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The Occult Influence On Our Government


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Guest T-Bone

[quote name='T-Bone' post='1241762' date='Apr 13 2007, 01:48 PM']Budge, did you know that it is possible to:

1) Lurk on a message board, WITHOUT registering?
2) Read threads that have existed before you registered at a message board?
3) Disagree with the all knowing Budge without being a liar or a puppet of the evil Catholics?[/quote]

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Justin (Wiccan)

[quote name='Budge' post='1241767' date='Apr 13 2007, 04:50 PM']what I'd ever do to you? You seem to have a huge personal problem with someone you barely even know.[/quote]

Budge is telling you--truthfully--that you are wrong having a "personal problem" with you?

Is telling you--truthfully--that you are behaving like the Bible describes "scribes and pharisees" behaving having a "personal problem" with you?

If telling you these things is having a "personal problem" with you, then perhaps you have more personal problems with the other members here than you are admitting. Perhaps it is time for some self-reflection.

[quote]Or are you ready to swim the Tiber?[/quote]Hardly.

[quote]Hmm the witches I used to know 20 years ago, used to be down on the Catholic Church for the "burning times" as they called it, interesting how Revelation 17 is coming to such fruition.[/quote]

The witches you knew 20 years ago were ignorant of history. If you like, you and I could discuss that history, but since it's not anti-Catholic, you might find it boring.

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I've never met you but believe me i know all about you......When the Pope came to Denver there were your soulmates protesting and carrying anti Catholic signs.....All them seem to be composed by second graders....

I didn't realize that there would be trolls on a Catholic board....Most Orthodox boards would have booted you first day you posted.......

But these good folks here seem to have a lot of tolerance.

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Justin (Wiccan)

[quote name='Budge' post='1241792' date='Apr 13 2007, 04:57 PM']Come on, the internet is FULL of witches that admit to using latin in their spellcraft and I showed the links.[/quote]

Budge, you showed one link of a person (I do not know if they could accurately be called a "witch," as there are different types of occultists) who uses Latin, and one of 12th century folk magic (which, again, may or may not be "witchcraft") which uses Latin. That is not "the internet is full," therefore you have exaggerated.

[quote]Anyhow I asked why would this be something to make you so upset?[/quote]Again, I am not upset: I am simply correcting your false statements.

[quote]Would you going nuts if i said Wiccans all over the world did their spells in French or Japanese?[/quote]

As I have not "gone nuts," I find your exaggeration somewhat humorous. But yes, I would object to such a statement, and would correct your error. If you have a French-speaking person who is also a Wiccan, then yes, they will, in almost every case, do their rituals and spells in French.

[quote]That isnt an "attack"

And if you take it as one, you are very thin-skinned.[/quote]

Nor did I take it as one. You, however, seem to feel I am upset with you. I am not, but not being upset with you will not prevent me from correcting your errors. But please do not feel that I am attacking you when I do so--if I see any of the Christians on this forum make errors about Wicca, I will correct them as well.

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budge doesn't engage in constructive dialouge but rather makes assertions and then points out obvious petty mistakes and at best rhetoric. budge doesn't get along with anyone one in a constructive sense. he doesn't even get along with the noncatholics. i'm sure he thinks that means he's defying the masses or something, but really it only means he's off his rocker. you'd think he'd get the picture. if he does, he doesn't show it and should address it or doesn't understand.

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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Guest T-Bone

[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' post='1241982' date='Apr 13 2007, 04:43 PM']budge doesn't engage in constructive dialouge but rather makes assertions and then points out obvious petty mistakes and at best rhetoric. budge doesn't get along with anyone one in a constructive sense. he doesn't even get along with the noncatholics. i'm sure he thinks that means he's defying the masses or something, but really it only means he's off his rocker. you'd think he'd get the picture. if he does, he doesn't show it and should address it or doesn't understand.[/quote]

Congratulations, dairygirl. You have now joined the anti-budge conspiracy that goes all the way up to the Vatican. When the Catholic led New World Order assassinates the lawful government of the US and starts sending the "true Christians" and other riff-raff to the camps, you will be spared.

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Budge, I know Justin from other boards. He is not a sock puppet, nor am I before you accuse me of being so. In fact, I wouldn't mind if you googled me. This isn't my normal username, but it is one I've used for some years on another site.

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So Justin do you think there is any occult influence on the US government or governments in general?

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Justin (Wiccan)

[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1242053' date='Apr 13 2007, 08:45 PM']So Justin do you think there is any occult influence on the US government or governments in general?[/quote]

Indeed no--in America, I do find a heavy Christian influence, mostly Protestant. This is only logical, as most people in the US (and most people in elected office) are Protestant Christians--Catholic and Orthodox Christianity are somewhat of a minority in the US population.

Some Wiccans would complain about this "Christian influence"--I do not. If a person of faith goes into public office and abides by the laws, then I am not troubled if they are, themselves, Christian, or if their decisions are influenced by Christian ideals. After all, it would be unreasonable in the extreme for someone to be expected to go into office and leave their faith at the door.

Now, I must also note that some of the Christians who have been in office are "nominal Christians" at best. Richard Nixon and Lyndon Johnson are splendid examples of recent presidents who could only be considered "nominal Christians." It seems to me that one of the biggest factors that corrupts a Christian coming into political office is the quest for power, and the [i]necessity[/i] of power. Being a truely sincere, believing Christian seemingly is not compatable with politics here in America, and Jimmy Carter provides us with a splendid example. Carter was a wonderful, devout Christian--and a lousy president.

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Justin, you can be totally honest in here. Your identity is secret and everyone knows pagans are terrible computer hackers because they have a innate fear of silicon.

You're in a secret government cabal to take over the US, right?

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Justin (Wiccan)

[quote name='Winchester' post='1242143' date='Apr 13 2007, 09:59 PM']Justin, you can be totally honest in here. Your identity is secret and everyone knows pagans are terrible computer hackers because they have a innate fear of silicon.

You're in a secret government cabal to take over the US, right?[/quote]

Drat--my cover is blown. I'll have to get the Jesuit super-spy agents to your house for immediate re-education.


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Phoenix Reborn

[quote name='Justin (Wiccan)' post='1242147' date='Apr 13 2007, 06:04 PM']Drat--my cover is blown. I'll have to get the Jesuit super-spy agents to your house for immediate re-education.


So I take it your little friend, the M&M with the mop on his head, is one of your super-spies? Or is it an ultra-super-spy? :ninja:

[quote name='Winchester' post='1242186' date='Apr 13 2007, 06:28 PM']Budge is a she. Only a woman could be so unreasonable.[/quote]

Right...better write that down...women are unreasonable...

Edited by Phoenix Reborn
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