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I know I'm new here but you can't BUDGE me from this definition..lol
I see one person slamming the church just to sow discord here...
I'm not naming names but but i think you all will know who this applies to..hope i'm not posting out of place..lol :rolleyes:

I use to belong to a conservative message board that was all but ruined by Trolls..


Edited by ttomm46
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There are many kinds of [url="http://redwing.hutman.net/%7Emreed/"]internet warriors[/url]. In usenet forays in past years, I have come across many a [url="http://redwing.hutman.net/%7Emreed/warriorshtm/palooka.htm"]palooka[/url], many a [url="http://redwing.hutman.net/%7Emreed/warriorshtm/bong.htm"]bong[/url], several [url="http://redwing.hutman.net/%7Emreed/warriorshtm/blissninny.htm"]Bliss Ninnies[/url] and the occasional [url="http://redwing.hutman.net/%7Emreed/warriorshtm/ferouscranus.htm"]Ferrous Cranus[/url]. I tried to be an [url="http://redwing.hutman.net/%7Emreed/warriorshtm/eaglescout.htm"]Eagle Scout[/url] but didn't always succeed!

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[quote]I see one person slamming the church just to sow discord here...[/quote]

This is a debate board right?

Where some Protestants, BIble Christians and OTHERS who disagree with Catholicism are expected to post right?

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[quote name='Staretz' post='1237883' date='Apr 10 2007, 01:34 PM']There are many kinds of [url="http://redwing.hutman.net/%7Emreed/"]internet warriors[/url]. In usenet forays in past years, I have come across many a [url="http://redwing.hutman.net/%7Emreed/warriorshtm/palooka.htm"]palooka[/url], many a [url="http://redwing.hutman.net/%7Emreed/warriorshtm/bong.htm"]bong[/url], several [url="http://redwing.hutman.net/%7Emreed/warriorshtm/blissninny.htm"]Bliss Ninnies[/url] and the occasional [url="http://redwing.hutman.net/%7Emreed/warriorshtm/ferouscranus.htm"]Ferrous Cranus[/url]. I tried to be an [url="http://redwing.hutman.net/%7Emreed/warriorshtm/eaglescout.htm"]Eagle Scout[/url] but didn't always succeed![/quote]
Love the site!


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a reasoned debate is a debate where one attempts to present facts without snide comments meant to sow discord and to hurt...........I'd guess Ferrous Cranus is utterly impervious to reason, persuasion and new ideas, and when engaged in battle he will not yield an inch in his position regardless of its hopelessness. Though his thrusts are decisively repulsed, his arguments crushed in every detail and his defenses demolished beyond repair he will remount the same attack again and again with only the slightest variation in tactics. Sometimes out of pure frustration Philosopher will try to explain to him the failed logistics of his situation, or Therapist will attempt to penetrate the psychological origins of his obduracy, but, ever unfathomable, Ferrous Cranus cannot be moved.

Thanks Terra

Edited by ttomm46
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[quote name='Budge' post='1237931' date='Apr 10 2007, 02:20 PM']Where some Protestants, BIble Christians and OTHERS who disagree with Catholicism are expected to post right?[/quote]

Subtle, yet not subtle enough. What exactly is a "Bible Christian?" As has been pointed out on numerous occasions, the Catholic Church actually [i]defined[/i] what the Bible is. In that context, it would seem that Catholics are the ultimate "Bible Christians." :saint:

However, I digress. This [i]is[/i] a debate board. Would you care to debate anything or do you simply want to define yourself by [i]what you are not?[/i] Hint: take a look at your signature.

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"Something about the idea of women or even men locking themselves away from others, seems unhealthy and contrary to Gods will. God willed for us to share the love and live in Christian community. Some of us may be more introverts then others. We are to pray and take time alone but life in Christ is about freedom not locking oneself behind a grate--IRON BARS.

Read the article below, she is locked behind the GRATE even during her vow taking ceremony. She cannot even hug her mother .."

You call this debate....your spreading division..Sowing discord....basing your opinion on have backed uninformed ignorance presented as fact....With a few bible verses thrown in for good measure...What it seems to you is of no importance at all.....Not being educated to traditional christianity invalidates your opinions..

you have no comprehension of church history....Probably don't even really attend any kind of church on a regular basis and have been banned from several message boards at the least..

I may be new here but I love to expose trolls and there fact twisting accusations...

First read church history.......study the Fathers and Apostolic teaching before engaging in using mouth before giving brain a chance to grow and develop :lol_roll:

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[quote name='ttomm46' post='1237959' date='Apr 10 2007, 03:55 PM']Budge

"Something about the idea of women or even men locking themselves away from others, seems unhealthy and contrary to Gods will. God willed for us to share the love and live in Christian community. Some of us may be more introverts then others. We are to pray and take time alone but life in Christ is about freedom not locking oneself behind a grate--IRON BARS.

Read the article below, she is locked behind the GRATE even during her vow taking ceremony. She cannot even hug her mother .."

You call this debate....your spreading division..Sowing discord....basing your opinion on have backed uninformed ignorance presented as fact....With a few bible verses thrown in for good measure...What it seems to you is of no importance at all.....Not being educated to traditional christianity invalidates your opinions..

you have no comprehension of church history....Probably don't even really attend any kind of church on a regular basis and have been banned from several message boards at the least..

I may be new here but I love to expose trolls and there fact twisting accusations...

First read church history.......study the Fathers and Apostolic teaching before engaging in using mouth before giving brain a chance to grow and develop :lol_roll:[/quote]

I really don't think that's your place to "expose trolls" as you so put it.

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"I really don't think that's your place to "expose trolls" as you so put it. "

true I'd much rather let them troll and hurt people as you would want it I guess..

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Interesting article... that's what you define people who bash as? Interesting. I'll read the further links on this thread later... right now I got some stuff to do... oh yeah. I'll give an ACTUAL comment later.

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[quote]Ttom46 writes: I may be new here but I love to expose trolls and there fact twisting accusations...

You call this debate....your spreading division..Sowing discord....basing your opinion on have backed uninformed ignorance presented as fact....With a few bible verses thrown in for good measure...What it seems to you is of no importance at all.....Not being educated to traditional christianity invalidates your opinions..[/quote]
A debate is not only a way to challenge opinions, it is an occasion to compare and understand what people believe, how people believe and why people believe. It is a chance to share experiences, it is an opportunity to grow and learn, not only of people of the same faith but to be tolerant and respective of other people’s beliefs. If you were expecting Phatmass to be some kind of [mod]please refrain from such distasteful terminology -Aloysius[/mod] you are on the wrong Phorum.

Edited by Aloysius
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[quote name='ttomm46' post='1237795' date='Apr 10 2007, 12:08 PM']Hi
I know I'm new here but you can't BUDGE me from this definition..lol
I see one person slamming the church just to sow discord here...
I'm not naming names but but i think you all will know who this applies to..hope i'm not posting out of place..lol :rolleyes:

I use to belong to a conservative message board that was all but ruined by Trolls..

Funny site! :lol_roll:

I recognized a lot of those types on Phatmass. I won't name any names, though. Though I suppose some might characterize me as "the Troglodyte" ;)

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[quote name='Staretz' post='1237883' date='Apr 10 2007, 03:34 PM']There are many kinds of [url="http://redwing.hutman.net/%7Emreed/"]internet warriors[/url]. In usenet forays in past years, I have come across many a [url="http://redwing.hutman.net/%7Emreed/warriorshtm/palooka.htm"]palooka[/url], many a [url="http://redwing.hutman.net/%7Emreed/warriorshtm/bong.htm"]bong[/url], several [url="http://redwing.hutman.net/%7Emreed/warriorshtm/blissninny.htm"]Bliss Ninnies[/url] and the occasional [url="http://redwing.hutman.net/%7Emreed/warriorshtm/ferouscranus.htm"]Ferrous Cranus[/url]. I tried to be an [url="http://redwing.hutman.net/%7Emreed/warriorshtm/eaglescout.htm"]Eagle Scout[/url] but didn't always succeed![/quote]

now I have time to reply. Staretz, that's a good website. I can see a combination of the personalities on that site here on Phatmass. I can't decide if I'm a troller, (minus random insults) or an aspiring Eagle Scout. :idontknow: . We should be aware of how people act on this phorum though fjor the sake of our own sanity... hahaha

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I should apologize to Budge..With the loss of Barb and my close friend Lorenzo telling me I'm a heathen it's been a rough day or two


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