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Never knew or heard until I was 20, (and I was cradle catholic) the teaching of "why" the church teaches what it does on birth control! Why is this subject so ignored by priests and laity? The teaching is so true, if you look at the bigger picture, at where contraception has taken us! I think this is one of the more crucial teachings to educate are young people with. Your Thoughts?????? God Bless! JC

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Amen! Shout it from the rooftops!

Every Christian denomination believed and taught that contraception was evil until 1930 when the Episcopalians held their Lambeth Conference. They voted to allow contraception in certain limited circumstances. Before long, it was acceptable in any circumstance. Soon, all Protestant churches had caved in. Even the Eastern Orthodox now allow contraception, overturning centuries of opposition. They all flip-flopped. Now the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church stands alone in teaching God's Truth.

This is the way it was explained to me when I was Southern Baptist: God designed human beings to be co-creators with Him in bringing new life into the world. But He is very pleased when humans find a way to thwart His design. Clever men, God is so proud of you! Sex without consequences. Self-mutilation is one technique man has for controling God's design. Good! Atta boy! Using chemicals that may cause heart attacks, blood clots, and stroke? God to man: "I knew you could do it, find a way around the way I made you to subvert my commandment that you be fruitful and multiply! Congratulations!" :topsy:


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People are in absolute rebellion against God's commandment and the true teaching of Christ's Church, and it's absolutely ridiculous and destructive to civilization. God help those married couples who contracept, because they are dividing their relationship and will almost certainly, statistically speaking, end in divorce. And they are gravely sinning, killing grace in their souls and putting themselves in danger of eternal hellfire.

It's really sad and terrible; and the silent priests who stand in rebellion to the teaching of the Church will have much to answer for on the day of judgement, they are more in danger of eternal hellfire even than those who are practicing it in ignorance.

It is one of the greatest evils of our times.

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I raised a stink because it wasnt mentioned in our pre-marriage prep classes. So I created some heat. But Im a convert and the only reason I knew before was because I researched it.

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With Christopher West's series on JP II's Theology of the Body it is getting more attention these days. I highly recommend that you work on getting your pastor to allow you to run an 8 week DVD study at your parish. It's EXCELLENT and he is a great speaker. Contraception is just one of the many issues it hits on. Celebacy of the priesthood, homosexuality, lust vs. love. Even why it is wrong for a husband to lust after his wife. It's a great marriage prep. Unless your incredibly stuborn i can't imagine someone disagreeing with the Church on these matters after having gone through this 8 week course.


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[quote name='thessalonian' post='1247189' date='Apr 17 2007, 02:01 PM']With Christopher West's series on JP II's Theology of the Body it is getting more attention these days. I highly recommend that you work on getting your pastor to allow you to run an 8 week DVD study at your parish. It's EXCELLENT and he is a great speaker. Contraception is just one of the many issues it hits on. Celebacy of the priesthood, homosexuality, lust vs. love. Even why it is wrong for a husband to lust after his wife. It's a great marriage prep. Unless your incredibly stuborn i can't imagine someone disagreeing with the Church on these matters after having gone through this 8 week course.


He is really good on this topic. And there are shorter courses as well, if you don't want do do a full-out 8 weeks.

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Phoenix Reborn

I haven't read TotB yet (nor will I for probably quite some time), but according to the critics (aka my mom and Heyyoimjohnny) in my house, yeah, it's pretty good.

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There was a priest in my former diocese who put on several discussions for parents who wanted to know how to communicated TOTB to their kids ... it was packed out every time he did it.

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[quote name='thessalonian' post='1247189' date='Apr 17 2007, 03:01 PM']With Christopher West's series on JP II's Theology of the Body it is getting more attention these days. I highly recommend that you work on getting your pastor to allow you to run an 8 week DVD study at your parish. It's EXCELLENT and he is a great speaker. Contraception is just one of the many issues it hits on. Celebacy of the priesthood, homosexuality, lust vs. love. Even why it is wrong for a husband to lust after his wife. It's a great marriage prep. Unless your incredibly stuborn i can't imagine someone disagreeing with the Church on these matters after having gone through this 8 week course.

If you only knew the Parish that I was at!!! YIKES!!!!!! I am going to check it out and order it anyway.....I will do it at my house if I have too! Thank you!
Do women really think that this was a freedom for them??? JC

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[quote name='jckinsman' post='1247243' date='Apr 17 2007, 02:53 PM']If you only knew the Parish that I was at!!! YIKES!!!!!! I am going to check it out and order it anyway.....I will do it at my house if I have too! Thank you!
Do women really think that this was a freedom for them??? JC[/quote]
You should indeed check it out and order it anyway. It is well worth the investment, any of those products. I gave a copy of one West's beginner book to my brother and his wife (Protestants now becoming Catholic, praise God!) and it's led them to do a lot of soul searching in this area.

And yes women do see contraception as a freedom. It enables them to pursue things such as career without the encumberance of children. No children = freedom.

I posted this link earlier in another thread, but it is well worth reading: [url="http://www.mirrorofjustice.com/mirrorofjustice/scaperlanda/sexmarriageandprocreation.pdf"]Sex, Marriage and Procreation[/url]

It's a paper presented at a Christian Legal Society seminar a few years ago by a Catholic professor who teaches at the University of Oklahoma School of Law. Well worth the read, even though it's long. It shows the jurisprudential link between legalizing contraception in the U.S. and the deterioration we see now in views on marriage, etc. Very interesting.

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[quote name='jckinsman' post='1247243' date='Apr 17 2007, 03:53 PM']If you only knew the Parish that I was at!!! YIKES!!!!!! I am going to check it out and order it anyway.....I will do it at my house if I have too! Thank you!
Do women really think that this was a freedom for them??? JC[/quote]

Pray for your parish and preist. Be charitable. 5 years ago this study never would have happened at ours either. Some young people got together and approached the pastor about it and after much coaxing he let them do it and it turned out great. They had 60-80 people every week. We're doing it at another parish I go to this summer. My men's group is sponsering that one.

Go to the Knights of Columbus if your a member or something. Enlist support of others once you have heard some of the info.

Contraception can be linked to:

Pornograph and the objectification of women
Poverty of women and children
Single parent families
Teenage promiscuity
Increased crime
I am sure there are more.

Sound like freedom to you?

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[quote name='thessalonian' post='1247314' date='Apr 17 2007, 05:20 PM']Pray for your parish and preist. Be charitable. 5 years ago this study never would have happened at ours either. Some young people got together and approached the pastor about it and after much coaxing he let them do it and it turned out great. They had 60-80 people every week. We're doing it at another parish I go to this summer. My men's group is sponsering that one.

Go to the Knights of Columbus if your a member or something. Enlist support of others once you have heard some of the info.

Contraception can be linked to:

Pornograph and the objectification of women
Poverty of women and children
Single parent families
Teenage promiscuity
Increased crime
I am sure there are more.

Sound like freedom to you?[/quote]
It really sounds like horrible oppression to me! My husband is a Knight,that sounds like the place to start! After I get the information! This subject is such a HOT BUTTON topic people don't even what to touch it! Thank you! ................Right now ,at this very moment,,,,my little girl is singing ,very sweetly in the other room.......coloring away in here little book! (she is one of six,so far) Thank you Lord for the gift of children!

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