's a picture of a postulant (or novice maybe) : [url="http://www.therockgroup.org/ROCKPICS.HTM"]http://www.therockgroup.org/ROCKPICS.HTM[/url] :)[/quote]

Yes, it is great to learn about the different communities. That's what I love so much about the Vocation Station. I have found out about so many different communities! :)

And thank you for the link, I will definitely check it out!

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