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God Isn't Talking To Me Right Now


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It seems a lot of people of recommending St.Therese to you... For good reason! I think Therese is a beautiful and fitting saint for you. Think about it... People say you're too old to enter Carmel. Well, at that time people said she was too young!

I attach a little extract from The Story of A Soul. This extract comes just before her Profession. Note that this comes one chapter after her entry into Carmel, where she boldly states 'Now I am here forever!'.

'On the eve of the great day, instead of being filled with the
customary sweetness, my vocation suddenly seemed to me as unreal
as a dream. The devil--for it was he--made me feel sure that I was
wholly unsuited for life in the Carmel, and that I was deceiving
my superiors by entering on a way to which I was not called. The
darkness was so bewildering that I understood but one thing--I had
no religious vocation, and must return to the world. I cannot
describe the agony I endured. What was I to do in such a
difficulty? I chose the right course, deciding to tell my Novice
Mistress of the temptation without delay. I sent for her to come
out of choir, and though full of confusion, I confessed the state
of my soul. Fortunately she saw more clearly than I did, and
reassured me completely by laughing frankly at my story. The devil
was put to instant flight by my humble avowal; what he wanted was
to keep me from speaking, and thus draw me into his snares. But it
was my turn now to ensnare him, for, to make my humiliation more
complete, I also told you everything, dear Mother, and your
consoling words dispelled my last fears.'

God bless you,

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You have had an abundance of sound and varied advice from so many wise heads........I will continue to pray for you Annie. LOL

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I will ask St John of the Cross to intercede for you. He was no stranger to the darkness that you describe. :) Remember, Annie - the devil will do whatever he can to destroy people's vocations, because when you follow your vocation you become even more aware of the love of God. And that is Satan's ultimate aim - to keep us from enjoying what he forfeited through his own disobedience. I will also pray to St Michael for your defence.

Keep close to the cross. God bless you.

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