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Visiting The Pcpa's For The 2nd Time


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IT was GREAT!!! but it [u]was[/u] really noisy esp. after it was over and every person in the place made a bee line for Sr.Jeanette. It was really really [u]LOUD[/u]

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[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1268346' date='May 8 2007, 07:21 PM']What fabulous news! May Our Lord grant you every happiness. I never quite know how to respond satisfactorarily to news of upcoming entrances, as my words seem too poor to express how inspired and hopeful when I see fellow young women casting themselves completely into the hands of God. So I'm afraid my congratulations may always seem a little trite. There is a verse in the Song of Songs that I think every woman who is going to enter the religious life should carry in her heart as she prepares:

Who is she that looks forth like the dawn,
fair as the moon, bright as the sun,
terrible as an army with banners?’

(Song of Songs 6:10)[/quote]

I agree completly. CONGRADULATIONS!!!! :D: ANd many prayers!!! :sign:

Maybe you can answer my question...did the desert nuns get new habits? In the pictures they look grey instead of brown.

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Ora et Labora

[quote name='Rose_of_Sharon' post='1269128' date='May 9 2007, 01:07 PM']I am on :cloud9: But it was kinda a downer telling my best friend :unsure: Because I think she is going to miss me a lot and I don't think she knows how to deal with how she feels because most every one else is so :clapping: excited for me and she doesn't want people to know that she is upset about it. SO it comes out in little digs :furious: and sharp remarks about other things. SO please pray for her that if It be Gods will She will Be joyful and happy for me :console: . It would be nice if she could. :twothumbsup:
But for the most part I am Walking on air :yahoo:


i love how you explained it with smilies! haha! :lol: i'll pray for her, because i kind of know how that's like...i mean, i'm not entering anywhere soon, but my friends are already telling me "i'll kill you if you enter anywhere!!" lol...

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[quote name='Rose_of_Sharon' post='1269128' date='May 10 2007, 01:07 AM']I am on :cloud9: But it was kinda a downer telling my best friend :unsure: Because I think she is going to miss me a lot and I don't think she knows how to deal with how she feels because most every one else is so :clapping: excited for me and she doesn't want people to know that she is upset about it. SO it comes out in little digs :furious: and sharp remarks about other things. SO please pray for her that if It be Gods will She will Be joyful and happy for me :console: . It would be nice if she could. :twothumbsup:
But for the most part I am Walking on air :yahoo:


Maybe you should pray for her to enter as well?? :rolleyes:

Congratulations. Enjoy your cloud 9 and remember this feeling any time you hit a little bump. There is nothing so sweet as waiting to enter - or so painful! :pray:

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[quote name='sunnysideup' post='1269508' date='May 9 2007, 04:39 PM']Maybe you can answer my question...did the desert nuns get new habits? In the pictures they look grey instead of brown.[/quote]

Yes actually they just did. There other habits were polyester blend and these new ones are brown cotton jean. So they are still a brown. But not as brown, so they really look grey in the pictures. ...... if that made any sense?

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[quote name='nunsense' post='1269653' date='May 9 2007, 07:24 PM']Maybe you should pray for her to enter as well?? :rolleyes:

Congratulations. Enjoy your cloud 9 and remember this feeling any time you hit a little bump. There is nothing so sweet as waiting to enter - or so painful! :pray:[/quote]

YEah... I have thought about that before :think: and I pray that she will be truly open :saint: if God does call her that way.

AND it is the most :sadder: Bitter/sweet :love: feeling in the world... absolutely :covereyes: .

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Rose_of_Sharon, last night something happened to make me understand exactly what you feel.

I was talking on MSN With an extremely good friend. He was one of the few people in my final secondary school who simply let me be without trying to make me 'normal'. (I'm autistic, something that is apparently quite obvious when you meet me in person.) Everyone else would spend a lot of time trying to 'cure' me of behaviours and ways of using language that weren't harmful or meaningless, just different, or taunting me outright because of it. He never did this. To him I was just Vicky and to him that is who I always will be. Without making a fuss, he quietly helped me when I needed help and otherwise just let me be. It's impossible to describe how grateful I am to him for that. I can think of only two other people who have been that kind of friend to me, and both of them live thousands of miles away.

I want him to understand my religious vocation. Sometimes I feel as though I am a sheet of transparent coloured paper - he can see right through me and he always seems to know what I'm thinking without my having to say (and vice versa). But he can't understand this. He keeps talking about what a waste it will be if I enter the convent. Last night he used a horrible phrase: "You have a gift for writing, not for mindless religious ceremony." This is from a person who also loves God. For once I was at a loss for what to type. He has promised that he will still visit me if I enter, but...I want more than that. :sadder: I want him to share the happiness. Compromise is not enough.

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[quote name='Rose_of_Sharon' post='1270296' date='May 10 2007, 05:42 PM']Yes actually they just did. There other habits were polyester blend and these new ones are brown cotton jean. So they are still a brown. But not as brown, so they really look grey in the pictures. ...... if that made any sense?[/quote]

Yes, it made sense. Thank you, it's been bugging me :D:

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Man Vicky that is tough! It is horrible when we get those responses from people who we trust, and who themselves are prayerful. (That happens to me a lot!)
Just remember that prayer is not our last option but our First, and it is more powerful than we know. Remember to offer up your pain for his
"conversion" of heart towards your vocation.

I will be praying for you and for your friend


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A Yearning Heart

Congratulations Rose of Sharon! That really is good news :) :clap:

I am a big fan of OLSM-they look like a great community-starting out at a new site with a handful of nuns really impressed me (pioneering spirit) and their newsletters are really inspiring. Will be praying for you! :sign:

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[quote name='uruviel' post='1271545' date='May 11 2007, 07:53 PM']I didn't know they were called the OLSM, haha thats cool :D: I'll pray for you. :sign:[/quote]

I don't know it they call themselves that :hehehe: but I called them that because they came from OLAM so....hahaha :hehe: I don't know :idontknow:

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