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Justin (Wiccan)

[quote name='kujo' post='1245683' date='Apr 16 2007, 12:53 PM']I don't think it's fair to call into question his faith, Justin. Not everyone is perfect and not everyone has the whole "love thy neighbor" thing down pat. FT is passionate about his beliefs and I'm sure he gets carried away with them in discussion. But who doesn't get riled up when they're talking about something they feel so crazy about?[/quote]

My apologies, Kujo--I am not calling FT's faith into question, but his efficacy as a servant of God. The phrase "For one who is a Christian" was in contrast to my own non-Christian faith.

I apologize for any confusion.

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Any number is 'occultic' if you visit the right websites. Playing number games doesn't mean anything.

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[quote name='Justin (Wiccan)' post='1245686' date='Apr 16 2007, 01:02 PM']My apologies, Kujo--I am not calling FT's faith into question, but his efficacy as a servant of God. The phrase "For one who is a Christian" was in contrast to my own non-Christian faith.

I apologize for any confusion.[/quote]

No need to apologize, my brother. God bless.

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[quote name='Justin (Wiccan)' post='1245678' date='Apr 16 2007, 12:47 PM']FT, the problem is that you claim knowledge, but fail to demonstrate love. For one who is Christian, and who demonstrates the behavior you have demonstrated, 1 Cor 13 becomes important reading.[/quote]

When did you become a Christian Justin?

One moment a Wiccan, and then another an expert on the Christian faith! Wow, how many hats do you wear?
You're also an expert on government! I forgot that.

Jesus calls me to love my enemies. I love you Justin, so i will say this once.

Become a Christian, renounce Wicca, and then you can comment on my walk with God, though when you do so, you will have to remind yourself, judging others brings the same judgement onto you.

As a wiccan, you are my enemy, because you have rejected Jesus Christ, and there is one word for those who reject Jesus Christ, and that is . . .

I think it is really humourous, you talk about how I could be 'more loving' as a Christian, looking at the smote in my eye, and you're a practicing Wiccan - look at the beam out your eye.

I'm not a fruit cake christian who loves everybody, and trusts everybody. You're Wiccan, and that is Satanic because is rejects Jesus Christ.

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[quote name='kujo' post='1245660' date='Apr 16 2007, 12:36 PM']Well, this post was directed towards me, so I guess I should weigh in.

FT, I find your testimony to be a blessing. I am happy that you have such a deep, personal relationship with Our Lord, and a craving desire to immerse yourself in His Word. I think more people should follow your example in this regard. I also commend and pray for you regarding the spiritual warfare that has obviously been/is being waged in your life.

But, my friend...this preoccupation with conspiracies and the occult and debunking things...how does this lead you closer to Christ? Where is Jesus when you are thinking that the government which exists to protect our most fundamental rights--freedom of speech, freedom of religion, etc-- engages in various sinister deeds? God wants us to be happy. He wants us to prosper and be filled with grace, not with anxiety and fear and suspicion. And, with that wonderful experience you've had with Him, you have to know that He would not want for you to spend most/some/a lot of your days nit-picking and finding numerical coincidences; rather, I'm sure that God would want you to go outside, climb a tree and praise Him for it!

I don't understand you, FT. But I do like you and now I respect you more.

My prayers are with you.[/quote]
You're right in a way.

There is a time for rejocing, a time for studying, a time for worship, but there is also a time for war.

I think Ecclesiastes 3 says it quite elegantly.

[quote name='3:1-8' date=' JPS']To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; A time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.[/quote]

Sometimes I am on the offensive for them, other times, I relax.

Right now, things are almost totally quiet on the warfare front. Sensetive information about the occult world was revealed to a group of individuals on a public forum - including myself - which has totally turned the occult world upside down.

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[quote name='FullTruth' post='1246563' date='Apr 16 2007, 08:46 PM']Sensetive information about the occult world was revealed to a group of individuals on a public forum - including myself - which has totally turned the occult world upside down.[/quote]
Get off that occult forum! That carp's f---ing up your head.

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Justin (Wiccan)

[quote name='FullTruth' post='1246540' date='Apr 16 2007, 10:34 PM']When did you become a Christian Justin?[/quote]

FT, just as shifting the burden of proof will not avail your arguments, neither will making ad hominem attacks.

If you consider me your enemy, then that is your choice. You may choose to ignore me, or you may choose to "hit me with your best shot." It makes no difference to me, because even if I were the enemy of God (I am not), neither you nor your beliefs have any power over me.

You do not follow God as I understand Him to be, and you have forgotten how God is described in the Bible. You follow the "God" of your own delusions. I pray that one day you will remember the true Creator, and not the delusion you have now.

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[quote name='Justin (Wiccan)' post='1246594' date='Apr 16 2007, 11:05 PM']FT, just as shifting the burden of proof will not avail your arguments, neither will making ad hominem attacks.

If you consider me your enemy, then that is your choice. You may choose to ignore me, or you may choose to "hit me with your best shot." It makes no difference to me, because even if I were the enemy of God (I am not), neither you nor your beliefs have any power over me.

You do not follow God as I understand Him to be, and you have forgotten how God is described in the Bible. You follow the "God" of your own delusions. I pray that one day you will remember the true Creator, and not the delusion you have now.[/quote]
You're a Wiccan, and a follower of God!

Hmmmmm, wow, so many hats.

If I don't know the true creator, you don't know the true creator either bub. You worship nature, and that breaks the first 3 commandments. If you knew who God was, the first thing you would do is renounce Wicca, for the only reason as you want to do God's will of not following anything but the Bible. Following God and being a Wiccan are mutually exclusive, period.

So you're not only an enemy of the people of God, but you are also an enemy of God period Justin. In the old testament, they would have stoned you. Because scripture said they needed to do that.

Sorry Justin, God calls me to love my enemies, and he knew what he was talking about.

I will take reprove only from my brothers and sisters in Christ only, not by the likes of you.

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[quote name='Socrates' post='1246571' date='Apr 16 2007, 10:49 PM']Get off that occult forum! That carp's f---ing up your head.[/quote]

Hey now, Soc...

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Errr....FullTruth? Truth is Truth no matter who says it...even Satan acknowledges God's existance and just b/c he's the Devil doesn't mean he's wrong...becasue that is true. So if Justin has a good point, then you should answer it.

And can I add that a public online forum doesn't seem the type of place God would reveal the secrets of the occult to?

I mean, I agree that being a Wiccan is totally illogical and more importantly WRONG...and contrary to the bible, revalation, and tradition and all that the Catholic Church teaches, but that doesn't mean that his argument or observation is wrong.

Edited by Kosh
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Justin (Wiccan)

[quote name='FullTruth' post='1246601' date='Apr 16 2007, 11:18 PM']You're a Wiccan, and a follower of God![/quote]

FT, what do you actually know about Wicca? Do you think we worship Satan?

In Christian teaching, anything that is not of God is of Satan, so it is possible that I may be deceived--after all, I am not omniscient, my knowledge is not perfect, and anybody can be fooled. But the God I worship is the Creater and Sustainer of the Universe--and even if I worship Him imperfectly, ignorantly, and foolishly, I trust that He will make allowances for my ignorance.

[quote]If I don't know the true creator, you don't know the true creator either bub. You worship nature, and that breaks the first 3 commandments.[/quote]Incorrect: Wiccans are often described as "nature worshippers"--sometimes even by Wiccans themselves! But this is a grave error. We see the Creator as manifest in Creation, and while we revere Creation (because God is manifest therein), we worship the Creator.

Catholics would describe my religion as "gravely flawed"--and I quite agree. By the same token, I view their beliefs, and your beliefs, as equally flawed. Paul himself said that we see through a glass darkly towards the end of the passage in I Corinthians that I recommended to you. We are all blindly, imperfectly, and to some extent foolishly reaching for God ... I believe that God, because of His love for us, has overlooked the flaws in our ways of raching out to Him. You believe, and the Catholics here believe, that He overlooked those flaws because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ--I feel this is as much an error as you feel Wiccan beliefs to be.

[quote]If you knew who God was, the first thing you would do is renounce Wicca, for the only reason as you want to do God's will of not following anything but the Bible. Following God and being a Wiccan are mutually exclusive, period.[/quote]

This is your view, and it is the view of the Bible. I have never pretended that Christians would consider my beliefs at all compatable with theirs, and the Catholics here have wholeheartedly agreed with you that, by their best understanding, Wicca is incompatable with following God. Again, I disagree with them as I do with you, but I do so with the greatest of respect for your beliefs.

[quote]So you're not only an enemy of the people of God, but you are also an enemy of God period Justin. In the old testament, they would have stoned you. Because scripture said they needed to do that.

Sorry Justin, God calls me to love my enemies, and he knew what he was talking about.

I will take reprove only from my brothers and sisters in Christ only, not by the likes of you.[/quote]

Again, that is your choice. However, in the previous post, you did not say that I was the enemy of God--you said "As a wiccan, you are my enemy." Again, the choice on how you behave in that regard is yours.

I am not God's enemy. Nor am I your enemy--unless you choose to behave with enmity towards me.

Edited by Justin (Wiccan)
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[quote name='FullTruth' post='1246601' date='Apr 16 2007, 10:18 PM']You're a Wiccan, and a follower of God!

Hmmmmm, wow, so many hats.

If I don't know the true creator, you don't know the true creator either bub. You worship nature, and that breaks the first 3 commandments. If you knew who God was, the first thing you would do is renounce Wicca, for the only reason as you want to do God's will of not following anything but the Bible. Following God and being a Wiccan are mutually exclusive, period.

So you're not only an enemy of the people of God, but you are also an enemy of God period Justin. In the old testament, they would have stoned you. Because scripture said they needed to do that.

Sorry Justin, God calls me to love my enemies, and he knew what he was talking about.

I will take reprove only from my brothers and sisters in Christ only, not by the likes of you.[/quote]

Where in the Bible did they say that they needed to stone anybody. In fact, I would like to mention that Jesus Himself say that Let He who is without sin cast the first stone. Scripture never said they needed to do that. You need to read scripture before you attack Full Truth.

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