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Accused Of Being A Pagan


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But then Jack says you have to Read. Pray. Be Baptized. Worship. Fellowship. Serve some Church with other Christians. Recruit.
What's up with all the human 'works' now required after you are saved? What's up with having to now 'serve in a church'? Aren't we supposed to just serve God but we have to find a church to serve in?
LOL lol_roll.gif lol_roll.gif lol_roll.gif It's funny you can't see your own hipocrasy. [/quote]Dont get justification and sanctification mixed up.

Catholics really need to figure out the difference between the two.

[quote] Being hated and laughed at because you are a conspiracy mongering bigot who unquestioningly accepts the words of known frauds because they fit your prejudices is quite another.[/quote]

Hmm its always interesting to me how Catholics have adopted the language of the militant homosexuals who scream homophobe or bigot at anyone who disagrees with them.

Just mroe of the name-calling. One thing I notice about Jack Chick, none of you ever actually address the issues he brings up but start with ripping him down.

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[quote]Just mroe of the name-calling. One thing I notice about Jack Chick, none of you ever actually address the issues he brings up but start with ripping him down.[/quote]1. I just did.

2. We really don't need to defeat his theories. They are all defeaters of themselves. Also, you shouldn't go so crazy when a member puts Mr. Chick down, his theories have been known to be fraudulant:

[quote]may not say what Chick would lead you to think it does. [b]For example, above we saw an instance in which CRI found Alberto Rivera erroneously claiming that a source said something it didn't say.[/b][/quote]

3. Even if we did challenge Jack Chick it would be a waste of time and resources. Besides that, we already said we have pity, not hatred, for this man.

Edited by GloriaIesusChristi
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[quote name='Budge' post='1241337' date='Apr 13 2007, 10:23 AM']Just mroe of the name-calling. One thing I notice about Jack Chick, none of you ever actually address the issues he brings up but start with ripping him down.[/quote]

Apples and Oranges, Budge. again.
I posted two links to websites that specifically and in detail refute the issues he raises

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[quote name='Mateo el Feo' post='1236535' date='Apr 10 2007, 01:29 AM']Just curious: is there a reason that he writes the Tetragrammaton in reverse?[/quote]

I was thinking exactly the same thing! Well, lately I met a Jew and as we were politely discussing religious stuff he got offended that I mentioned the word "Adonai". He said that they are only allowed to say the A word in prayer. Didn't know that! And I was so happy because I learnt some new Hebrew words! <_< :idontknow: :(

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Archaeology cat

[quote name='dandy777' post='1241375' date='Apr 13 2007, 10:48 AM']I was thinking exactly the same thing! Well, lately I met a Jew and as we were politely discussing religious stuff he got offended that I mentioned the word "Adonai". He said that they are only allowed to say the A word in prayer. Didn't know that! And I was so happy because I learnt some new Hebrew words! <_< :idontknow: :([/quote]

Really? Because the Tetragrammaton is actually pronounced 'Adonai when you see it in Scripture. Or at least it was in my Hebrew class, and the Jews in my class and weren't offended. Maybe it was because we were reading the Torah? Hmm. Maybe I'll ask them :)

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[quote name='Budge' post='1241291' date='Apr 13 2007, 06:35 AM']No Chrisitanity stands on its own.

Jesus does tell us to judge men by their fruits, so Im sorry THEIR BEHAVIOR does point to the reality of their faith or not![/quote]
So he tells us to judge men by their fruits or the groups they claim to belong to by their fruits? If I don't pack up at a fire and do my job, does that mean the fire service is invalid, or that I'm a bad firefighter?

Ah the paperwork defense, so even if the Pope overtly worships Satan on international TV, youd still march after him, even after he shook the antichrists hand as false prophet?[/quote]I would follow the teachings of the Church, which would not condone the actions of the Pope in this scenario.

[quote]Yes, because true Christianity cannot mix.

Those who are CHristians know this...

Matthew 6:24, "No man can serve two masters:
Honestly what is this nonsense?

Hate to tell you but that has NOTHING to do with "Christianity"[/quote]
No man can serve two masters...he will hate one and love the other. That doesn't mean that if he tries to serve both that neither is a master.

You have invalidated Christianity itself because Catholicism is a mixture (according to you) of Christianity and paganism. Since Christianity can mix with paganism, it must not be true.

Demonstrate that this is not true. If you can't, then say so and I will leave it alone. You've yet to demonstrate how Santeria, which contradicts the teachings of Catholicism, is a true mixture. Pictures of statues surrounded by items of superstition do not prove that the superstitions actually meld with the religion. They don't.

The fact that people mix in untruth with truth does not negate the truth. It makes them partially correct. This would follow with the one of the biggest messages of the Bible, which is that we live in a world tainted by sin and people are sinners and subject to screwing up so we rely on the forgiveness of God again and again.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1241337' date='Apr 13 2007, 09:23 AM']Hmm its always interesting to me how Catholics have adopted the language of the militant homosexuals who scream homophobe or bigot at anyone who disagrees with them.[/quote]

You mean it never bores you? I would think after a while, it wouldn't be interesting, anymore.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Budge' post='1241337' date='Apr 13 2007, 08:23 AM']Hmm its always interesting to me how Catholics have adopted the language of the militant homosexuals who scream homophobe or bigot at anyone who disagrees with them.[/quote]
Budge, would you dare to say that Blacks being persecuted in the South are adopting the language of militant homosexuals when they call the KKK bigoted?

There are authentic cases of bigotry. Just because there are inauthentic cases doesn't mean all are.

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[quote]Budge seems pretty enthused about Jack Chick. I certainly hope she's not worshiping him.[/quote]

Oh I got the 100 foot statue of him on delivery...



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[quote]Budge, would you dare to say that Blacks being persecuted in the South are adopting the language of militant homosexuals when they call the KKK bigoted?

There are authentic cases of bigotry. Just because there are inauthentic cases doesn't mean all are.[/quote]

Sure theres bigotry, what did Jesus tell Christians to do when they are mocked or prescuted?

Are you following that, claiming victim status every ten minutes?

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Budge' post='1243105' date='Apr 14 2007, 04:04 PM']Sure theres bigotry, what did Jesus tell Christians to do when they are mocked or prescuted?

Are you following that, claiming victim status every ten minutes?[/quote]
He told them to bless their enemies. In case you hadn't noticed, almost all of my posts to you end in "God bless."

However, it is certainly fair to inform you that you're persecuting us. "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?" I think that if Jesus points it out to His enemies, it's perfectly fine for us to point it out to those who oppose us.

God bless,


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