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Search For Conservative Sisters...in The Medical Field?

Guest Sister Jacqulyn

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Guest Sister Jacqulyn

Hi everyone! I thought you could help me out with this one young woman. She is looking for a conservative congregation (wears a religious habit, lives in community, prays Divine Office, etc...) However, she is looking for a congregation that is involved in the medical field or some kind of "service" apostolate. We IHMs are teachers and she is not quite sure if that is how God is calling her to live out her calling. I thought I would come to all of you because so many of you are in touch with a variety of great religious congregations! Any suggestions that I could give her? Peace and God bless you all. Thank you!

Sister Jacqulyn

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How's this for starters?

[url="http://www.rsmofalma.org"]Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma[/url]

[url="http://www.sisterservantsofmary.org"]Sister Servants of Mary Kansas City Kansas[/url]

[url="http://www.hawthorne-dominicans.org"]Hawthorne Dominicans[/url]

[url="http://www.littlesistersofthepoor.org"]Little Sisters of the Poor[/url]

Also the Daughters of St. Mary of Providence--I don't think they have a website but you can find out more about them on the IRL website.

God bless, we need more sisters in the health professions! I'm sure there are more, so keep checking back!

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[quote name='Sister Jacqulyn' post='1256375' date='Apr 25 2007, 07:45 PM']Hi everyone! I thought you could help me out with this one young woman. She is looking for a conservative congregation (wears a religious habit, lives in community, prays Divine Office, etc...) However, she is looking for a congregation that is involved in the medical field or some kind of "service" apostolate. We IHMs are teachers and she is not quite sure if that is how God is calling her to live out her calling. I thought I would come to all of you because so many of you are in touch with a variety of great religious congregations! Any suggestions that I could give her? Peace and God bless you all. Thank you!

Sister Jacqulyn[/quote]


Thanks for the post. Just a quick heads-up: "Conservative" and "Liberal" are political terms and their use in the context of religion is an usurpation. Catholics are simply faithful or unfaithful. :)

That being said, if she is looking for some good faithful sisters:

The Missionaries of Charity
Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal
The Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara (Institute of the Incarnate Word)

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Hey Sr. Jackie! I know of some orders that might be what your friend is looking for....

[url="http://www.hawthorne-dominicans.org/"]Hawthorne Dominicans[/url] they work with terminal cancer patients and most if not all the sisters get nursing degrees.

[url="http://www.altonfranciscans.org/main.htm"]Franciscan Sisters of the Martyr St. George[/url] They have many apostolates, health care is one of them. They run St. Anothony's health care center and also work in a nursing home in St. Louis.

[url="http://www.rsmofalma.org/"]Religious Sisters of Mercy, Alma[/url] These Sisters have health care and education as their main apostolates. They have sisters as therapists, doctors and nurses.

[url="http://www.carmelitegeneralate.homestead.com/"]Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart[/url] Healthcare is one of their apostolates and they run Santa Teresita Medical Center, Marycrest Mannor skilled nursing faciility and Avila Gardens Senior Residence.

[url="http://www.sisterservantsofmary.org/"]Servants of Mary, Ministers to the Sick[/url] These sisters have healthcare as their sole apostolate. They do home nursing as well as hospital nursing

[url="http://www.ssfpa.org/"]Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration[/url] They have the Sisters of St. Francis health services. They do home care as well as clinic work.

[url="http://www.fsecommunity.org/"]Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist[/url] These sisters also have many varied apostolates. They run Franciscan Home Care and Franciscan Hospice.

Okay that's all I can think of right now!

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All of the above are excellent orders... I know that the Religious Sisters of Mercy are an EXCELLENT that will definitely point this woman in the right direction... they definitely helped me a lot to find out where I am called!
Also, the Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration (my order) send sisters back to school for post-graduate work... I hope to become a Nurse Practioner with my doctorate, and my director said that would be very possible. So it depends on what kind of service she is looking to do... like what she wants to be in the health care field. But tell her to get in contact with the Religious Sisters of Mercy and try and visit up there. I promise, they will point her in the right direction!
God Bless!

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[quote name='Sister Jacqulyn' post='1256375' date='Apr 25 2007, 07:45 PM']Hi everyone! I thought you could help me out with this one young woman. She is looking for a conservative congregation (wears a religious habit, lives in community, prays Divine Office, etc...) However, she is looking for a congregation that is involved in the medical field or some kind of "service" apostolate. We IHMs are teachers and she is not quite sure if that is how God is calling her to live out her calling. I thought I would come to all of you because so many of you are in touch with a variety of great religious congregations! Any suggestions that I could give her? Peace and God bless you all. Thank you!

Sister Jacqulyn[/quote]

She might also think about [url="http://www.stemma.org"]Benedictine Sisters--St. Emma Monastery[/url], obviously they are not in the medical field, but they have a service to the community in operating a retreat house in Western Pennsylvania. They wear the traditional habit, and pray the Divine Office. St. Emma's is a favorite retreat center for many priests, religious, and laypeople. Retreat work is truly "caring for the caregivers", you know? The sisters have contact with the retreatants, but do not direct the retreats. Mother Mary Anne is very happy to talk to discerners, from what I understand.

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Birgitta Noel

The Sisters of St. Francis in Peoria, IL have a huge hospital system in Central IL (and one hospital in the UP in MI). The Peoria hospital is the 6th largest Catholic hospital in the US. They are orthodox, wear a habit, and I believe pray the office. Their website leaves much to be desired, but please don't let that deter the young woman from contacting them. [url="http://osfhealthcare.org/mission_services/come1.html"]http://osfhealthcare.org/mission_services/come1.html[/url]
and [url="http://osfhealthcare.org/"]http://osfhealthcare.org/[/url]

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Guest Sister Jacqulyn

This is wonderful...thank you! I know how overwhelming discernment can get sometimes, especially if someone is quite anxious to give all to God right away! She is pulled more toward a Carmelite spirituality and I think that is what attracted her to our congregation originally (we follow in the tradition of St. Alphonsus who is very closely tied to St. Teresa of Avila!) I looked at the Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart. They look like a very good congregation! Has anyone had any experience with them? Thank you so much for your help. You have no idea! God bless you!

Sister Jacqulyn

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[quote name='Sister Jacqulyn' post='1257292' date='Apr 26 2007, 07:50 PM']This is wonderful...thank you! I know how overwhelming discernment can get sometimes, especially if someone is quite anxious to give all to God right away! She is pulled more toward a Carmelite spirituality and I think that is what attracted her to our congregation originally (we follow in the tradition of St. Alphonsus who is very closely tied to St. Teresa of Avila!) I looked at the Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart. They look like a very good congregation! Has anyone had any experience with them? Thank you so much for your help. You have no idea! God bless you!

Sister Jacqulyn[/quote]


[b]The Carmelite Sisters of the Sacred Heart[/b] are wonderful sisters -full of life and love. There are a lot of sisters!


[b] The Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus[/b]


[b]The Carmelite Sisters of the Aged and Infirm[/b]


It is nice of you to help her in her discernment.

Edited by Veritas
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the lords sheep

The Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal do not do health care work, really... they work with the poor. Their brothers run a health service for the poor in the Bronx, but I don't believe they facilitate directly, I think they just staff and process people.
The Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara also really aren't involved in health care, at least not in the US. In what they are involved in around the world, I do not believe that they are nurses or direct health care workers. They just help facilitate....

That being said, another great Franciscan order that [i]does[/i] have nursing Sisters are the Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George (or the Martyrs, as we call them...) here's their site: [url="http://www.altonfranciscans.org"]SFGM[/url]

and here is the a link for one of the Carmelite provinces [url="http://www.carmelitedcj.org/"]Carmelites DCJ- St. Louis Province[/url]

In Jesus and Mary,

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[quote name='the lords sheep' post='1257425' date='Apr 26 2007, 10:58 PM']The Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal do not do health care work, really... they work with the poor. Their brothers run a health service for the poor in the Bronx, but I don't believe they facilitate directly, I think they just staff and process people.
The Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara also really aren't involved in health care, at least not in the US. In what they are involved in around the world, I do not believe that they are nurses or direct health care workers. They just help facilitate....

That being said, another great Franciscan order that [i]does[/i] have nursing Sisters are the Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George (or the Martyrs, as we call them...) here's their site: [url="http://www.altonfranciscans.org"]SFGM[/url]

and here is the a link for one of the Carmelite provinces [url="http://www.carmelitedcj.org/"]Carmelites DCJ- St. Louis Province[/url]

In Jesus and Mary,


She did say, "However, she is looking for a congregation that is involved in the medical field or some kind of "service" apostolate". I think that means posts for non-medical services are okay :)

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[quote name='stlmom' post='1256755' date='Apr 26 2007, 10:48 AM']She might also think about [url="http://www.stemma.org"]Benedictine Sisters--St. Emma Monastery[/url], obviously they are not in the medical field, but they have a service to the community in operating a retreat house in Western Pennsylvania. They wear the traditional habit, and pray the Divine Office. St. Emma's is a favorite retreat center for many priests, religious, and laypeople. Retreat work is truly "caring for the caregivers", you know? The sisters have contact with the retreatants, but do not direct the retreats. Mother Mary Anne is very happy to talk to discerners, from what I understand.[/quote]

Also the Olivetan Benedictine Sisters in Jonesboro AR. They wear a modified habit and veil. They have daily adoration and pray the divine office. The Sisters run St. Bernard's hospital in Jonesboro, teach in schools, as well as Hispanic ministry. They are also open to older vocations: their age limit is fifty and are open to those that want to give religious life another try. They have a website that is somewhat outdated... olivben.org

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