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Has Thunderduckgrl1 Asked You For Homework Help?


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[quote name='ReinnieR' post='1237113' date='Apr 9 2007, 11:15 PM']i can IM you if you want[/quote]

sure! :lol_roll:

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I find it terrifying that someone would ask for help with their math homework too! It is so out of the ordinary and quite alien!

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Well, it's not just that...when I get asked, and I'm not a MATH WIZ, and I can't help, I direct to someone else, but she just wouldn't leave me alone...therefore I have to block.

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[quote name='notardillacid' post='1236716' date='Apr 9 2007, 05:51 PM']She has asked me for help at least 1,000 times.

As a side note, she does have an account here, the person used to have thunderduckgrl1 as her aim screen name, but has now removed it. :mellow:[/quote]

That's funny because she told me and others that she didnt... hmm... :idontknow:

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[quote name='Proud2BCatholic139' post='1236418' date='Apr 9 2007, 04:37 PM']What's your favorite memory of this "person"

Mine was, "Hey do you know Pathos, Logos, and Ethos? I need to apply it to the Martin Luther King Speech." I'm like, "Yeah, I just studied this subject. And this person didn't know where to look for it, I gave this person the definitions and they said, "I don't know how to find it! Can you do it for me?" I said, "No, but I can help."

Imagine this, this person never sleeps huh? They are constantly doing homework? :fish: to me.[/quote]

Thats the same one she got me with, and the other thread about math I started a while back was for her.

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[quote name='StThomasMore' post='1237125' date='Apr 10 2007, 12:22 AM']Scary people like this mentally ill person are the reason I do not have my sn in my profile here...[/quote]

just respond back in Latin. that'll teach her!

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So she is IMing everyone on AIM?

That is weird?

I remember this same girl from before. She never bothered me, but I don't have any of my info posted.

Or she thinks I am stupid.

Wither way, I am quite satisfied with her choice.

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It must take a lot of effort to be IMing ALL of these people and asking for homework help. TO me, it sounds more difficult than actually focusing on the subject at hand and doing the work yourself.

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[quote name='photosynthesis' post='1237986' date='Apr 10 2007, 04:46 PM']It must take a lot of effort to be IMing ALL of these people and asking for homework help. TO me, it sounds more difficult than actually focusing on the subject at hand and doing the work yourself.[/quote]

which leads me to believe that it could actually not just be one person, but some sort of scam - yes I know I sound as if I have a conspiracy theory complex lol

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I just told her to register and ask questions on the math thread, I wasn't helping her anymore. And I gave her the links to her threads.

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