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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

[quote name='the_rev' post='1255547' date='Apr 24 2007, 05:40 PM']I am a bit upset with the chosen answer for this one:

I am too, but that is because the person who asked the question chose the answer. He, himself was biased so he too chose the answer that reflected that bias. Not much you can do about that.

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I'm.... Maria!
Unfortunately, I can't load anything from Yahoo Answers right now.

Oh, and St. Ben, you've done some nice work. I've noticed Mr. M, so it's kind of neat knowing he's you.

Edited by Maria
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[url="http://answers.yahoo.com/my/profile;_ylt=At3kKM52GsBaWk.Zx5kXBtXsy6IX?show=OvhiWU4paa&preview=true"]my profile[/url].
Eddie, can you give the link for yours?

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

Wow... that place can be tough and brutal or it can be just plain juvenile. It is amazing how many people don't even believe that Jesus was a real person! Some won't even believe what secular historians of that day wrote just because they were 'bronze age guys' who 'only wrote about fantasy' and some other fictional things. Makes things hard, but then again, this is where they put the burden for proof on us. We have answers for most of their questions that are basic and would convince most that they are true, but it is like bacteria and antibiotic use. They become more resistant! They just like the challenge of the debate it seems. The keep outdoing themselves in how particular they need their answer or proof.
I've answered a few and just reading some makes me want to take a break, and just the plain old misunderstanding is enough to drive one up the wall!

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

Okay, for those I've found and have 'networked' with... We can star questions to 'alert' others of important questions to answer or to vote on, or at least, that is what it looks like we can do unless you have yahoo messenger booted up to use. But aside from that, we would have to use PM. I'll see if we can do something with the Fuzzy Bunny Crusade, so we have a more 'official' home. :D:

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

If anyone is awake, there is a question about communion and cannibalism here:
I'm going to bed...

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Answer 24 is my answer:


The last answer is mine:


Edited by St. Benedict
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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

A vote here could do some good, there is no answer currently in the lead:

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[quote name='FutureNunJMJ' post='1255911' date='Apr 25 2007, 01:28 AM']I'll see if we can do something with the Fuzzy Bunny Crusade, so we have a more 'official' home. :D:[/quote]

Please let me know. I'd like this group to have an "official" place to meet on Phatmass.

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

[quote name='St. Benedict' post='1256316' date='Apr 25 2007, 04:59 PM']Please let me know. I'd like this group to have an "official" place to meet on Phatmass.[/quote]
It would be password protected too! :D: Talk about exclusive...

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

Dag yo! They can be ravenous wolves sometimes!

That one needs at least 12 votes to beat out a VERY anti-Catholic answer...
21 & 23 have some of the better answers there... 21 already has 2 votes, 23 with 1.

This one is concerning Mary and could use some votes, many good answers here...

This one deals with salvation outside the Church:

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8 more answers need for #21 (at the above link)


Are there any good answers at the above link since there really is not salvation outside of the Church?


At the above link, #13 is my answer


#1 is mine at the above link

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

Arg... I reached my daily limit for voting... I also had an answer for the question about the Immaculate Conception too... but your answer Mr. M was shorter and more to the point...

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