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Dem Leader Declares: 'war Is Lost'...

Lounge Daddy

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While its not wrong per say to point out problems or even "failures" in a war and offer real ideas to fix those things, it is wrong to declare the war "lost" when the troops are still over there fighting the enemy. It only undermines the troops, and emboldens the enemy. Which only makes matters worse. Anti-war/american comments by US politicians are used all the time by the enemy as propoganda, Reid's comments well be no different.

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[quote name='thessalonian' post='1250323' date='Apr 20 2007, 02:14 PM']Study your catechism kenrock.

I agree with your post.[/quote]

Hey, I'm open to correction. Point me in the right direction.

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How can you win a war against the Devil, who is decieving Muslims to attach bombs on themselves and blow them and the people around the up with bullets and guns?

Honestly, this war was lost the day we declared the war on terror!

The only one who is winning the war is Satan. Hundreds of thousands have died since this war on terror, and unless they were saved, quess where they are now!

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Lounge Daddy

[quote name='hot stuff' post='1250146' date='Apr 20 2007, 11:41 AM']You and the republicans misunderstood him completely
Later on in the day, he was looking behind his couch and he found the war.
Its always the last place you look[/quote]

:blush: OHHHHH Wow. Is my face red.


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[quote name='kenrockthefirst' post='1250275' date='Apr 20 2007, 01:48 PM']Are you going to reinstate the Alien and Sedition Acts? By your definition, the US was founded in sin, since we defied the God-ordained authority of King George III.[/quote]

Unless God saw fit to give America independence.

[quote name='kenrockthefirst' post='1250275' date='Apr 20 2007, 01:48 PM']There is no sin on my part in my "inability" to get behind our leaders -- I disagree with them on both the premise / justification for this war, and in their execution of it. That is my right as an American citizen. Again, I take issue with lumping church and civil authorities together. Indeed, my views on the war are informed by my religious convictions.[/quote]

The Church has not declared the war to be unjust. The Church teaches that this decision belongs to a nations leaders and in our case of an Republic partly the people as well since we vote. The Leader of our nation says it is was a good and just thing to do. You disagree very well. But to say the war is unjust says much more than one may think. If it is "unjust" truly unjust that would make the President of the Untied States some kind of war criminal and the troops as well and anyone that helped in this "unjust war" guilty of some types of war crimes. The only right thing to do if true is to bring them to trial, see they are convicted, and punished.

An charge of unjust is an serious charge. Unjust is evil. What Hitler and the Nazi's did to the jews was unjust, what Stalin and the communist did to the jews and Christians was unjust, are the actions of Bush and republicans, and democrats to the Iraq people also unjust?

Edited by KnightofChrist
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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1251200' date='Apr 20 2007, 10:13 PM']Unless God saw fit to give America independence.
The Church has not declared the war to be unjust. The Church teaches that this decision belongs to a nations leaders and in our case of an Republic partly the people as well since we vote. The Leader of our nation says it is was a good and just thing to do. You disagree very well. But to say the war is unjust says much more than one may think. If it is "unjust" truly unjust that would make the President of the Untied States some kind of war criminal and the troops as well and anyone that helped in this "unjust war" guilty of some types of war crimes. The only right thing to do if true is to bring them to trial, see they are convicted, and punished.

An charge of unjust is an serious charge. Unjust is evil. What Hitler and the Nazi's did to the jews was unjust, what Stalin and the communist did to the jews and Christians was unjust, are the actions of Bush and republicans, and democrats to the Iraq people also unjust?[/quote]


[quote]Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger does not believe that a unilateral military attack by the United States against Iraq would be morally justifiable, under the current circumstances.

According to the prefect of the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith -- who acknowledged that political questions are not within his competence -- "the United Nations is the [institution]that should make the final decision."

"It is necessary that the community of nations makes the decision, not a particular power," the cardinal said, after receiving the 2002 Trieste Liberal Award. His statements were published Saturday in the Italian newspaper Avvenire.

"The fact that the United Nations is seeking the way to avoid war, seems to me to demonstrate with enough evidence that the damage would be greater than the values one hopes to save," the cardinal said.

He said that "the U.N. can be criticized" from several points of view, but "it is the instrument created after the war for the coordination -- including moral -- of politics."
The "concept of a 'preventive war' does not appear in the Catechism of the Catholic Church," Cardinal Ratzinger noted.[/b]

"One cannot simply say that the catechism does not legitimize the war," he continued. "But it is true that the catechism has developed a doctrine that, on one hand, does not exclude the fact that there are values and peoples that must be defended in some circumstances; on the other hand, it offers a very precise doctrine on the limits of these possibilities."[/quote]

The Church has most certainly not declared this war to be just. And the Holy Father in his previous role, certainly gave reasons why it may not be just

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yes the Church has not declared the war to be just or unjust. Again the Church teaches such decisions are left to the leaders of the nations, our says it is Just and give reasons why. And yes the Pope has pointed out what he sees are mistakes, errors, or sins in this war. But particular actions in war do not necessarily make that war unjust. Also the fruits of the outcome of the war must be seen, since that now is impossible and will possibly take years it can not be said to be unjust, or just, for now. But one may argue either way. But if one is to argue it is out right unjust, and not just point out mistakes, errors, or sins in this war then the President, his generals, secretaries and perhaps also the troops themselves are guilty of some type of war crimes. And should be put on trial, judged, if found guilty, punished.

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Lounge Daddy

[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1251229' date='Apr 21 2007, 01:07 AM']yes the Church has not declared the war to be just or unjust. Again the Church teaches such decisions are left to the leaders of the nations...[/quote]

Why is that basic point so often overlooked?

Legitimate defense can be not only a right [u]but a grave duty for someone responsible for[/u] another's life, the common good of the family or of [u]the state.[/u]
[b]- Catholic Catechism 2265[/b][/quote]

The only civil right the State should be called on is the "me not getting blown up" civil right.
Bravo for the war - we are fighting a modern Nazi ideology more dangerous than our WW2 enemies because it is fueled by a demented pseudo-religious ideology.

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[quote name='Lounge Daddy' post='1253857' date='Apr 22 2007, 10:35 PM']Why is that basic point so often overlooked?
The only civil right the State should be called on is the "me not getting blown up" civil right.
Bravo for the war - we are fighting a modern Nazi ideology more dangerous than our WW2 enemies because it is fueled by a demented pseudo-religious ideology.[/quote]

Its a shame that you don't even know what that ideology is... and rather instill your own ideology that says every muslim is the threat.

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1251200' date='Apr 20 2007, 11:13 PM']Unless God saw fit to give America independence.
The Church has not declared the war to be unjust. The Church teaches that this decision belongs to a nations leaders and in our case of an Republic partly the people as well since we vote. The Leader of our nation says it is was a good and just thing to do. You disagree very well. But to say the war is unjust says much more than one may think. If it is "unjust" truly unjust that would make the President of the Untied States some kind of war criminal and the troops as well and anyone that helped in this "unjust war" guilty of some types of war crimes. The only right thing to do if true is to bring them to trial, see they are convicted, and punished.

An charge of unjust is an serious charge. Unjust is evil. What Hitler and the Nazi's did to the jews was unjust, what Stalin and the communist did to the jews and Christians was unjust, are the actions of Bush and republicans, and democrats to the Iraq people also unjust?[/quote]

So, playing Devil's Advocate, on the one hand, according to Thessalonian, the "divine right" of kings, derived from Romans 13, precluded rebellion by the American colonies [i]but in this one case[/i] it was OK because God was going against His own scriptures because America was different.

In respect of the Church's view of the war in Iraq, let me just point out that in his Easter address the Pope said simply, "nothing positive comes from Iraq, torn apart by continual slaughter as the civil population flees."

Again, I'm open to guidance in terms of the Church's teachings in this particular case. However, as an American and a Catholic, I have problems with this war, both in its premise / justification, and in its execution.

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[quote]But particular actions in war do not necessarily make that war unjust.[/quote]

That is simply not true. For a war to be considered just, all the criteria must be met, not just some. If something doesn't meet the criteria of just war (such as a first strike policy) then the war does not meet the criteria.

We could go into the unjust treatment of prisoners as well.

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Regardless if this war is just or not, this is a huge slap in the face to the brave men and women in uniform. No matter how you paint the picture, it crushes the morale of our troops. If you imply that this war is a lost cause, how in h*** do you think that's gonna affect our troops? The fact is Senator Reid has basically told every US military personal that has served in Iraq and those who made the ultimate sacrifice, that their efforts were for absolutely nothing.

It makes me friggin sick. I don't care what political party you're affiliated with, but this is completely uncalled for. I can tell ya this, many servicemen that I've talked to are [mod]Edited for language. --Era Might[/mod] by what this idiot just did.

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[quote name='kenrockthefirst' post='1254006' date='Apr 23 2007, 08:17 AM']So, playing Devil's Advocate, on the one hand, according to Thessalonian, the "divine right" of kings, derived from Romans 13, precluded rebellion by the American colonies [i]but in this one case[/i] it was OK because God was going against His own scriptures because America was different.[/quote]

13 little colonies went up against the greatest empire of the time, and won. Read the book of Daniel, God sets up kings and puts down kings.

[quote name='kenrockthefirst' post='1254006' date='Apr 23 2007, 08:17 AM']In respect of the Church's view of the war in Iraq, let me just point out that in his Easter address the Pope said simply, "nothing positive comes from Iraq, torn apart by continual slaughter as the civil population flees."[/quote]

Do you take this to be an absloute? Does "nothing positive" come from Iraq? What would pulling out cause?

[quote name='kenrockthefirst' post='1254006' date='Apr 23 2007, 08:17 AM']Again, I'm open to guidance in terms of the Church's teachings in this particular case. However, as an American and a Catholic, I have problems with this war, both in its premise / justification, and in its execution.[/quote]

And I as American and Catholic argue that the war is just. You argue it is not, what then should the President and his men be charged with? Mass Murder? Or something of like? What should their punishment be?

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[quote name='hot stuff' post='1254017' date='Apr 23 2007, 08:34 AM']That is simply not true. For a war to be considered just, all the criteria must be met, not just some. If something doesn't meet the criteria of just war (such as a first strike policy) then the war does not meet the criteria.

We could go into the unjust treatment of prisoners as well.[/quote]

This has be debated [url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=62687&st=0"]before[/url]. Iraq is not a preemptive war, even so that would not make it unjust. Again occasional injustice in particular acts of war would not necessarily make the cause itself unjust. There is not one war in history that meets your strict understanding of the just war doctrine.

Example, Men wiser than ourselves [url="http://www.catholicapologetics.net/tcc1299-1338"]Fathers Carthy & Rumble[/url], M.S.C. say in a repose to a listener who states

"Pope Pius XII, broadcasting on air-raids, condemned aerial warfare "that knows no law or limits" That proves I am right in saying that the war was unjust."

"Occasional injustice in particular acts of war would not necessarily make the cause itself unjust. In condemning unrestricted aerial warfare, the Pope was but stressing the principle that even a good end does not justify the use of morally unlawful means; and that it is evil to indulge in an aerial warfare which is not limited to military objectives and which results in wanton destruction of civilian lives and property. Nor did his utterance imply that those on both sides might not be sincerely convinced of the justice of the cause in which they were fighting."

Such aerial warfare is against the just war doctrine, and the Fathers would have know this in their response. Clearly your strict understanding of the just war doctrine is not held by these two very wise men. And their response can be also applied to any comment or statement the Pope has made about the war in Iraq.

Edited by KnightofChrist
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