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The Number One Comment I Hate After Telling People I Am Entering Semin


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The number 1 most annoying comment to hear when you tell someone your entering college seminary is:

"You Know You Can't Get Married Right"

Of course I know I can't get married, does it look like I began discernment yesterday?

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the lords sheep

[quote name='the_rev' post='1263659' date='May 3 2007, 10:53 PM']The number 1 most annoying comment to hear when you tell someone your entering college seminary is:
"You Know You Can't Get Married Right"
Of course I know I can't get married, does it look like I began discernment yesterday?[/quote]

:shock: You can't get married? :shock:

:lol_roll: I'm always rather amused when people say this, and I tend to pretend for a just minute that that's the first time I had ever heard that priests/Sisters don't marry....

One of my favorites came recently... a classmate asked me if I had ever discerned, and I said that I was open to the will of God. She then asked, "You know, you can't... ya know.... do [i]IT[/i]???"

I told her I thought I'd done okay for the past 22 years.... :D:

Anyway... just have patience and know that you may be the only person discerning that they've ever come in contact with. It may not seem radical to you, but it is to them, and they're both questioning your motives and admiring your commitment to your faith.

On another note, You'll have to answer stupider questions as a priest.... :blink:

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[quote]Of course I know I can't get married, does it look like I began discernment yesterday?[/quote]

In the eyes of the Lord it probably [i]does[/i] look just like that. ;)

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[quote name='the_rev' post='1263659' date='May 3 2007, 10:53 PM']The number 1 most annoying comment to hear when you tell someone your entering college seminary is:
"You Know You Can't Get Married Right"
Of course I know I can't get married, does it look like I began discernment yesterday?[/quote]

I know I hate that, I get that and, "Dont you want to have babies?"

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Funny, they don't get all bent out of shape when I want to settle down and get married.

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But in all fairness, marriage isn't something that seems to come out of left field. Most people don't know any priests or religious as personal friends, and it's not something typically considered unless you're raised on a solid Catholic family.

However, for me the most "annoying" comment would be: So you're becoming a priest? or When are you getting ordained?

But they aren't annoying questions most of the time, since they do open up the opportunity to discuss the process of discernment, what seminary really is, etc.

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Knight of the Holy Rosary

Unfortunately...I too am asked that question (just not that nicely). What I think is so annoying about it (for me) is that they say it in way that they expect some kind of protest from me. Like I'm supposed to be bummed about being celibate.

'Celibacy is God's gift to man' - Bishop Fulton Sheen

Edited by Knight of the Holy Rosary
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I keep getting "What are you trying to run away from by entering the convent?" and "Are you crazy? You're happy giving your life away? That means you'll never have kids, never get married, etc."

It's interesting to see people's reactions when they find out what you're doing with your life. For instance, my dentist had to sign a form for my application, and he flat out told me "I hope they reject you, you're making a big mistake."

I've been told that once my parish finds out that I'm entering the convent (God willing, if I am accepted :saint: ) the questions are going to get worse and I am going to have to face more and more ridiculous comments......

People don't understand how a person can feel so strongly that they would devote their life to the greater glory of God. We understand it because we are going through it. But, in the midst of it, you are bearing witness to Jesus Christ and the Catholic faith. And that's all that matters! :rolleyes:

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Or even better...

They tell me, "Say why wouldn't you want to be a deacon? You can have a family then..." Oh really, like I've just heard of the diaconite. Sure deacons are really cool, but the whole thing attracting me to the priesthood is because of the celibacy.

Sometimes (and I wonder about this alot) they say, "Why don't you become a brother?" and usually their response to me asking them why would be "All you do is say Mass and stuff." Again, thats why the priesthood is so attractive....THE MASS!

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Sometime I am asked why I don't become a "lutheran priest" because they can get married.

--I just roll my eyes and laugh at there stupidity.

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I can understand the frustration, but...all these are God-given opportunities to share the reasons why we live as we do. Remember that most people won't understand the concept of vocation. I get very excited when people ask me questions about nuns, even silly questions, as it is a sign that they are at least beginning to think about what matters.

"But how are they to call on one in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in one of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone to proclaim him? And how are they to proclaim him unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" [i]- Romans 10: 14-15[/i]

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Ora et Labora

[quote name='the lords sheep' post='1263724' date='May 3 2007, 11:57 PM']:shock: You can't get married? :shock:
:lol_roll: I'm always rather amused when people say this, and I tend to pretend for a just minute that that's the first time I had ever heard that priests/Sisters don't marry....

One of my favorites came recently... a classmate asked me if I had ever discerned, and I said that I was open to the will of God. She then asked, "You know, you can't... ya know.... do [i]IT[/i]???"

I told her I thought I'd done okay for the past 22 years.... :D:[/quote]

:lol_roll: that's pretty funny. :rolleyes:

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Ora et Labora

[quote name='TheOliverOrder88' post='1264420' date='May 4 2007, 03:32 PM']Or even better...

They tell me, "Say why wouldn't you want to be a deacon? You can have a family then..." Oh really, like I've just heard of the diaconite. Sure deacons are really cool, but the whole thing attracting me to the priesthood is because of the celibacy.

Sometimes (and I wonder about this alot) they say, "Why don't you become a brother?" and usually their response to me asking them why would be "All you do is say Mass and stuff." Again, thats why the priesthood is so attractive....THE MASS![/quote]

at least they're OPEN to some form of religious. a lot of my friends and all of my extended family just tell me, "oh you'll be such a wonderful mother! you would never make it as a nun...you were meant for something more."

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centuries ago, I wanted to become a nun.

I told my sunday school teacher.

He asked,

"Do they shave their heads?!"

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