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To Kujo


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To answer your question Kujo,

Is my posts about the occult and the NWO influecning our live garbage, or is it because God has given me insight, that I see things clearer than most here.

Not that I believe knowing these things save you. We are saved by faith through grace, and not of works lest any man boast. But faith without works is dead faith. God has annointed me as a teacher and exhorter of the word of God. As I go into the bible, not only can I teach and exhort myself easily - like I haven't touched the sin that so easily overtook me for 33 years for the past 12 days now, without any bouts of prayer against it - because I headed the word of God to take a 7 day purification cycle and a 1 day fast (found in the book of Leviticu, Numbers or Deutronomy), and God cicumsizing my heart on the 8th day for my faithfullness to him and his word - but I can easily teach and exhort others.

Going to college was the exploding point for me. God knew then, I would do whatever he asked me to do, and then he opened my eyes to what was going on. My life has never been the same since college. My eyes were being opened, every so slightly, every single day during college. Who I am in God. What my purpose in this world is. How our history has been directed for at least a 100 years, probably more. (I'll give you a hint, why did WW1 or WW2 end on the 11th minute, of the 11th hour of the 11th day, or the 11th month? It's not a coincidence.)

The one year I decided not to be silent, but to go off and pray to God by myself, there were many attacks, and I got the distinct spiritual impression there were those who didn't appreciate me calling out to God during that minute!

People have always said, GodChasher/FT/FullTruth you should be a priest, because of my experiences with God. Praise God, for his touch on my life. I'm only as good of a teacher as God has made me. I don't know how many people told me that while I was taking Journalism.

Only one person in college never complimented me by saying that, and he was a whole different kind of ball game - All that I have learned this year has given me the training to understand who he was, and who is father was, and how to deal with him if I ever meet him again. Man, the Devil can really mess you up if you are in the dark. My first impression of him was the correct one, but my training wasn't complete when I meet him. When you are in the will of God, Satan sends his soldiers to stop you at all costs. He wanted me to quit Print and E-journalism, and did his best to try to force me to quit and exclude me. Now I understand why there was such a emnity between me and him, and why I said to one of my professors, God said be at peace with all men, if it is possible. It is not possible for me and Dude to have peace. I, at least, had enough understanding in the spirit to know that.

Who knows, one day I might take up the mantle of Pastorship, but that is not where God wants me to go. He wants me to be a video game manufacturer. I'm going to take all my 'garbage' about the NWO and the occult and create a real thriller based upon what I have learned. I'm going to do a real Dan Brown, except I will take real facts and real truths, and spin a tale that will leave most people wanting for more of Jesus Christ, my lord and Saviour! :)

It's just nice to see and understand what the Devil is doing, so I can combat him, and inform the people.

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[quote name='FullTruth' post='1242278' date='Apr 13 2007, 11:11 PM']How our history has been directed for at least a 100 years, probably more. (I'll give you a hint, why did WW1 or WW2 end on the 11th minute, of the 11th hour of the 11th day, or the 11th month? It's not a coincidence.)[/quote]
:unsure: Germany surrendered on May 8, and Japan surrendered later on September 2, 1945 :idontknow: :hehe:

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Guest JeffCR07

There stand before me two men. Both claim to serve the Lord. One of these men says to me that I ought to follow him, because he has been spiritually anointed by God with special knowledge, and that he speaks for Christ. The other man says simply that he is a priest of the Catholic Church, continuing the line of the Apostles.

This latter is enough for me, for not amount of secret knowledge, no matter how great, can impart divine authority. Indeed, we see that Christ gave authority not to those who were great in knowledge, but rather, He gave authority to fishermen. Furthermore, it is from the fruits of the Spirit working in these fishermen that Christ formed his Church, which in turn produced the Holy Scriptures. Its Councils, guided by that same Spirit, have guarded and protected the faith from thousands of false prophets preaching their own gospel on the basis of new revelations.

And so I will follow the priest of the Catholic Church every time, because the first man who stands before me has set himself up over and against the Church built by Christ, and, in doing so, has set himself up over and against the authority of Christ.

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[quote name='JeffCR07' post='1242778' date='Apr 14 2007, 12:20 PM']There stand before me two men. Both claim to serve the Lord. One of these men says to me that I ought to follow him, because he has been spiritually anointed by God with special knowledge, and that he speaks for Christ. The other man says simply that he is a priest of the Catholic Church, continuing the line of the Apostles.

This latter is enough for me, for not amount of secret knowledge, no matter how great, can impart divine authority. Indeed, we see that Christ gave authority not to those who were great in knowledge, but rather, He gave authority to fishermen. Furthermore, it is from the fruits of the Spirit working in these fishermen that Christ formed his Church, which in turn produced the Holy Scriptures. Its Councils, guided by that same Spirit, have guarded and protected the faith from thousands of false prophets preaching their own gospel on the basis of new revelations.

And so I will follow the priest of the Catholic Church every time, because the first man who stands before me has set himself up over and against the Church built by Christ, and, in doing so, has set himself up over and against the authority of Christ.[/quote]
I'm for everybody seeking the Christ, Jeff.

You can rail against me if you want. That's okay. I like Catholics, many are god-fearing men.

However, to suggest that I am not is a folly. Do I have to become Catholic for you to accept God's hand on my life?

Not that I mind having you say what you said. You are an god-fearing man, and you don't want to be lead astray by someone.

I was only posting this up for Kujo, who asked me why I can have theological insights in his/her thread about why the apostles couldn't recognize Jesus Christ, and spew out 'garbage' about conspiracies.

I guess I could have PM this to Kujo, but I wanted to share something of myself to all of you. I want to be an open book for all to read and judge.

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[quote name='notardillacid' post='1242638' date='Apr 14 2007, 04:10 AM']:unsure: Germany surrendered on May 8, and Japan surrendered later on September 2, 1945 :idontknow: :hehe:[/quote]
WW1 - 11/11/18 was the end of the war.

I would suspect if I checked more closely - 11 hour was when the war officially ended.

Since 11 is a powerful occult number, could it be a coincidence or a deliberate decision to end the war on the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month of the 18th (6*3) year. . .

[quote name='http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/13_33_freemason_sig.htm']11, 13 and 33

The Illuminati / Freemason Signature

by Robert Howard

Updated 11/30/2001

In my research regarding the Freemason's, United States Presidents and The Masonic Power Structure I was constantly running into the number 13 and 33. This research confirmed that most of the founding fathers were Masons. It also confirmed that most of the Presidents were Masons. My first run in with 13 of course was the 13 colonies. Second was the great Seal.

For a detailed look at the number 11 see Destruction of the Trade Centers: Occult Symbolism Indicates Enemies Within Our Own Government

"The numbers 3, 7, 9,11,13, 33, 39. Any multiple of these numbers have special meaning to the Illuminati. Notice that the Bilderberg Group has core of 39 members who are broken into 3 groups of 13 members in each group. Notice that the core of 39 answers to the 13 who make up the Policy Committee. Take special notice that the 13 members of the Policy Committee answer to the Round Table of Nine. You know that the original number of states in the United States of America was 13. The Constitution has 7 articles and was signed by 39 members of the Constitutional Convention." Secret Societies / New World Order: by Milton William Cooper[/quote]

I'm just asking a question.

WW1 did end on 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month on the 18th(6*3/666) year. Was this war created by the Illuminati to bring in Income Tax and the 'National Banks' of the different countries to bring us into bondage, and they ended the war to honour their master Satan!


January - September T.E. Lawrence leads Arab guerrillas in successful campaign against Turkish positions in Arabia and Palestine
January 8 US President Woodrow Wilson makes "Fourteen Points" speech to Congress
February 11 US President Woodrow Wilson makes "Four Principles" speech to Congress
March 3 Soviet Russia concludes separate peace negotiations in treaty of Brest-Litovsk
March 21 Germany launches Spring push, eventually mounting five major offensives against Allied forces, starting with the Battle of Picardy against the British
March 26 Doullens Agreement gives General Ferdinand Foch "co-ordinating authority" over the Western Front
April 9 Germany launches second Spring offensive, the Battle of the Lys, in the British sector of Armentieres
April 14 Foch appointed Commander-in-Chief of Allied forces on Western Front
May 25 German U-boats appear in US waters for first time
May 27 Third German Spring offensive, Third Battle of the Aisne, begins in French sector along Chemin des Dames
May 28 US forces (28th Regiment of 1st Division) victorious in first major action, Battle of Cantigny
June 6 US 3rd Division captures Bouresches and southern part of Belleau Wood
June 9 Germans launch fourth Spring offensive, Battle of the Matz, in French sector between Noyan and Montdider
June 15 Italians prevail against Austro-Hungarian forces at Battle of Piave
July 6 US President Woodrow Wilson agrees to US intervention in Siberia
July 15 Final phase of great German Spring push, the Second Battle of Marne, begins
July 16-17 Former Tsar Nicholas II, his wife, and children, are murdered by the Bolsheviks
July 18 Allies counterattack against German forces, seizing initiative
August 3 Allied intervention begins at Vladivosto
August 8 Haig directs start of successful Amiens offensive, forcing all German troops back to the Hindenburg Line; Ludendorff calls it a "black day" for German army
September 12 US forces clear the St.-Mihiel salient, during which the greatest air assault of the war is launched by the US
September 19 Start of British offensive in Palestine, the Battle of Megiddo
September 26 Battle of the Vardar pits Serb, Czech, Italian, French and British forces against Bulgarian forces
September 26 Meuse-Argonne offensive opens; the final Franco-American offensive of the war
September 27 - October 17 Haig's forces storm the Hindenburg Line, breaking through at several points
September 29 Bulgaria concludes armistice negotiations
September 28 - October 14 Belgian troops attack at Ypres
October 3-4 Germany and Austria send peace notes to US President Woodrow Wilson requesting an armistice
October 17 - November 11 British advance to the Sambre and Schledt rivers, taking many German prisoners
October 21 Germany ceases unrestricted submarine warfare
October 27 Erich Ludendorff resigns
October 30 Turkey concludes an armistice with the Allies
November 3 German fleet mutinies at Kiel
November 3 Trieste falls to the Allies; Austria-Hungary concludes an armistice
November 7-11 Germany negotiates an armistice with the Allies in Ferdinand Foch's railway carriage headquarters at Compiegne
November 9 Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicates
November 10 Kaiser Wilhelm II flees to Holland
November 10 German republic is founded
November 11 Armistice day; fighting ceases at 11am

Also check this out




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Thy Geekdom Come

FullTruth, I find that the odds that 11:11 on 11/11 was chosen for the sake of memory far outweighs the unusual conspiracy theory that lies before me.

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[quote name='Raphael' post='1242888' date='Apr 14 2007, 02:15 PM']FullTruth, I find that the odds that 11:11 on 11/11 was chosen for the sake of memory far outweighs the unusual conspiracy theory that lies before me.[/quote]
But why did WW1 end on 11th hour of the 11th day on the 11th month on the 18th year in the first place?

They just picked a day and hour out of a hat and say - this is when we will end the war?

It was choosen for a reason, and that was to honour the one these people were being murdered for - Satan, IMHO.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='FullTruth' post='1242891' date='Apr 14 2007, 12:19 PM']But why did WW1 end on 11th hour of the 11th day on the 11th month on the 18th year in the first place?

They just picked a day and hour out of a hat and say - this is when we will end the war?

It was choosen for a reason, and that was to honour the one these people were being murdered for - Satan, IMHO.[/quote]
As I said, I think it was far more likely that they picked a time which they thought would be easily remembered. Recall that WWI was the "Great War." I think they wanted people to remember so that it wouldn't happen again. Of course, it did happen again, but that's irrelevant.

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[quote name='Raphael' post='1242996' date='Apr 14 2007, 03:57 PM']As I said, I think it was far more likely that they picked a time which they thought would be easily remembered. Recall that WWI was the "Great War." I think they wanted people to remember so that it wouldn't happen again. Of course, it did happen again, but that's irrelevant.[/quote]
Touche. That could be one possible explanation.

But why not another day - why not Christmas? Everybody would remember that.

If it smells like a fish, than it is probably a fish Raphael. And the choice of that day is a little fishy to me, now that I have learned what I have learned about the occult.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='FullTruth' post='1243003' date='Apr 14 2007, 02:01 PM']Touche. That could be one possible explanation.

But why not another day - why not Christmas? Everybody would remember that.

If it smells like a fish, than it is probably a fish Raphael. And the choice of that day is a little fishy to me, now that I have learned what I have learned about the occult.[/quote]
Oh, yeah, let's try to pick a day everyone remember in order to hate something that happened on that day for the rest of time? :P: If you want the dead to be remembered and war to be despised, I don't think Christmas is the right day to pick...it wouldn't even cross anyone's minds...plus, it would be way after the war ended. I think it's far more likely that they were all trying to get to one place to sign the armistice, finally arrived on 11/11, decided that 11:11 would be a poetic time to sign it and a good way to get people to remember it so that they could never forget those who died, and signed it then.

It doesn't smell fishy to me at all. I think that when you start focusing way too much attention on Satan (you must realize, of course, that he likes attention), you start to see him and his work everywhere.

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[quote name='Raphael' post='1243014' date='Apr 14 2007, 04:11 PM']Oh, yeah, let's try to pick a day everyone remember in order to hate something that happened on that day for the rest of time? :P: If you want the dead to be remembered and war to be despised, I don't think Christmas is the right day to pick...it wouldn't even cross anyone's minds...plus, it would be way after the war ended. I think it's far more likely that they were all trying to get to one place to sign the armistice, finally arrived on 11/11, decided that 11:11 would be a poetic time to sign it and a good way to get people to remember it so that they could never forget those who died, and signed it then.

It doesn't smell fishy to me at all. I think that when you start focusing way too much attention on Satan (you must realize, of course, that he likes attention), you start to see him and his work everywhere.[/quote]
NP Raphael,

Actually, I don't see Devil's work everywhere. There is a certain amount of it going on all the time, to ensure certain things happen, but I am also seeing something else. Great Grace happening. Right now, mostly, I am learning about the evil that is happening in the world. I am also learning a lot about God through my Bible Study.

I can say in faith, the forces of Darkness are shaking in their boots right now, because there are some militant Christians taking up the mantle of soliders for Jesus Christ, who are saying - who are you to defy the army of the living God, though uncircumcisized Philistines (of the circumsizition of the heart that is).

They're quaking right now, that is for sure.

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Well, this post was directed towards me, so I guess I should weigh in.

FT, I find your testimony to be a blessing. I am happy that you have such a deep, personal relationship with Our Lord, and a craving desire to immerse yourself in His Word. I think more people should follow your example in this regard. I also commend and pray for you regarding the spiritual warfare that has obviously been/is being waged in your life.

But, my friend...this preoccupation with conspiracies and the occult and debunking things...how does this lead you closer to Christ? Where is Jesus when you are thinking that the government which exists to protect our most fundamental rights--freedom of speech, freedom of religion, etc-- engages in various sinister deeds? God wants us to be happy. He wants us to prosper and be filled with grace, not with anxiety and fear and suspicion. And, with that wonderful experience you've had with Him, you have to know that He would not want for you to spend most/some/a lot of your days nit-picking and finding numerical coincidences; rather, I'm sure that God would want you to go outside, climb a tree and praise Him for it!

I don't understand you, FT. But I do like you and now I respect you more.

My prayers are with you.

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[quote name='Raphael' post='1242888' date='Apr 14 2007, 01:15 PM']FullTruth, I find that the odds that 11:11 on 11/11 was chosen for the sake of memory far outweighs the unusual conspiracy theory that lies before me.[/quote]
So... does this mean Charlie Brown dancing on 11/11 is occultic? Just curious... I ask for no particular reason... :unsure: You DON'T have to do a search or anything... just wondering...

[quote name='FullTruth' post='1243003' date='Apr 14 2007, 03:01 PM']Touche. That could be one possible explanation.

But why not another day - why not Christmas? Everybody would remember that.

If it smells like a fish, than it is probably a fish Raphael. And the choice of that day is a little fishy to me, now that I have learned what I have learned about the occult.[/quote]
Well, seeing as Christmas already has a meaning... why muddle up one of the holiest celebrations of the year with a lesser celebration?

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Justin (Wiccan)

FT, the problem is that you claim knowledge, but fail to demonstrate love. For one who is Christian, and who demonstrates the behavior you have demonstrated, 1 Cor 13 becomes important reading.

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[quote name='Justin (Wiccan)' post='1245678' date='Apr 16 2007, 12:47 PM']FT, the problem is that you claim knowledge, but fail to demonstrate love. For one who is Christian, and who demonstrates the behavior you have demonstrated, 1 Cor 13 becomes important reading.[/quote]

I don't think it's fair to call into question his faith, Justin. Not everyone is perfect and not everyone has the whole "love thy neighbor" thing down pat. FT is passionate about his beliefs and I'm sure he gets carried away with them in discussion. But who doesn't get riled up when they're talking about something they feel so crazy about?

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