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Some More Prayer Needed


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A lot has happened over this Easter. On Good Friday one of my friends was taken to hospital and her three-year-old daughter placed in protective custody after her partner was accused of abusing the little girl. He has since admitted to this horrible crime. His fiancee, my friend Julie, is in a state of shock. :sadder: She can't understand why he did it. Neither can I. He denied it when he was accused in the past, and we believed him. I've always respected him for the devoted way he looked after Julie, who has multiple disabilities and can't take care of herself. He is expected to get thirty years in prison.

As for Julie, she just wants her daughter back, but she can't look after a small girl on her own. She can barely look after herself. The social services have dropped a further bombshell: Julie may not even be allowed to visit her daughter again. They reassure her that they know she has done nothing wrong, but then they say that visiting 'just might not be helpful'. She can't understand it. Her dad is in prison and she has no contact with her mum, so in one blow she's lost her whole family. :sadder: We don't know where she is going to go when she comes out of hospital. Probably to a nursing home.

The one good thing is that she became a Christian (Anglican) a few years ago. I don't know how her faith is bearing up in the hospital, but please pray that it will be a comfort and a support to her. Her vicar and the parishioners are rallying round to help, so that's one good thing.

On top of this, another of my friends is taking her rapist to court. I may have to give evidence. We have been warned by the police that the defendant is going to accuse us of lying and possibly of making up the story together. Reliving all the events for the police has been horrible. Two years ago, when my friend was fourteen, he got her pregnant - and punched her viciously in the stomach to make her miscarry. There is physiological evidence, which is good in a way. It should make it easier to convict him. But the trauma of what happened then is only just hitting her now. She keeps saying that she wished she at least knew what gender the baby was. I'm praying to the Holy Innocents for her.

She is going to be discharged from the psychiatric hospital where she is now in early June, shortly before she turns sixteen. Please pray that her transition to school life is smooth and that she is finally healed of the past. Pray too that God gives me the strength to get through my exams. Now is not an ideal time to take them.

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Thank you both so much. I'm grateful.

I spoke to a policewoman this morning about my second friend, the young girl who was raped. She described my evidence as 'probably the most encouraging development so far'. Praise God. I thought I had nothing but scraps to offer. There will be a full-day interview in about two weeks' time. Pray that I may be given the strength to cope with that.

Regarding Julie, I hope to go and visit her before I head back to university. Please pray that I will be able to cheer her up and that the National Autistic Society will be able to advocate for her needs.

I haven't been on Phatmass much since the news broke, as I was feeling too listless to write. Now I am going to fast from the Internet for a while and spend the extra time in prayer. I will return after the police interview has happened. See you in two weeks. God bless.

Edited by Cathoholic Anonymous
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My prayers for you all. May you, Julie her family, and your other friend receive HIS strength to cope at this time. God Bless & LOL

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Some good news from the second girl, whom I will call Rachel. (Not her real name, but I don't feel secure giving that out on the Internet.) She opened an e-mail to me today with the words, "Thanks GOD!" In her blackest times, she has struggled to admit that there is a God in Heaven and that she is worth His love. It filled me with great happiness to see that her faith is growing stronger, especially as she prepares to face the court.

Sadly I have had no news from Julie. :( I send little gifts and messages into the hospital frequently, but I think she is too dispirited to write.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had another interview today. It was five and a half hours long, as the police pressed me for every little detail. I've just been to the Adoration Chapel to recuperate.

The policewoman who is in charge of the case says that even though she does not have any personal doubt that this man is guilty, going to court might not be in Rachel's best interests. She took a very serious overdose after her first major police interview and they are understandably frightened that the pressue of going to court (where the defence will try to paint her as a liar) will be too much for her.

On the plus side (sort of) they have found child pornography on her abuser's computer. This could be useful for our side.

Please pray.

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