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Visiting The Pcpa's For The 2nd Time


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That's fabulous that you are visiting in less than two weeks. Safe journey out here! :sign:
I was thinking about attending Sr. Mary's investment ceremony. She is from our parish. I haven't spoken with any of the sisters since I've returned from Ohio. So, this would be a wonderful time to visit. ;)

I'm attempting to get off work in order to go. Perhaps I'll see you then, if I'm able.

God bless.

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How excellent, they are a beautiful community ... and on the other side of the world <_<

Its nice to see such young and valiant warriors of Christ :boxer:

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I hope I can see you, HisChild that would be phun! :D:

I didn't even know about the ones in portsmouth till after I found the Arizona ones :idontknow: But I will really decern and pray abut it Sr. MaryCatherine. ^_^

God bless thanks for your prayers

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[quote name='stlmom' post='1250187' date='Apr 20 2007, 11:14 AM']I don't know if this makes any difference, but it seems there are 3-4 Poor Clare monasteries in Ohio. I don't know how that compares with other states in the US, but that seems like quite a few for one region. Anybody know how the other Poor Clares in Ohio are doing?[/quote]

There are 4 Poor Clare Colettine communties in IL, :D: Belleville & Lemont (Federation of Mary Immaculate), and Rockford & its foundation, Minooka, autonomous.

Actually there are 5 Poor Clare communties in Ohio - 3 PCPAs ([url="http://www.stjosephmonastery.com/"]Portsmouth[/url], [url="http://www.poorclares.org/"]Canton[/url], [url="http://www.poorclare.org/cleveland/"]Cleveland[/url]) 1 [url="http://www.poorclarecolettines-cleveland.org/"]PCC in Cleveland[/url] (that has perpetual adoration) and the other is the Byzantine Poor Clares in North Royalton, Ohio - wow! It looks like the PCCs in Cleveland are doing very well from seeing them on the IRL site. I recently saw a new website for the PCPAs in Cleveland, but I can't find it now. I don't know anything of the Canton PCPAs or Byzantine PCs though - just came across a reference to them once.

(Canton is where Mother Angelica began, right?)

Edited by Margaret Clare
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[quote name='brendan1104' post='1255359' date='Apr 24 2007, 03:55 PM']Right, but the community's a lot... different now.[/quote]


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Actually Mother began at St. Paul's Shrine/the convent in Cleveland. And then she and some other sisters founded the Canton monastery... which had a traditional observance and full habit. Now: [url="http://www.poorclares.org"]http://www.poorclares.org[/url] But a full habit doesn't a nun make, or other customs and I'm sure they're very dear women who love God very much.

Edited by brendan1104
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  • 2 weeks later...

I AM back and it was amazing again. Sr. Jeanette Marie's Clothing day was so beautiful. There were so many people there 900.
Bishop Olmsted presided and there were 23 other priest's it was so cool. There was a bagpipe player and the whole thing went perfectly.

AND.........I am ENTERING in January of '08 !!!!! I am sosooooo happy. I prayed for you all while I was there Thank you for your prayers and Please continue to pray for me.


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[quote]AND.........I am ENTERING in January of '08 !!!!! I am sosooooo happy. I prayed for you all while I was there Thank you for your prayers and Please continue to pray for me.[/quote]

What fabulous news! May Our Lord grant you every happiness. I never quite know how to respond satisfactorarily to news of upcoming entrances, as my words seem too poor to express how inspired and hopeful when I see fellow young women casting themselves completely into the hands of God. So I'm afraid my congratulations may always seem a little trite. There is a verse in the Song of Songs that I think every woman who is going to enter the religious life should carry in her heart as she prepares:

Who is she that looks forth like the dawn,
fair as the moon, bright as the sun,
terrible as an army with banners?’

(Song of Songs 6:10)

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[quote]I contacted them as well. I really liked them, but I am still discerning. Now though, I feel God calling to a Carmelite vocation, but... you never know.[/quote]

I had a hunch that you too have serious Carmelite symptoms! I have become quite expert at diagnosing them, it seems.

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[quote ) I'm ENTERING in January of '08 !!!!! I am sosooooo happy. I prayed for you all while I was there Thank you for your prayers and Please continue to pray for me.


You were priviliged to have been present at Sr Jeanette Marie's Investiture...........
from the photographs,it was certainly a joyous occasion. Wonderful to hear that you will be entereing next January . You must be on :cloud9: I will pray for your discernment. :lol:

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I am on :cloud9: But it was kinda a downer telling my best friend :unsure: Because I think she is going to miss me a lot and I don't think she knows how to deal with how she feels because most every one else is so :clapping: excited for me and she doesn't want people to know that she is upset about it. SO it comes out in little digs :furious: and sharp remarks about other things. SO please pray for her that if It be Gods will She will Be joyful and happy for me :console: . It would be nice if she could. :twothumbsup:
But for the most part I am Walking on air :yahoo:


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That did look like a wonderful ceremony. admittedly i only saw the first part. I must admit, however, that the thought of bagpipes INDOORS is scary :scream:

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