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Justin (Wiccan)

[quote name='Budge' post='1240526' date='Apr 12 2007, 10:00 PM']Wow how convientient, the wiccan shows up right on time...who Ive never seen before here...[/quote]

I just joined today. Is that a problem?

[quote]Dude, I used to practice Wicca {and dabbled in other forms of paganism} while UU.[/quote]First and foremost, my name is not "Dude." I am not some "1337-speaking" teenage kid running around dabbling with Wicca or "other forms of paganism." I speak from knowledge, experience, and (may the Gods grant) a measure of wisdom. And I speak the truth.

[quote]Are you going to lie to these Catholics, and tell them witches never use Latin to make spells supposely more effacious?


[url="http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0015-587X%2819250331%2936%3A1%3C93%3ASLS%3E2.0.CO%3B2-L&size=LARGE"]HISTORICAL DOCUMENTATION OF LATIN SPELLS[/url][/quote]

Have witches used Latin? Of course. It is not a common practice today, and few modern Wiccans know Latin.

Your earlier statement, however, made the suggestion that Latin is common among Witches. This suggestion is false, and demonstrates a degree of ignorance on your part. One can only wonder what else you are ignorant of?

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Justin (Wiccan)

[quote name='FullTruth' post='1240552' date='Apr 12 2007, 10:14 PM']How do you know what I know?[/quote]

I don't, nor did I claim to. I stated that "a lot of hogwash has been propagated about all three," but said nothing about your knowledge personally.

[quote]I know someone who knows the Queen personally.[/quote]

And I know someone who believes that they are a reincarnation of Cleopatra. I don't take them seriously either.

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[u]Have [/u]witches [u]used Latin[/u]? [u]Of course[/u]. It is [u]not a common practice[/u] today, and few modern Wiccans know Latin.

{You mean like dabblers in the woods who torture cats? the true blue deal who go up in the ranks use Latin for different forms of magic}

Your earlier statement, however,[u] made the suggestion that Latin is common among Witches. [/u]This [u]suggestion is false[/u], and demonstrates a degree of ignorance on your part. One can only wonder what else you are ignorant of?[/quote]

Boy youre good at the Jesuit speak for a witch....

By the way, why do you care if somebody points out the connection between Latin in the occult and Latin in the Mass, unless youre one of those Catholic-Wiccans, I keep running into...

Edited by Budge
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[quote name='Budge' post='1241287' date='Apr 13 2007, 07:17 AM']Boy youre good at the Jesuit speak for a witch....

By the way, why do you care if somebody points out the connection between Latin in the occult and Latin in the Mass, unless youre one of those Catholic-Wiccans, I keep running into...[/quote]

Wow....so now we've added a connection to Latin to the reasons that Catholic will inevitably burn in hell.

Jeez, it's a good thing if got Budge on here to show us the way.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Budge' post='1240604' date='Apr 12 2007, 08:45 PM']made up phrases and words meant to confuse rather then to teach dont count.[/quote]
Made up? The original Greek of the Gospel of Luke, chapter 22, verse 19:

"kai labon arton eucaristhsas eklasen kai edoken autois legon, touto estin to soma mou to uper umon didomenon: touto poieite eis ten emen [b]anamnesin[/b]"

God bless,


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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Budge' post='1241287' date='Apr 13 2007, 05:17 AM']Boy youre good at the Jesuit speak for a witch....

By the way, why do you care if somebody points out the connection between Latin in the occult and Latin in the Mass, unless youre one of those Catholic-Wiccans, I keep running into...[/quote]
Budge, Justin is a Wiccan. You think he's a Jesuit?

As for Catholic-Wiccans, you simply can't be one. They're incompatible.

God bless,


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[quote]As for Catholic-Wiccans, you simply can't be one. They're incompatible.[/quote]Many people seem to combine the two with no problem.

I knew a Catholic-Wiccan in my old town. She hung out in the same coffeeshop I went to, I talked to her many times., I tried to teach her that one is to have an exclusive faith in Jesus Christ to be saved, but I know the interfaith lies of the Catholic Church, really did a number on her.

[quote]All of these people have helped lead me down the right paths at the right times in my development, but I must be fully honest. I am Catholic, and very proud of it, and I am a Reiki Master. I am what SilverRaven Wolf calls a Catholic Wiccan. There is much to me as there is to everyone. I have reached this level because it was the right place to be at this point in my life. Constantly, a connection exists between myself and the world around me, God, Goddess, whatever name one might choose. In all cases, the Creator is a mass of perfect, loving energy that cannot be duplicated unless we choose, and that is part of everything in existence, including ourselves.[/quote]

speaking of Reiki, the local witches coven--they had a "Church" that was public in my old town were huge participants in Reiki as well as the Catholic ladies down at the Catholic church Bible study who tried to get me to join in too, but I refused.

A Christian friend of mine actually went to those Catholic ladies and told them reiki is wrong it is antichrist, but they would not listen.

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[quote name='Raphael' post='1241318' date='Apr 13 2007, 09:43 AM']Made up? The original Greek of the Gospel of Luke, chapter 22, verse 19:

"kai labon arton eucaristhsas eklasen kai edoken autois legon, touto estin to soma mou to uper umon didomenon: touto poieite eis ten emen [b]anamnesin[/b]"

God bless,

Gee Micah, don't upset Budge with the truth, you will frighten poor her!!!!

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Guest T-Bone

[quote name='Budge' post='1241333' date='Apr 13 2007, 07:16 AM']Many people seem to combine the two with no problem.

I knew a Catholic-Wiccan in my old town. She hung out in the same coffeeshop I went to, I talked to her many times., I tried to teach her that one is to have an exclusive faith in Jesus Christ to be saved, but I know the interfaith lies of the Catholic Church, really did a number on her.

speaking of Reiki, the local witches coven--they had a "Church" that was public in my old town were huge participants in Reiki as well as the Catholic ladies down at the Catholic church Bible study who tried to get me to join in too, but I refused.

A Christian friend of mine actually went to those Catholic ladies and told them reiki is wrong it is antichrist, but they would not listen.[/quote]


Budge: It has been explained to you time and time again, these things go against the teachings of the Church. Once again you have stretched and stretched and stretched and still cannot prove anything that you claim.

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Thy Geekdom Come

Budge, Wiccans can say they're compatible with Christianity all they want, but in order for compatibility to exist, both sides have to agree on it. The Catholic Church does not agree. Therefore, they're not compatible.

As for people saying their compatible...so what? Does majority vote determine truth? You cite an extreme minority...do you think that determines truth?

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[quote]Budge: It has been explained to you time and time again, these things go against the teachings of the Church. Once again you have stretched and stretched and stretched and still cannot prove anything that you claim.[/quote]

How many times have I told you I doint just examine the OFFICIAL PAPERWORK but what is DONE as well?

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[quote name='Budge' post='1241443' date='Apr 13 2007, 12:58 PM']How many times have I told you I doint just examine the OFFICIAL PAPERWORK but what is DONE as well?[/quote]
Well if you use that standard budge, your posts here have totally disproven "generic bible"christianity in any form.

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Brother Adam

[quote name='Budge' post='1241443' date='Apr 13 2007, 02:58 PM']How many times have I told you I doint just examine the OFFICIAL PAPERWORK but what is DONE as well?[/quote]

The following is a confidential report on several candidates being considered for a ministry position.

Seldom stays in one place very long. And, of course, he's single. Has
a messiah complex.

Prone to unrealistic building projects.

A big thinker but a braggart. Believes in dream interpreting, and has
a prison record. Had been accused of adultery.

A modest and meek man but poor communicator, even stuttering at
times. Sometimes blows his stack and acts rashly.

Complains a lot.

The most promising leader of all until we discovered his affair with
his neighbour's wife. His kids are out of control. Worse yet, he's a
proponent of instrumental music in worship.

Great preacher but our parsonage would never hold all those wives.
Good with building projects though. Rather extravagant.

Prone to depression. Collapses under pressure. Spends too much time
in wilderness. Loner. No wife that we know of.

Hair is too long.

Refused God's call into ministry until he was forced to obey by
getting swallowed up by a great fish. He told us the fish later spit
him out on the shore near here. Known to pout when things don't go
his way. We hung up.

Great credentials at current work place, but where does this guy come
from? No information on his resume about former work records. Every
line about parents was left blank and he refused to supply a birth

Says he's a Baptist but definitely doesn't dress like one. Has slept
outdoors for months on end. Has a weird diet. Provokes denominational
leaders. Is too social and political minded. Offends politicians and
is known to lose his head on occasion.

Too blue collar. Has a bad temper. Has even been known to curse. Had
a big run-in with Paul in Antioch. Aggressive, but a loose cannon.
Probably speaks in tongues. Claims to have visions.

Powerful CEO type leader and fascinating preacher. However, short on
tact, unforgiving with younger ministers, harsh and has been known to
preach all night. Controversial on women's issues. Admits to speaking
in tongues. Has recommended young men to drink wine. Little chance
that he will ever marry.

Too young.

Too old. WAY too old.

His references are solid. A steady plodder. Conservative and
pragmatic. Good connections. Knows how to handle money. We're
inviting him to preach this Sunday. Possibilities here.

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Justin (Wiccan)

[quote name='Budge' post='1241287' date='Apr 13 2007, 07:17 AM']{You mean like dabblers in the woods who torture cats?[/quote]

I don;t know any of those--were I to meet one, I would inform the police. (My natural temptation would be to beat such foolishness out of them ... but taking the law into one's own hands is frowned upon.)

[quote]the true blue deal who go up in the ranks use Latin for different forms of magic}[/quote]That's an utterly fascinating accusation, Budge. Precisely what evidence do you have for it?

[quote]Boy youre good at the Jesuit speak for a witch....[/quote]

Is that supposed to be an insult? Trust me, I would think that the only people being insulted are the Jesuits--I was raised Baptist, not Catholic.

[quote]By the way, why do you care if somebody points out the connection between Latin in the occult and Latin in the Mass, unless youre one of those Catholic-Wiccans, I keep running into...[/quote]

Perhaps because the suggestion that there is a connection is false?

Perhaps because the assertion that both Witches and Catholics use Latin is looking at the exceptions, not the rule?

Perhaps because all you are doing is making pointless, unevidenced accusations--better known as "bearing false witness"?

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