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I saw some of your answers over on Yahoo. Great. I've added you as a contact. I'm over on Yahoo Answers under the name "Mr. M".

Let's keep up the good fight! :pope:

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Also, when answering is over, it is time to vote for the best answer. Let's make sure we vote for the Catholic answer. Atheists are very active in voting. For example, let's vote for answer #1, the best Catholic answer, on the below link:


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[quote name='Brother Adam' post='1240006' date='Apr 12 2007, 08:14 PM']:blush:[/quote]

really? where? can you give us a link, please? :)

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[quote name='dandy777' post='1241377' date='Apr 13 2007, 11:51 AM']really? where? can you give us a link, please? :)[/quote]
ask Brother Adam at his website, he would have the links: [url="http://www.catecheticsonline.com/homepage.php"]http://www.catecheticsonline.com/homepage.php[/url]

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Who else wants to start commenting over there? At first, you can answer 20 questions a day. I know that dust and I are commenting. Any other Phatmassers want to?

Also, please make sure we vote for the Catholic answers to become the Best Answer. It is all based on voting

For example, let's vote for answer #1, the best Catholic answer, on the below link. The atheist's answer is currently winning. If we get three more votes, we will be winning! :priest:

[url="http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AkyGNqakJMLXyeBFDHGFLUojzKIX?qid=20070408140242AAHVPBG"]Click here[/url]

Edited by St. Benedict
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i can really help with the voting. i have several to use to vote with. i'm on the last link and will check out the other one you posted.

keep us updated on the questions that need help

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Seems like quite a group is forming. Excellent. Let's spread the Faith!

I am going through there and doing some voting now on questions like the one below.

[url="http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070409123153AATYqA3&r=w&pa=AptqD2bwHTHf6eeDaaU3tlQL1aI5rEvtPa_IkFA4lQBSfg--&paid=voted"]Click here[/url]. I voted for answer #18 but I liked #20 too.

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Votes needed here:

[url="http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=ArI0rgVBu3c2aqimsl9CW5gjzKIX?qid=20061030051729AAYqa0E"]http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_y...30051729AAYqa0E[/url] (Answer #11)

[url="http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AuwxHGzq3gVMZb_txiTcTx0jzKIX?qid=20060729134405AAJb4Fs"]http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_y...29134405AAJb4Fs[/url] (I chose Answer #10)




[url="http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=As_4Fuehu2tnxtSP6tjx5Z7ty6IX?qid=20070409122514AAE7gCS&show=7#profile-info-NzmcPnt5aa"]http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_y...info-NzmcPnt5aa[/url] (Answer 26, straight to the point with a source to prove it)

I'm having a lot of fun defending the Church! :lol_roll:

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Before I go to asleep tonight, I just wanted to ask fellow Phatmassers to vote in the links that I posted in the above post. Some of the voting is still going on.

I think we really are making a difference! :lol_roll:
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12 hours left for voting and the atheist's answer (#12) is currently winning.


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Found another link needing Catholic votes. I liked the bottom two answers to this question:


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