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somebody close this stupid thread down.

FullTruth, you need to take a step back from all the grand ideas and realize that life is not a movie. That may be hard when you are convinced that what I'm saying is part of a conspiracy. But I have no interest in your well-being at all. Though, after the events at Virginia Tech I am less inclined to ignore ideas like the ones you seem to have.

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[quote name='Deo gratias' post='1248151' date='Apr 18 2007, 04:09 PM']Erm...I'm A positive...what on earth is rH blood? I've never heard of this. Seems a bit...weird.[/quote]
People either have Rh + or - blood.

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[quote name='prose' post='1248083' date='Apr 18 2007, 03:06 PM']Umm... Seriously. You need help.

And this thread I think is adding to your imbalance.

By the way, I do not have the blood type you refer to. I do, however, have my psychology degree, and you really seem to fit many, if not all, of hte symptoms of schizophrenia. I am sorry, but I also think that everyone responding the way they have in this thread is making things worse, not better for you.[/quote]
Why do I need help?

The Lord justifies my walk. If you want to mock me, then let the Lord Judge between me and you. I am confident about his judgement, how about you?

Maybe I am schizophrenic. Who knows. I never said I that couldn't be the case. With this world, anything could be the case. I maybe even demonically possessed right now, and not really know it.

At least I don't hear voices in my head. God always talks to me through his word. I will read something, like Leviticus, and get the impression if I enter into a 7 day purification cycle with a 1 day fast God will release me from the hold of pornography, which he has - 18 days lust free. Eat that Devil! But I could be just Schizophrenic, and I might be reading too much into God's word. He doesn't do anything like that, does he Prose. He can't inspire someone to trust his word, and totally change their life. God doesn't work like that, does he.

Oh well, I will never read the response to this post, because I really want to say good bye to all of you.

I recommend you to learn from the milk I have presented in other threads. If you are struggling with Sin, please read my post on how to defeat sin in your life.

If you are facing difficulties in life, please read my post on why the apostles didn't recognize Jesus while they were talking about his death.

If you find yourself in unfamiliar territory, remember all things work for God for those who love God and are called according to his purpose.

Edited by FullTruth
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[quote name='toledo_jesus' post='1248467' date='Apr 18 2007, 08:29 PM']somebody close this stupid thread down.

FullTruth, you need to take a step back from all the grand ideas and realize that life is not a movie. That may be hard when you are convinced that what I'm saying is part of a conspiracy. But I have no interest in your well-being at all. Though, after the events at Virginia Tech I am less inclined to ignore ideas like the ones you seem to have.[/quote]
I will have to say,you never know people these days! Beyond our ignorance we still must have responsibility (you are right)! I am new to PM, one of the first people I responded to was "fulltruth". (Not Knowing all he had already written about) I think that mania would be a correct diagnosis. I do think that any strange and threatening things,these days, should NOT be taken lightly ! Please remember though, God changes things, He changes hearts and minds! If "Fulltruth" is "sick",(there is very little doubt,something is going on) must we not be praying for him??? How hard is it for us to do that? This is where we carry our crosses right?? Is He "worthy" of the Lamb? Are we? God bless,JC

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[quote]At least I don't hear voices in my head. God always talks to me through his word. I will read something, like Leviticus, and get the impression if I enter into a 7 day purification cycle with a 1 day fast God will release me from the hold of pornography, which he has - 18 days lust free. Eat that Devil! But I could be just Schizophrenic, and I might be reading too much into God's word. He doesn't do anything like that, does he Prose. He can't inspire someone to trust his word, and totally change their life. God doesn't work like that, does he.[/quote]

FullTruth, there are several different types of schizophrenia. Not everybody with schizophrenia 'hears voices' - there is a substantial proportion of people with this illness who don't have any hallucinations at all.

You seem to be assuming that [i]either[/i] you have a relationship with God [i]or[/i] you have a mental illness. But it is quite possible to have both. I know a young boy who has a severe form of schizophrenia. He is one of the gentlest and most prayerful children I've ever come across. But he is also very ill.

I can accept that God freed you from an addiction to pornography at your prayer, as this fits perfectly with what we know of Him. He is the merciful Healer. But all your conspiracy theories about Nephilim and other paranoid ideas go at right angles to the Gospel. They bear no resemblance to the Jesus Whom we see there, or to the methods of revelation that God has used throughout the ages. They can't be trusted.

There is an unfortunate prejudice against mental illnesses that states that they are either less legitimate than physical illnesses or somehow worthy of shame. Neither of those things are true. If you love God, you can afford to challenge yourself. If you love God, go to the doctor.

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[quote]But I have no interest in your well-being at all.[/quote]

And I would like to add that it is often unhelpful and deliberately unkind remarks like that that prevent people with mental health problems from seeking appropriate help. :sadder:

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Why is everyone trying to throw a psychological diagnosis at this guy ignoring spiritual ramfications?

If he's inviting demons to "fight" him he isnt exactly going to be under good influences.

Ive seen those sites he hangs out on, I could see someone without the foundation of God's Word getting all sorts of wrong ideas.

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and you hang out at chick carp sites... do you really think your opinion is valid on that topic???

FT you may or may not have issues you need to deal with. It never hurts to consult a doctor or pastor about such things. We are not shrinks nor qualified to have an actual medical opinion, but a talk with with a professional can't hurt.

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[quote]and you hang out at chick carp sites... do you really think your opinion is valid on that topic???[/quote]

Why not?

I have a background in working with troubled youth many of whom were mentally ill.

But I dont ignore the spirtual aspects especially now as a born again Christian.

I warned you all weeks ago something was off about Full Truth, but you all gave me a hard time instead of listening.

Instead of understanding the spirtual aspects of what is plaguing him, you are all jumping on the psychology bandwagon like a bunch of secularist humanist liberalss.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1249124' date='Apr 19 2007, 10:50 AM']Why not?

I have a background in working with troubled youth many of whom were mentally ill.

But I dont ignore the spirtual aspects especially now as a born again Christian.

I warned you all weeks ago something was off about Full Truth, but you all gave me a hard time instead of listening.

Instead of understanding the spirtual aspects of what is plaguing him, you are all jumping on the psychology bandwagon like a bunch of secularist humanist liberalss.[/quote]
Hi budge! You will have to forgive me , I'am new, and I have no idea who or what "chick carp" is? I do Know that this thread is more about the mental state of "fulltruth",from all of his statements! He was one of the first ones I responded to! From what I read,I do not think that the spiritual aspects are being ignored. You think ,that we are missing the fact he could be plagued with demons ????? Is that what you are trying to say? IF it is........To whom does he turn to??????? Or do we say "Go away, you got serious problems!!" ???.............If we go to the Bible, What does Jesus do with the people who are "plagued with demons??? ( or should I say "having issues with spiritual aspects") Jesus Shed his precious blood for "Fulltruth" as much as he did for us, RIGHT? Is it not better for one, who has sinned to come back to God then a thousand righteous men!?????? I thank you for "Accepting the Lord as your own, "personal" savior" As I Catholic, born again of WATER and spirit, I realize that I am human and my Natural instincts to help the mentally ill ,is to use a psychological circumfrence ,to circle the bandwagons and PRAY for those in need! Much Peace Budge! God has Plans for You! JC

Edited by jckinsman
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[quote]I have a background in working with troubled youth many of whom were mentally ill.[/quote]Budge, you seem to have a background in everything. When you created a thread about the Vatican's so-called 'pagan art', you announced that you are schooled in art. In threads about paganism and relativism, you wrote that as you were once preparing for ministry with the UUs you fully understand both pagan and relativistic philosophies.

I can't help remembering that in the thread on nuns, where we were talking about the value of silence to spirituality, you wrote that you were qualified to speak about this issue because somebody had once invited you on a 'FOUR DAY silent retreat'. (Capitalisation yours.) As you believe that four days in a monastery qualify you to speak definitively on monastic silence, I'm a little sceptical now when you say that you 'have a background' in something. To me, the word 'background' suggests that the person has been engaged in a particular kind of work for years. Being 'schooled' in something suggests that the person holds a university degree or equivalent qualification in the subject that they are speaking about. In all honesty, is this the case with you?

[quote]I warned you all weeks ago something was off about Full Truth, but you all gave me a hard time instead of listening.

Instead of understanding the spirtual aspects of what is plaguing him, you are all jumping on the psychology bandwagon like a bunch of secularist humanist liberalss.[/quote]

If FullTruth had broken his leg or developed a high fever, would you be 'understanding the spiritual aspects of what is plaguing him' or advising him to go to the doctor? This is part of the prejudice against mental illness - the belief that it isn't as valid as physical sickness and that it is a preserve for 'secularist humanist liberals'.

Anyway, who said FullTruth's problem is necessarily psychological? Schizophrenia isn't a psychological issue - it's neurobiological. If you were as well versed in mental illness as you claim, you would know that.

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This thread sure has been entertaining.

Reading some of the responses have been funny.

Who knows, I could be scitzophrenic. My family doesn't have a history of mental illness, except maybe my mother - but she's seems more like demonically possessed. You should see the looks she sometimes gives me, absolutely chilling. And the fact she does whatever she can to 'humble' me by talking nonsense about me, all of it made up, except one or two facts which are true. But hey, all it takes is one person, right. I might be Schizophrenic. But I don't hear voices. One might think I look for conspiracies everywhere, but that isn't true either.

Afterall, I'm Cuckoo for CocoPuffs! :lol_roll:

I just find the topics that I am learning about fascinating, and I like talking about them. One day I will compile all of this to tell a really good story as a video game. Uh oh, that could make people paranoid, right! I hope not. I hope they put their hope into my Lord Jesus Christ. He's got it in control, if what I talk about is true. I don't really know - I just love the coincidences and like thinking about them. It doesn't mean I know they are true or not. I don't have one piece of evidence.

I am still in a little bit of darkness, as I read through the Bible, God is changing me more and more.

Oh, by the way, I just want to say - 19 days lust free! Eat that devil!

I think the post should be closed down. It has served it's purpose.

BTW Budge, you're wrong about Pre-Trib Rapture.

When 'a christ' will come to the earth, and say that he is the messiah and that the rapture was wrong, you will flock to him - and that man will be the Anti-Christ. You will bow before him and accept him. He will, of course, tell you that it is okay to recieve a chip, because the mark of the beast is all about the demonic trinity (which is a lie wrapped in a truth), and you will gratefully recieve it. You will think you are smarter than those Christians who say this is not the Lord, because you will believe he is and the ones who say he is not are the Pharisees, not knowing God.

You've been warned Budge, and I hope you will recieve my warning and repent of your pre-trib rapture belief.

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This thread has taken a lot of interesting twists and turns, in six short pages.

Speaking of which, when I read FT's posts, it feels as if I am looking back into my past and reading what I would have written. FT, I recommend you find two somebodies, one who can help you spiritually with your demons and one who can help you mentally with your mental state. That is not written to knock you down, if anybody is qualified to talk about a mental state, it is me.

I don't know you, but reading a very small amount of what you have written and seeing others on this board pour out love for you, I have come to care about you. I can see in your writings the dissasociation and the compartmentalization that was in my own life, my own thoughts, my own writings. I am still working toward full health in Jesus, but he is helping me even now. But what helped me in the beginning stages were two people, one who helped me with my demons and one who helped me with my mind. Both were specialized in their fields, so they could not help me with the other aspect I needed help with, but together they were an incredible blessing from God.

19 days w/o lust is incredible. My longest stretch is 30 days. God-speed and blessings upon your struggle.

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