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Guest T-Bone

[quote name='FullTruth' post='1240715' date='Apr 12 2007, 08:26 PM']Who is Jack Chick?

Never heard of him.[/quote]


Here ya go:


Enter at your own risk.

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[quote name='ttomm46' post='1240773' date='Apr 12 2007, 10:46 PM']..Nobody is dumb enough to buy that garbage!! :maddest:[/quote]

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[quote name='notardillacid' post='1240789' date='Apr 12 2007, 10:50 PM']:rolling:[/quote]
when I went there and saw the Alberto comics I remember seeing one years ago...For a supposed Jesuit I couldn't figure why it seemed to be written by a 6 year old..... :lol_roll:

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1. The behavior of our clergy equals the reality of Christianity.
Sigh. We've had this discussion already. Even if the pope had helped the guys make a shrunken head and painted his butt blue and danced around a fire to summon up the spirit of Spiro Agnew, it would be his own bad behavior. I don't recall the CCC saying all religions are equal. You lose this one. NEXT.

2. The ability to mix Catholicism with other religions means Catholicism is false.
I'll be honest, I have no idea how to combat this. It's like using cheeselogs as a logical refutation of cats. This basically refutes Christianity itself, since it merged so well with Gnosticism. Congratulations, you've refuted Christianity. Good job.

What's the context of that picture?

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1. The behavior of our clergy equals the reality of Christianity.[/quote]No Chrisitanity stands on its own.

Jesus does tell us to judge men by their fruits, so Im sorry THEIR BEHAVIOR does point to the reality of their faith or not!
Even if the pope had helped the guys make a shrunken head and painted his butt blue and danced around a fire to summon up the spirit of Spiro Agnew, it would be his own bad behavior. I don't recall the CCC saying all religions are equal. You lose this one. NEXT.[/quote]

Ah the paperwork defense, so even if the Pope overtly worships Satan on international TV, youd still march after him, even after he shook the antichrists hand as false prophet?
2. The ability to mix Catholicism with other religions means Catholicism is false.[/quote]Yes, because true Christianity cannot mix.

Those who are CHristians know this...

Matthew 6:24, "No man can serve two masters:

[quote]. This basically refutes Christianity itself, since it merged so well with Gnosticism.[/quote]

Honestly what is this nonsense?

Hate to tell you but that has NOTHING to do with "Christianity"

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[quote]Nobody is dumb enough to buy that garbage!![/quote]

You mean this "garbage"?

[color="#FF0000"]How MANY TIMES do you have to be told we do like link to carp.[/color]

THere is NOTHING about Catholicism in the above....

I feel sorry for you folks, you just dont 'get' it.

You can laugh at Jack Chick all you want but I think the world's hatred of him only makes him more credible.


Edited by cmotherofpirl
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The anti Catholic and anti Intellectual junk that site contains...Trouble is Budge The holy Spirit and Holy Roller ism are two different things and your full of the second... :lol_roll:

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Budge' post='1241292' date='Apr 13 2007, 05:39 AM']You can laugh at Jack Chick all you want but I think the world's hatred of him only makes him more credible.[/quote]
Great. I think your hatred of us only makes our faith more credible.

Just because Jesus said that His disciples would be hated doesn't also mean that others would be hated.

God bless,


PS-I don't hate Jack Chick...I pity him and I hate his deception.

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I wish i had your class....God bless


"the world's hatred of Chick"

Like the world really spends time thinking of Old Jack.I don't believe that Jack is all that well known to be hated by the world.

Edited by ttomm46
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[quote name='Budge' post='1241292' date='Apr 13 2007, 07:39 AM']You mean this "garbage"?
[color="#FF0000"]Garbage link[/color]

THere is NOTHING about Catholicism in the above....

I feel sorry for you folks, you just dont 'get' it.

You can laugh at Jack Chick all you want but I think the world's hatred of him only makes him more credible.

I don't get the Chick Tract.
On one side it gives you 4 things to do. Admit sin. Repent. Believe. Pray.
Bingo, you're saved.

But then Jack says you have to Read. Pray. Be Baptized. Worship. Fellowship. Serve some Church with other Christians. Recruit.
What's up with all the human 'works' now required after you are saved? What's up with having to now 'serve in a church'? Aren't we supposed to just serve God but we have to find a church to serve in?
LOL :lol_roll: :lol_roll: :lol_roll: It's funny you can't see your own hipocrasy.

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[quote name='Raphael' post='1241311' date='Apr 13 2007, 09:25 AM']Great. I think your hatred of us only makes our faith more credible.

Just because Jesus said that His disciples would be hated doesn't also mean that others would be hated.

God bless,


PS-I don't hate Jack Chick...I pity him and I hate his deception.[/quote]

Being hated and laughed at for righteousness' sake is one thing. Being hated and laughed at because you are a conspiracy mongering bigot who unquestioningly accepts the words of known frauds because they fit your prejudices is quite another. Apples and Oranges, Budge. Again.
[url="http://mafg.home.isp-direct.com/jtchick/jtc01.htm"]Don't be Fooled by Jack Chick Tracts[/url]
[url="http://www.catholic.com/library/sr_chick_tracts_p1.asp"]Chick Tracts: Their Origin and Refutation[/url]

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I do to pity this man...But, his theological insitigations are a mile wide, with an inch of thickness. I guess Budge has just fallen for deception in its most simplest sense. I mean come on! It would insult my intellegence to know that I am following a man who has to attack the Catholic religion, and [u]struggles[/u] to bring people to salvation via a 4 to 5 page [b] manipulative comic strip[/b].

[i]The procedure this report recommends is to use critical thinking skills whenever one looks at a Chick tracts whether one is a Catholic seeking to answer the tract or a non-Catholic seeking to evaluate what it has to say. To that end, keep several principles of critical thinking in mind:

Use common sense. If something seems to violate common sense, it probably does. Think about it: Is it really plausible that the Vatican is operating a multi-century conspiracy during which it created Islam and Communism, started the American Civil War, World War I, World War II, arranged the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and the assassination attempt of John Paul II? That it keeps the name of all Protestant church members in a database so that they can be hunted down, interrogated, and if need be tortured or killed in a future persecution? That the Vatican created or runs the Masons, the Klan, the Mafia, the Mormons, the Jehovah's Witnesses, and the host of other organizations and religious groups that Chick says it does?

This is all a gross violation of common sense, and that ought to tell you that something is wrong with the picture Chick is painting. So if you encounter something in Chick's works that is incredible, outrageous, or unbelievable go with your instincts and assume that it's false unless it can be backed up with solid evidence. This leads directly to the next point.

Identify, evaluate, and check sources. Chick tracts make many assertions but cite few source and fewer reliable ones yet he needs to provide solid sources in order to give evidence for the preposterous claims he makes. Therefore, when reading a Chick tract, you should evaluate the sources he is using. Ask yourself: Does he even provide a source to document this claim? Often he does not. If there is one, ask: Is this a reliable source? Some of his main sources are notoriously unreliable, including Alberto Rivera, John Todd, and Alexander Hislop (discussed below). Finally, check the source. It may not say what Chick would lead you to think it does. For example, above we saw an instance in which CRI found Alberto Rivera erroneously claiming that a source said something it didn't say.

Check for misrepresentations. Very often when Chick cites a source (including the Bible), he misrepresents what it says. Sometimes this is because he doesn't understand how a word is being used. (We will see later that he is greatly mistaken about what the word anathema means.) Other times he will cite Bible verses that are on the general topic he wants but that don't really say what he wants. In other words, they are not relevant to the claim he is making. So ask yourself: Is this passage really relevant? Does it say what he wants it to say? What else could it mean?

Consult authentic sources. Don't let matters stop at what Chick and his sources say. Consult other sources the best ones that you can find. If Chick says that a doctrine is taught by the Catholic Church, look it up in the Catechism of the Catholic Church and find out. If you don't know where to check out a claim he makes, call Catholic Answers.

Note admissions of lack of evidence. Sometimes when Chick doesn't have evidence for what he wants to claim he will try to conceal the fact by saying "this was all covered up" or that someone "secretly" was a Catholic. When this happens, take note of it and recognize it for what it is: an admission that he can't back up the claim with evidence.[/i]

Edited by GloriaIesusChristi
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