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Communities That Take A Fourth Vow...


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[b]Can we make a list?[/b] Yes, I'm into lists lately.

The following come immediately to mind:

[b]1. Miles Jesu -Fourth Vow of Availibility to the Holy Father[/b]


[b]2. Missionaries of Charity -Fourth Vow of Whole Hearted and Free Service to the Poorest of the Poor[/b]


[b]3. Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara -Fourth Vow of Marian Slavery[/b]


[size=1]*In addition to the evangelicals: Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience[/size]

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[b][/b]4. Marianist Priests and Brothers-Fouth Vow of Stability[b][/b]

[b][/b]5. Sisters of Life- Fouth Vow to Protect and Enhance the Sacredness of all human life[b][/b]
[url="http://sistersoflife.org/"]Sisters of Life[/url]

[b][/b]6. Religious Sisters of Mercy, Alma- Fourth Vow of Service to the Poor, Sick and Ignorant[b][/b]
[url="http://www.rsmofalma.org/index.html"]Religious Sisters of Mercy, Alma[/url]

[b][/b]7. Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of the Church-Fourth Vow to Carry out Works of Charity[b][/b]
[url="http://www.sistersofcharity.com/"]Sisters of Charity[/url]

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The Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul are a Society of Apostolic Life, as opposed to a religious order, but they take annual vows of poverty, chastity, obedience and a 4th vow of service to the poor.

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Sr Mary Catharine OP

I'm being bad....

We only take ONE VOW!

Actually, we don't take ANY vows technically! We make profession of obedience according to our constitutions and the rule of St. Augustine. Included in that are the vows of obedience, poverty and chastity.

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[quote name='Sr. Mary Catharine' post='1258749' date='Apr 28 2007, 12:35 PM']I'm being bad....

We only take ONE VOW!

Actually, we don't take ANY vows technically! We make profession of obedience according to our constitutions and the rule of St. Augustine. Included in that are the vows of obedience, poverty and chastity.[/quote]


Sister Mary Catharine! Shocked look! :hehe: Now that you mention it, I think back to professions that I have heard and they do say, "I sister so and so vow obedience for life of such and such according to the constitution of whomever." Thanks for the clarification.

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[b]9. Poor Clares take a 4th vow of Enclosure[/b]


[b]10. Passionist Nuns also take a 4th of Enclosure & a 5th: "To promote devotion to and grateful remembrance
of the Passion and death of Jesus"[/b]


[b]11. Carthusians take 2 extra vows also (including Poverty, Chastity, Obedience) of Stability & Conversion of Life

[b]12. The Monastic Family of Bethlehem of the Assumption of the Virgin and of St. Bruno - same extra 2 as Carthusians, Stability & Conversion of Life, with extra promises unique to their Religious Institute (of Pontifical Right, as of 1998) one of those promises I know is unity (with God, in community, in the Church, in the world, etc.)[/b]

Edited by Margaret Clare
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the lords sheep

The Little Sisters of the Poor take a fourth vow of [b]hospitality[/b]
[url="http://www.littlesistersofthepoor.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=feature.display&feature_ID=14"]Little Sisters of the Poor[/url]

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[quote]Carthusians take 2 extra vows also (including Poverty, Chastity, Obedience) of Stability & Conversion of Life[/quote]

Well, I think technically they take three vows, of Obedience, Stability, and Conversion of Life...and poverty and celibate chastity are included under this last one.

Those were the original three vows, and are the ones taken by the Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem for example. Obedience (the supreme vow), Stability, and Conversion of Life...with the counsels of poverty and celibate chastity included originally under the last one. First implicitly, but very early they became explicitly stated in the vow.

When non-monastic Orders started, Stability (ie, remaining in one house or community) was no longer instrinsically tied to religious life (mendicants and clerks often must travel and move for their particular apostolate) and that vow was not included in them. To make 3 again the vow of Conversion of Life just split into the two main parts, namely chastity and poverty. Therefore, the 3 Counsels came to correspond with the 3 vows used in most Orders. Chastity was of course celibate. And poverty was either simply holding goods in common, or mendicant poverty where even the Order collectively owned nothing but rather deeds it all to the Holy See.

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The Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ (www.dljc.org), in addition to the 3 vows of poverty, chastity and obedience make a 4th promise of fellowship in the Spirit with all those who are members of the community.

The Discipulas de Jesus de San Juan Bautista/Disciples of Jesus of St. John the Baptist make a similar 4th vow/promise ... however right now I don't remember how exactly they phrase it. They highlight the importance of living fraternally in community, where charity/love is key.

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As for communities with extra vows,

Jesuits of course have their fourth vow (though it comes later) of special obedience to the Pope. And according to the Catholic Encyclopedia the Jesuits had: "certain additional, but non-essential, simple vows, in the matter of poverty, and the refusal of external honours." Though I am not sure these survived the reforms.

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[b]The Franciscan sisters Minor(FSM)[/b]; [url="http://www.marymediatrix.com"]The Franciscans of the Immaculate (FI)[/url]; and I believe also the [b]Franciscans of the Primitive observance (FPO)[/b] all make a [b]fourth vow[/b] of [u][i]Total Consecration to Mary[/i][/u]. I could be wrong about the FPOs however.

pax et bonum

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[quote name='batteddy' post='1259389' date='Apr 28 2007, 09:59 PM']Well, I think technically they take three vows, of Obedience, Stability, and Conversion of Life...and poverty and celibate chastity are included under this last one.

Those were the original three vows, and are the ones taken by the Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem for example. Obedience (the supreme vow), Stability, and Conversion of Life...with the counsels of poverty and celibate chastity included originally under the last one. First implicitly, but very early they became explicitly stated in the vow.

When non-monastic Orders started, Stability (ie, remaining in one house or community) was no longer instrinsically tied to religious life (mendicants and clerks often must travel and move for their particular apostolate) and that vow was not included in them. To make 3 again the vow of Conversion of Life just split into the two main parts, namely chastity and poverty. Therefore, the 3 Counsels came to correspond with the 3 vows used in most Orders. Chastity was of course celibate. And poverty was either simply holding goods in common, or mendicant poverty where even the Order collectively owned nothing but rather deeds it all to the Holy See.[/quote] interesting .. thank you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know what number we're on:

Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary-
[b][url="http://piercedhearts.org/sctjm/who_we_are/@who_are_sctjm.htm#our_four_vows:"]Fourth Vow[/url][/b]: Faithful witnesses to the life, magisterium and treasures of the Church

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Guest JeffCR07

[quote name='Veritas' post='1258756' date='Apr 28 2007, 11:38 AM']+

Sister Mary Catharine! Shocked look! :hehe: Now that you mention it, I think back to professions that I have heard and they do say, "I sister so and so vow obedience for life of such and such according to the constitution of whomever." Thanks for the clarification.[/quote]

And just to clarify this point. It isn't that the Dominicans aren't chaste or poor, but rather, its that we see the vow of obedience to be so important and so fundamental that it includes all the other vows within it.

Also, I think it is interesting to note that the same order that places such an emphasis on its vow of obedience is also an order that is known for being very "democratic" in the sense that decisions tend to be made communally. Obedience isn't something you "get out of" if you can "pull rank," it is a way of life, a submission of the will, and that is something shared by the entire community. Obedience to a charism, obedience to a tradition, obedience to Christ, obedience to one another - these are the things that, in my mind, have kept the Order of Preachers from falling into the hard times in which so many other orders have found themselves.

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[quote name='JeffCR07' post='1270758' date='May 10 2007, 11:10 PM']And just to clarify this point. It isn't that the Dominicans aren't chaste or poor, but rather, its that we see the vow of obedience to be so important and so fundamental that it includes all the other vows within it.

Also, I think it is interesting to note that the same order that places such an emphasis on its vow of obedience is also an order that is known for being very "democratic" in the sense that decisions tend to be made communally. Obedience isn't something you "get out of" if you can "pull rank," it is a way of life, a submission of the will, and that is something shared by the entire community. Obedience to a charism, obedience to a tradition, obedience to Christ, obedience to one another - these are the things that, in my mind, have kept the Order of Preachers from falling into the hard times in which so many other orders have found themselves.[/quote]


Interesting fodder to one Dominically inclined.

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