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College Seminary?

Fr. Antony Maria OSB

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I think that the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio is good.

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[quote name='thedude' post='1254524' date='Apr 23 2007, 08:19 PM']I think that the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio is good.
My friend is attending this seminary in the fall... he's so excited!

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Fr. Antony Maria OSB

Thank you all very much for your input. I talked to my sd today about this, and he is not really in favor of college seminaries (says they restrict the amount of social interaction the seminarians get), but instead suggested going to a Catholic college that promotes vocations (he mentioned Steubenville, Christendom, and a few others as examples). I'm still keeping an open mind, though. What it really comes down to right now would be whether or not God is calling me to the Benedictine Order (specifically at the Abbey that runs my school), which He very well might be, and if so then I would need to talk to Fr. Abbot and see what he thinks, since he's the Vocation Director for the Abbey. I have to give this some more reflection and prayer, though. Thanks again for everything!

May God bless and protect you always in all of your endeavors, especially your discernment!

Your Brother in Christ,


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[quote name='be_thou_my_vision' post='1254596' date='Apr 23 2007, 11:10 PM']My friend is attending this seminary in the fall... he's so excited![/quote]

I am currently studying at the Pontifical College Josephinum's college seminary! If u have further questions PM me!

Having attended a secular college previously, I'm not so sure if I agree with what ur SD says... there are positives and negatives to not entering a college seminary right away... often those who put off entering the c. seminary can pospone or forget their vocation, but u must trust God and the advice of ur directors! as far as colleges go, I'd suggest Ave Maria...

God Bless!

Edited by DeoOptimoMaximo
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[quote name='NazFarmer' post='1254672' date='Apr 23 2007, 10:44 PM']Thank you all very much for your input. I talked to my sd today about this, and he is not really in favor of college seminaries (says they restrict the amount of social interaction the seminarians get), but instead suggested going to a Catholic college that promotes vocations (he mentioned Steubenville, Christendom, and a few others as examples). I'm still keeping an open mind, though. What it really comes down to right now would be whether or not God is calling me to the Benedictine Order (specifically at the Abbey that runs my school), which He very well might be, and if so then I would need to talk to Fr. Abbot and see what he thinks, since he's the Vocation Director for the Abbey. I have to give this some more reflection and prayer, though. Thanks again for everything!

May God bless and protect you always in all of your endeavors, especially your discernment!

Your Brother in Christ,



I wonder, does your sd have a lot of recent experience with college seminaries? I think it really does depend on the seminary. For example, I know the guys at SJV have TONS of social interaction, they also have a lot of really healthy fraternity. I think it's important to talk to a rector or two and a seminarian or two to get a broad perspective. Just a thought. :)

Many blessings and prayers. May God's will be done in your life!

Edited by Veritas
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I will just say I don't agree with your SD. Entering the college seminary myself I have heard the several reasonings why I shouldn't go, but then I realised the reasonings of why I should go outweigned the cons.

I'd say give it a different shot, also look at a few different orders, don't be so broad in your search I guess. When I discerned what I wanted to do I have a few orders I was interested in those being:

The Norbertines
Legionaires of Christ
Marians of the Immaculate Conception

These are the only orders I ever had any contact with about vocations, but then I also had the diocese. I realised that our diocese needs many many more holy priests and priests in general. I realised that sure I could be in a religious community, but I also relised my diocese needs me, and I don't know if that was at the core of my discernment, but really I only see my personality coinciding with parish work.

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[quote]Steubenville actually has a pre-theologate program.[/quote]

I even thought about entering the Pre-Theologate just to discern in general. I heard it isn't the greatest formation program, but for the most part it would be better in my opinion then a regular college, because you would have mass daily, prayer, etc.

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Fr. Antony Maria OSB

Right now, if I were to enter college seminary after next year, I would probobly ask the Benedictines to take me in. One thing that I don't think I could do well without is comradere/community, and I know that dioceasan priests don't get too much of that. Another aspect that I believe that I am called to is to specifically work with youth, perhaps as a teacher or campus/youth minister. Regardless, I don't think that parish life is for me as a priest. Right now, if I don't end up going to college seminary I would probobly go to either Steubenville or Christendom, or another college that promotes vocations and Catholic spirituality. There is no way that I would go to a college that does not promote these, or does not have a strong Catholic background in general, as regardless of the direction my life takes, I am planning on majoring in theology and I want to be sure to get an authentic Catholic theology education. I am just beginning to read [u]The Rule of St. Benedict[/u] for the second time (required earlier this year for theology class) to see if I could live according to St. Benedict's Rule. I'm still open to anything right now (college wise now, I know I'm jumping all over the place: I'm tired right now, please forgive me, lol!), and I'm going to bring this up at the next Quo Vadis meeting I go to in mid-May. Thanks again for all of your input, and I'll keep you updated. Thanks again, and good night, lol!

May God bless and protect you always in all of your endeavors, especially your discernment!

Your Brother in Christ,


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[quote name='thedude' post='1255216' date='Apr 24 2007, 10:01 AM']Steubenville actually has a pre-theologate program.[/quote]
IF one is considering the Catholic Priesthood, not just studying Theology etc, one can do ALOT better (and cheaper) then Steubenville for education/Formation.

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[quote name='NazFarmer' post='1256521' date='Apr 25 2007, 10:46 PM']Right now, if I were to enter college seminary after next year, I would probobly ask the Benedictines to take me in. One thing that I don't think I could do well without is comradere/community, and I know that dioceasan priests don't get too much of that. Another aspect that I believe that I am called to is to specifically work with youth, perhaps as a teacher or campus/youth minister. Regardless, I don't think that parish life is for me as a priest. Right now, if I don't end up going to college seminary I would probobly go to either Steubenville or Christendom, or another college that promotes vocations and Catholic spirituality. There is no way that I would go to a college that does not promote these, or does not have a strong Catholic background in general, as regardless of the direction my life takes, I am planning on majoring in theology and I want to be sure to get an authentic Catholic theology education. I am just beginning to read [u]The Rule of St. Benedict[/u] for the second time (required earlier this year for theology class) to see if I could live according to St. Benedict's Rule. I'm still open to anything right now (college wise now, I know I'm jumping all over the place: I'm tired right now, please forgive me, lol!), and I'm going to bring this up at the next Quo Vadis meeting I go to in mid-May. Thanks again for all of your input, and I'll keep you updated. Thanks again, and good night, lol!

May God bless and protect you always in all of your endeavors, especially your discernment!

Your Brother in Christ,



It is cool that you know that about yourself -living in community, working with youth. Not to complicate things, but just out of interested, does anyone know of other groups of brothers and priests, who work specifically with youth? Maybe I will start a new thread...

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