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The Number One Comment I Hate After Telling People I Am Entering Semin


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[quote name='the_rev' post='1264496' date='May 4 2007, 06:04 PM']Sometime I am asked why I don't become a "lutheran priest" because they can get married.

--I just roll my eyes and laugh at there stupidity.[/quote]

Careful... they're not stupid, just ignorant. And we're all ignorant about a lot of things. We just happen to know a lot about being Catholic. :)

My mom queried me about why I can't take Communion at their Lutheran church last time I was home, since they believe the Real Presence. She definitely believes in the Real Presence, but she doesn't know many of the reasons for it outside of a few things her pastor has taught. So I plan on using some Catholic apologetics to show why the Real Presence is true since it's one thing we agree on and maybe that'll spark some interest... or if nothing else, increase her understanding of what's different between Catholicism and Lutheranism.

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[quote name='Tina' post='1264415' date='May 4 2007, 04:31 PM']I've been told that once my parish finds out that I'm entering the convent (God willing, if I am accepted :saint: ) the questions are going to get worse and I am going to have to face more and more ridiculous comments......

People don't understand how a person can feel so strongly that they would devote their life to the greater glory of God. We understand it because we are going through it. But, in the midst of it, you are bearing witness to Jesus Christ and the Catholic faith. And that's all that matters! :rolleyes:[/quote]

If your parish is going to be so full of questions and ridiculous comments, maybe you could take the opportunity to provide a short testimony during the announcement time at Mass and kinda head 'em off at the pass. :) I'm sure it would be intimidating (especially if your parish is pretty big) but it would also show people that you are confident about where God is leading you and probably do a lot to reassure them that you're doing the right thing. But more than anything, you would be showing that there is more to life than getting married and raising a family and maybe it would be a chance for God to change the hearts of some of those people who seem so sure that marriage and raising kids is the only happy life one can hope for.

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Totus Tuus

Someone who knew I was entering OLAM said to me [i]You're going to be such a good mother someday[/i]. I'm not sure what kind of a reaction she was trying to get from me, but it's just sad how many people feel [i]sorry[/i] for you because you are choosing celibacy!

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Ora et Labora

that's what everyone tells me too, when i mention the religious life. :idontknow: just because girls love children, doesn't mean they have to get married. when you enter into the religious life, the whole world are your children!

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[quote name='Ora et Labora' post='1266338' date='May 6 2007, 08:00 PM']:lol_above: what...are you married now or something?[/quote]

34 years and counting!

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I have been given the comment

So that means you can't have sex...

You know what, saying Mass is better than sex. (I know this will raise a couple of eyebrows).

Ephrem of the Resurrection

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Ora et Labora

not mine. :rolleyes: actually, i would rather reply in a more optimistic way, like, you GO MARK!!! lol!

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If you will make a good mother, then you will make a [i]perfect[/i] nun! ^_^ It's disgusting how people today look on chastity as shameful, they see purity as something you need to rid of as soon as possible in your life. So many people think that when you become a nun you are sacrificing all of your motherly tendencies, when rather you are putting them to most good use!

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[quote name='the lords sheep' post='1263724' date='May 3 2007, 09:57 PM']:shock: You can't get married? :shock:
:lol_roll: I'm always rather amused when people say this, and I tend to pretend for a just minute that that's the first time I had ever heard that priests/Sisters don't marry....

One of my favorites came recently... a classmate asked me if I had ever discerned, and I said that I was open to the will of God. She then asked, "You know, you can't... ya know.... do [i]IT[/i]???"

I told her I thought I'd done okay for the past 22 years.... :D:
Anyway... just have patience and know that you may be the only person discerning that they've ever come in contact with. It may not seem radical to you, but it is to them, and they're both questioning your motives and admiring your commitment to your faith.

On another note, You'll have to answer stupider questions as a priest.... :blink:[/quote]

Yeah I have always wanted to do that to people Cause that happens all the time. especially the "IT"

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[quote name='MC IMaGiNaZUN' date='May 8 2007, 11:24 AM' post='1268031']
I have been given the comment

So that means you can't have sex...

You know what, saying Mass is better than sex. (I know this will raise a couple of eyebrows).

Ephrem of the Resurrection

I agree with you.
Sex is nice, but it isn't all there is.
Mass is an expression of "Perfect Love."
Isn't that what we are ALL searching for?

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