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A Bunch Of Pro-choice Girls


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Yeah, what i said in the title.

Today in school some girls I know in my grade were discussing an article (which i later read, EXTREMELY pro-choice....or rather anti pro-lifers....they won't publish any editorials of a pro-life person, though), and just agreeing what a great article it was, and how pro-life people were wasting their time, whatever happened to a woman's right to choose, etc.

I was opening my locker and they were standing next to me (It was the freshmen free period), and they said something like "Right, Vera?". I was like "Huh?". They repeated what they had been saying and I tried to be calm (Some of the things they said just made me so ANGRY) and reasonable and not loose my head (I'm hot-tempered... <_< ).

So I told them that I was pro life ("What??" *looks exchanged* "That is, like, sooooo not normal" or something like that).

and I told them that abortion was killing a child. They lauughed and said "What? Vera, come on, it's just a fetus." I kept insisting that it was a child and then they said "What if the mother can't afford to have one" and that got me started on the whole adoption thing, etc, and they were listening (and agreeing with some things), but still saying over and over that it's NOT a child, that it's a FETUS, etc.

Then two of my friends came along and jumped headfirst into it. I mean WOW, we had never really talked about abortion before, they are fervently pro-life, etc. So we kept talking and talking (we were polite with each other but we kept stubbornly holding onto our points.

They said that most pro-lifers are men, which "proves a point". They kept saying something like "If i take a living skin cell and kill it, it's the same as killing a fetus, whatever" or something like that...what their main (and only) point was, was the "fact" that a fetus is NOT a child, (when we kept repeating it was a child, and alive they asked us what we meant by "alive"), and that until it's born it's not a child or a human being.

Whew....just had to let off some steam and tell you this, the good thing is I found that two of my friends who i thought were the type of people that say "I have no opinion, though personally i wouldn't get an abortion" etc (many people at my school are like that), are VERY VERY pro-life, and the bell rang and we agreed to "keep discussing" tomorrow

Any interesting facts for tomorrow would be appreciated ;)

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Any interesting facts for tomorrow would be appreciatedĀ 

You can say that you changed your mind and you are now pro-choice...

But the choice is to have sex, or not to have sex. LOL.

You can explain to them that if they are not ready for a child, then maybe they aren't ready to be bumpin'.

Some other facts.


Something else for them to think about:

If a baby isn't a "baby" until it is born, then why are they charging Scott Peterson with a double murder?

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I gave a speech on abortion, man did I get into that one!! :) Any way one thing that I emphasized was the def. for alive

Define "Alive"Alive means that this being is growing, developing, maturing, and replacing its own dying cells. It means not being dead.

If a person starts out as a few cells, they are obviously growing. Here's some websites I used to get good info:








Congrats on sticking up for what cha believe, a lot of people don't do that, esp. around their friends. :)

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also Feminists for Life

It's a cool site talking about how abortion actually hurts women, physically, psychologically, etc. Check out the link on "Women Deserve Better." good stuff

Edited by Sojourner
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Bravo Vera.

Best thing to do.... pray for em. Pray that they are filled with the spirit.

St. Paul says that we are unable to understand things of the spirit if we are not of the spirit. So pray that they might be of the spirit so that they might understand.

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try this one...its GREAT:


Good luck Vera...I've been where you are before too. Remember you have God on your side!

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Vera you are the most amazing witness..... a real inspiration. :D


Remember that they will be thinking about abortion in a way that they might not have done before - pro choice doesn't want people to think about the reality of abortion that's why they 'de emotionalise' all the language used. The girls in the group might not admit to you that they have been challenged by your conversation, especially if they are in a group, but rest assured you will have had an impact!

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Vera you are the most amazing witness..... a real inspiration. :D

Isn't she though?!

(And someone once had the nerve to insult her and call her names!)

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Dear Vera,

You'll do great!

Stay upbeat and positive, and don't let them get you down. You've got your work cut out for you, but like the Holy Father says, pro-life work is "the most important work on earth today."

Ask your friends what happens to a skin cell if left undisturbed for 9 months. It remains a skin cell!

What happens to a fetus if undisturbed for 9 months? It becomes recognized as an individual person!

How do we know it is alive? A simple ultrasound will show it's little beating heart. The doctor can pick up a fetal heartbeat within a couple weeks after the woman realizes she may be pregnant!

And yes, "fetus" is a Latin term which means "little one." So a human fetus, is a human little one. A dog fetus is basically an unborn puppy.

Do your friends know that it is illegal to disturb sea turtle eggs? Why? They aren't sea turtles yet, by their definition!!!!

Enjoy enlightening these gals, and do come back with their remarks!

(Naturally they will try to throw in scenarios of difficult pregnancies---no matter how difficult the pregnancy, one should never choose to kill the child.)

Pax Christi. <><

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Vera, you're amesome! it's teens like you who make my job as a youth minister so much easier...

you'll be in my prayers...go for it soldier!

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