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To Be The Bride Of Christ


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I just thought I would share this quote with any future Brides of Christ out there and, of course, for those who have already become His bride. Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity's words are very beautiful and express so well all it means to be the bride of Christ. Let us pray for vocations for many more brides for our Lord on this day of prayer for vocations. Sister Maria

To be the bride of Christ!
"Bride," I must live all that this name implies
of love given and received, of intimacy, of fidelity, of absolute devotion!

To be a bride means to be given as He gave Himself;
it means to be sacrificed as He was, by Him, for Him...
It is Christ making Himself all ours and we becoming "all His!"
To be a bride means to have all rights over His Heart...
It is a heart to heart exchange for a whole lifetime...

"To be a bride" means to have eyes only for Him
Our thoughts haunted by Him,
our heart wholly taken over, wholly possessed,
as if it had passed out of itself and into Him;
It means keeping our gaze always fixed on His,
to discover His least sign, His least desire;
it means to enter into all His joys, to share all His sadness.
It means to know nothing else than to love,
to love while adoring, to love while praying, while asking,
while forgetting oneself;
to love always in every way!
--Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity

Edited by sismaria
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Thank you Sister Maria for sharing Blessed Elizabeth's beautiful words.......they are so thought provoking. God Bless.

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Ditto Philosobrat. :love: I have her photo on the wall next to my bed, together with those of Therese, Edith Stein, Our Lady (only not a photo, obviously!) and Maximilian Kolbe.

There is something else she said that moved me very much: "I have found Heaven on earth, for He is my heaven, and He is in my soul."

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I like this particular one too:

"One must erase the word 'discouragement' from one's dictionary of love" - in a letter she wrote to a sister

Also, I like the one in my sig. which echos the words of St. John of the Cross.

The book, [url="http://www.amazon.com/Light-Love-Life-Elizabeth-Trinity/dp/0935216073"][i]Light Love Life: A Look at a Face and a Heart[/i][/url], is wonderful for pictures and excerpts of the writings of Blessed Elizabeth. It is not longer in print, but occasionally shows up on amazon used books or eBay. [url="http://www.fetchbook.info/compare.do?search=9780935216073"]FetchBook[/url] is a great way to find it. This is one of my most favorite books ever! I absolutely love it!! Sometimes when people ask me a lot about just what the cloistered contemplative life is, I bring out this book as it illustrates it soo well!

Here's the official site for her: [url="http://www.elisabeth-dijon.org/"]http://www.elisabeth-dijon.org/[/url]

Edited by Margaret Clare
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Totus Tuus

She is so awesome :love:

I was talking to a deacon recently who I'm in touch with and he told me about how the world, even though it's tangible, is not reality. God is the ultimate reality, and so the deeper our spiritual life becomes, the more rooted we are in reality. It's easy to think that we are sometimes reaching into the abstract when we pray, because we think of tangibility as being the prerequisite for reality. He said that to be a part of the divine reality is the goal of our lives, because heaven is the ultimate reality (believe me, I'm not trying at ALL to sound like an Albigensian or something). Reading these quotes makes me think that Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity was not just a poet; she was someone who lived in God's reality and knew that love was the goal that we must strive for to live in that reality.

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[quote name='Totus Tuus' post='1262462' date='May 2 2007, 11:13 AM']She is so awesome :love:

I was talking to a deacon recently who I'm in touch with and he told me about how the world, even though it's tangible, is not reality. God is the ultimate reality, and so the deeper our spiritual life becomes, the more rooted we are in reality. It's easy to think that we are sometimes reaching into the abstract when we pray, because we think of tangibility as being the prerequisite for reality. He said that to be a part of the divine reality is the goal of our lives, because heaven is the ultimate reality (believe me, I'm not trying at ALL to sound like an Albigensian or something). Reading these quotes makes me think that Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity was not just a poet; she was someone who lived in God's reality and knew that love was the goal that we must strive for to live in that reality.[/quote]
You're such a sage, Totus!!!!

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