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Visiting The Pcpa's For The 2nd Time


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[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1270311' date='May 10 2007, 07:02 PM']...
I want him to understand my religious vocation. Sometimes I feel as though I am a sheet of transparent coloured paper - he can see right through me and he always seems to know what I'm thinking without my having to say (and vice versa). But he can't understand this. He keeps talking about what a waste it will be if I enter the convent. Last night he used a horrible phrase: "You have a gift for writing, not for mindless religious ceremony." This is from a person who also loves God. For once I was at a loss for what to type. He has promised that he will still visit me if I enter, but...I want more than that. :sadder: I want him to share the happiness. Compromise is not enough.[/quote]

Friendship dynamics change once you enter ... I have a friend of mine who I would have said to be a best friend, and even though I still consider her as a good friend, we just don't have much in common anymore (that became that much more pronounced once I entered and left a community). She also doesn't understand my pull towards religious life, or to religion either (she just started kind of attending a christian church, more because they have been generous/kind with her mom in dealing with her grief).

One thing I have been working on is on detachment, even from friends. Its hard -- there's a part of us that is inclined to look towards approval from others and look to have others fill a void in the heart that only Jesus can fill. But that's the key isn't it -- to have Him be all. And to love our friends through Him, *but* not have our love of friends be greater or be in the way of our relationship with Jesus, our (someday by His grace) Bridegroom.

Edited by cmariadiaz
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